Movie, TV, Web Series, and Music Hot Take(s).


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I did not even know that. That does become hypocritical of Crunchyroll when you stop and think.
CR did the Team Four Star thing before TFS existed: they were a bunch of pirates and fan subbers that went legit and payed some licensing fees.
'Course, once you go legit, you have to stay legit, which means geographic licensing agreements and no more stealing shit. Still got the best translation teams in the business though, and it can be their legal day job now. Hopefully, Sony buying them out and rolling them in with Funimation will be the good kind of merger.

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
Nowhere, Middle of
United States
So, the radio And not just the usual 'current top 10' types either, all of them. I learned real quick, being a fan of classic rock especially, just how little variety they put on, both in acts and songs from them. It usually just ends up as the singles being the only things you hear, meanwhile all their other music just falls by the wayside as they get lost in the cracks of cheap $5 'greatest hits' compilations of the same 10 songs over and over. Case in point, here's a great CCR song from their first album;

And now, for the nuclear hot take: Pacific Rim (the first one) is just...not at all great, maybe even bad (if I'm in a bad mood). And what's funny, is that it's kind of bad in the same way that everyone bags on the 14' Godzilla movie (says is about x, is actually barely about x). It sells itself as a huge, awesome 'giant monster versus giant robots' romp, but only has two fights in it between them. The rest? Schlock almost straight out of some made for TV, live action Disney movie: cool, popular kid has something bad to him, forced to go to a different school where the local cool kids don't like him but makes friends with someone there. Everyone bonds, learns about friendship, you know the rest. We have the strange decision also to have our narrative take place when it does instead of, you know, when the whole 'giant' war was in full swing. The huge, action packed climax to our film is just two giant robots falling over and exploding. Plus, I just will never, truly get over this movie teasing an epic, 5-way robot/monster fight, only to kill off/incapacitate all of the robots immediately so just Gypsy could be the lone hero (I'm still bitter, if it wasn't plainly obvious).


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The huge, action packed climax to our film is just two giant robots falling over and exploding. Plus, I just will never, truly get over this movie teasing an epic, 5-way robot/monster fight, only to kill off/incapacitate all of the robots immediately so just Gypsy could be the lone hero (I'm still bitter, if it wasn't plainly obvious).
I still like Pacific Rim, but you do have a big point there. Even I felt disappointed about that scene. If you're going to kill off characters fine, but at least have them throw a couple punches in or give them more than one action sequence. It was one of the few things to sequel had fixed. Though that has a whole bunch of other major problems.

The fact that it ends on a sequel hook that is never followed up on is a big sticking point. I know there's the animated series on Netflix, but it might as well be its own series considering how far it goes into the future. Last I heard the reception was between average and okay, but I pretty much lost interest in Pacific Rim after the second movie.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Something about Mark Wahlberg's face irritates the shit out of me. I never gave it much thought till recently I noticed every time a movie poster has a clear shot of him on it, my initial emotional reaction is always "eurgh, fuck off mate" even if it's a vaguely interesting sci-fi premise. Nothing personal, Mark...just your face, your spoilt-rotten pouty kid face is just, you know, not good. Same goes for Ricky Gervais while I'm here being an asshole about this.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Something about Mark Wahlberg's face irritates the shit out of me. I never gave it much thought till recently I noticed every time a movie poster has a clear shot of him on it, my initial emotional reaction is always "eurgh, fuck off mate" even if it's a vaguely interesting sci-fi premise. Nothing personal, Mark...just your face, your spoilt-rotten pouty kid face is just, you know, not good. Same goes for Ricky Gervais while I'm here being an asshole about this.
I never hated Mark Wahlberg, but I never liked him that much either. I noticed growing up in my teens that aside from one or two movies, anytime he was a lead in a movie, I would deliberately not go to see it.

I know this is not exactly relevant, but before coming a movie star, he used to be a racist asshole. There was a story that happened when he was a teenager where his group of friends, chased down a black teen and threw rocks at her. He and his friends did get in trouble in charge for it.

I know Walbherg's early days about his "rap career". His rap career didn't do much, but it did give him a jump start. He's once again another white celebrity that used another culture only for shallow means and as soon as he didn't need it any more, abandoned and acts like he "doesn't do that stuff". You sure as hell didn't mind back then when you needed money or wanted to make yourself more famous. Even early doing his career as Marky Mark, he had a whole entourage of black guys (both in promotions and most of his music videos) just to look cool and "with it". While people do change, he can still fuck right off with that.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
John Carpenter gives his own hot take on Rob Zombie and his take on Halloween -

His interpretation of what Michael *is* seems to line up surprisingly well with how Kills ends too, but I still hope the last chapter ultimately draws a more definitive conclusion to the character one way or another.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
John Carpenter gives his own hot take on Rob Zombie and his take on Halloween -

His interpretation of what Michael *is* seems to line up surprisingly well with how Kills ends too, but I still hope the last chapter ultimately draws a more definitive conclusion to the character one way or another.
I remember that video. I still have no interests in Kills, but I agree with Carpenter 100%. The problem with the Rob Zombie Halloween films, especially the 2nd movie, is that Zombie made Myers too much like Jason, added in too much backstory to the character that does not go anywhere nor offer nothing new, and nearly everyone is an obnoxious asshole. I like the first remake film okay enough, but H-II by Rob Zombie is a fucking mess. I'll give credit for it being the most different and unique, aside from Halloween III. Mainly in how bizarre it is and capturing the Halloween spirit (the actual holiday, not the film franchise) with the abstract and weird imagery. I will give Mr. Zombie credit for going out on his own terms and vision without studio interference to milk the franchise even further. H-II RZ I would take over Halloween 4-Resurrection, so there is that.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I remember that video. I still have no interests in Kills, but I agree with Carpenter 100%. The problem with the Rob Zombie Halloween films, especially the 2nd movie, is that Zombie made Myers too much like Jason, added in too much backstory to the character that does not go anywhere nor offer nothing new, and nearly everyone is an obnoxious asshole. I like the first remake film okay enough, but H-II by Rob Zombie is a fucking mess. I'll give credit for it being the most different and unique, aside from Halloween III. Mainly in how bizarre it is and capturing the Halloween spirit (the actual holiday, not the film franchise) with the abstract and weird imagery. I will give Mr. Zombie credit for going out on his own terms and vision without studio interference to milk the franchise even further. H-II RZ I would take over Halloween 4-Resurrection, so there is that.
I thought pretty much the same of the RZ (aka Mr. Zombie lmao) movies.

Idk if you’ve seen 2018 but I personally thought Kills was a funner watch. Lot of cool callbacks, more humor, but the middle was the only real drag. It just feels oddly forced and inconsistent to have a weighty message in a movie surrounded by killing and comical banter. The last movie will fare better returning to 2018’s tone and pacing, but I also hope they throw more of a psychological aspect into it.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I thought pretty much the same of the RZ (aka Mr. Zombie lmao) movies.

Idk if you’ve seen 2018 but I personally thought Kills was a funner watch. Lot of cool callbacks, more humor, but the middle was the only real drag. It just feels oddly forced and inconsistent to have a weighty message in a movie surrounded by killing and comical banter. The last movie will fare better returning to 2018’s tone and pacing, but I also hope they throw more of a psychological aspect into it.
I did see Halloween 2018 and I thought it was good. I'm not seeing the sequel to it, just due to the lack of interest. That and a lot of horror does nothing for me now. Slashers especially. I do like the Fear Street movies though. Parts 1 through 3 are an excellent trilogy. I can't wait to see what they do next or what a stories they adapt next time.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
This is apparently a very spicy take on Dune:

Given that it lines up with literally everything I've heard about Dune: the Book, I don't see how, but the thread's funny at least


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
A few that have been on my mind:

1. Legend of Korra's action scenes, for the most part, are really underwhelming. People make fun of how in the live action movie, earthbenders spend a whole ass minute doing kung fu while standing in place to throw a single rock. I'd say some scenes in LoK aren't too far from that. I get it's meant to reflect the changing of the times, but man is the changing of the times visually boring. Might as well have given them guns that shoot the elements instead.

2. I've never enjoyed media that does the Game of Thrones thing of killing off anyone at any moment's notice. Really feels like it only has value the first time you see it, and no value from a writing standpoint. I also don't agree that knowing a character won't die will detract from the experience. I heard this criticism a lot with Black Widow, I think that was the least of that movie's problems. Nobody dying in One Piece has become a meme, and yet I'm really invested in the Straw Hats.

3. The United States of Smash punch from Boku no Hero was pretty underwhelming in the anime. Topnotch music and voice acting, but I felt the impact was lacking. All Might punching Nomu into space and Todoroki vs Deku still have yet to be topped in my opinion.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I don't fucking care about someone's lightsaber color. I didn't realize this was a big deal but apparently amongst the SW uberfans this is SERIOUS BUSINESS and I was reminded of it because of that one episode of Visions where everyone had a RED lightsaber which apparently is an instant tip off that they're all evil(as opposed to red being the fashion this season or something).

It's a fucking laser sword for a space wizard.It comes in an assortment of pretty colors. Stop reading so much into it.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I don't fucking care about someone's lightsaber color. I didn't realize this was a big deal but apparently amongst the SW uberfans this is SERIOUS BUSINESS and I was reminded of it because of that one episode of Visions where everyone had a RED lightsaber which apparently is an instant tip off that they're all evil(as opposed to red being the fashion this season or something).

It's a fucking laser sword for a space wizard.It comes in an assortment of pretty colors. Stop reading so much into it.
I'm surprised you didn't know about that. I'm a casual SW fan and even I knew about this for years. It is stupid either way.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I'm surprised you didn't know about that. I'm a casual SW fan and even I knew about this for years. It is stupid either way.
I kinda knew about it from hearing some people whine about it("X character had the WRONG LIGHTSABER COLOR!"), but it slid down the old memory hole until VIsions came out. The Red lightsabers came out in the one episode and then I kinda remembered something about Red being the Sith color or something. Apparently they're like mood rings or something where they detect your alignment. If you're a true neutral is it pure white? What if you're chaotic good? Does it turn Topaz?

The only time I've heard of anyone outside the uber fans care about lightsaber color was when SLJ requested Mace Windu use a purple lightsaber, so he could spot himself in crowd shots.
Maybe that's what I remembering. I didn't think anything of it. Jedi Masters probably get to do what they want. Maybe that's why Anakin was so mad about not getting a spot on the council, because he wanted a purple saber too.

I mean, Maul had a double saber and Kylo Ren(?) had a saber with a cross guard made of sabers and....sure, why not? Apparently Blinging out the laser swords is a thing.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I kinda knew about it from hearing some people whine about it("X character had the WRONG LIGHTSABER COLOR!"), but it slid down the old memory hole until VIsions came out. The Red lightsabers came out in the one episode and then I kinda remembered something about Red being the Sith color or something. Apparently they're like mood rings or something where they detect your alignment.
I wonder how they would measure Travis Touchdown's or Henry Cool Down's morality, since both are all over the place. Travis's morality will at least be considered dark gray for the first two games. Henry's will just be considered lite gray, until TSA in the 3rd NMH game where Henry goes off the deep end and goes full evil. Funny enough, Henry's beam katanas are purple. When he goes into barrage mode, they turn green.
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