They are trying to cancel Dave Chappell

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Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
I've been thinking about this for some time. That's why I haven't posted in this thread.

I think it's time that we come to grips with something. While not on the right, the majority of people come from a family or culture that have conservative views.

Now, and I've done this too, we need to remove the idea of "Conservative" from "Republican". It's hard to do because Republicans keep using 'Conservatives' as a code word of why they don't want progress for other people in this nation.

"Sure, I believe those gays are in love, and nothing is wrong with that, but the idea of marriage has always been a union of a man and woman. As a conservative, I want to honor that tradition". Usually stuff like that to mask their intentions, even sometimes from themselves who really might not get how their biased views harm anyone else, but they are just going with what they know. So, we that are affected by that (Minorities, women, LGBTQ, Foreigners, etc) come to think of Conservatism as a Republican effort against us.

But let's be frank. As disgusted as I personally am with prejudice, it's within every culture. It's just easier to hate on White Republicans because they have the ability to create laws to enact pain on others. The others can sit pleased with themselves that while they might think it, they never actually did something to make life worse for 'them'.

And we have to understand how powerful of a tool non-white, conservative-minded people have in that.

It's the reason why Ali Alexander, Diamond and Silk, Stacey Dash, and Tim Scott are anything. Yes, Tim Scott is an elected official, but like the others, I only seem to hear from him when it's a matter of race relations, or they are somehow a 'fresh new face' in Republican views for saying the exact same thing others have said before.

Gee, I wonder is so fresh about their faces.

Again, be aware of how powerful the non-white, conservative-minded rhetoric is. Dave Chappelle would have been truly cancelled into space if he wasn't black. This is a straight fact. But because he is a minority, people are hesitating. People are willing to give it a pass because with him? It's the culture. And it's comedy, he's trying to express his feelings like all comedians do.

Like comedians don't wield as much power as a politicians do. It wasn't any politicians that made America accept blacks. It was comedians like Skip Wilson and Bill Cosby. Hell, Bill Cosby made the Black Family seem down right American. You don't think of Charles Rangel when you think about influential black figures of the 90's. You think of Urkel. That is the power of Media. It has the power to open doors and make people think on things.

That's why "It's just comedy" doesn't hold water. Comedy and humor is a gateway to normalcy. That literally is what laughter is. You're presented with a situation, and l That's why I sit here feeling more betrayed by Bill Cosby than my own family turning on me for the fallout of my mother's final years. Because my family turning on me just affects me. Bill Cosby made it possible for us to feel like we were welcomed into America. He was a symbol. And that was forever tainted by his actions.

Now, the big question. Do I think Dave Chappelle should be cancelled? Can't say. Didn't see the joke. Don't plan to. Haven't like his comedy in years. Do I think anyone should be cancelled? Absolutely. Cancelled is just a code word for Boycott. He shouldn't be arrested for expressing his views. But his views don't get to go unchallenged, due to him being a comedian or due to him being black and that being 'the culture'.

I'll leave it at this. A lot of comedians are rallying around now, saying there should be nothing censoring a comedian for whatever reason. Yet and still, they will dismissing and degrade and lambast joke stealers like Carlos Menica (Ned Arnel Mencía). And to a lesser extent Amy Schumer. The protection doesn't exist then because it became personal, you're interrupting their livelihood and their hard work. Their ability to express themselves freely and as uniquely as they believe they deserve, without having to worry about ramifications and having to prove their authenticity.

See? I knew we could find some common ground with Transgenders if we just gave it some thought.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
(Looks at school boards across the country.) No

Unless you think that cancel culture can only targets someone's job. Then I'd say you're priorities are warped
The left is heavily censoring lots of information, do you not know what colleges are like today? Just look at covid alone, you'd get banned from many platforms and forums for just saying what Dr Michael Kurilla said the other day on the FDA advisory committee who abstained from voting.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
The left is heavily censoring lots of information, do you not know what colleges are like today? Just look at covid alone, you'd get banned from many platforms and forums for just saying what Dr Michael Kurilla said the other day on the FDA advisory committee who abstained from voting.
A crank says what?


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
The left is heavily censoring lots of information, do you not know what colleges are like today?
It's very clear that you don't know what they're like. They're no different than they were a decade ago or the decade before that.

Source: Currently earning a masters degree and my younger sibling is earning their bachelors. I was earning my bachelors about a decade ago, so I have that as a personal comparison point. My older sibling was earning their bachelors about a decade before that.

Just look at covid alone, you'd get banned from many platforms and forums for just saying what Dr Michael Kurilla said the other day on the FDA advisory committee who abstained from voting.
Remind us, what did the other 17 members of the committee say when they unanimously voted in approval?

Let me guess, you also choose to ignore the 9/10 dentists that recommend using toothpaste when brushing your teeth in favor of the 1/10 that don't?
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Wow, some of these are old. And not nearly the amount that happened just last month
So you know how I said wouldn't it be enough? yeh turns out you did just what I suggested lol. But I gave you the benefit of the doubt and didn't challenge you to prove your claims initially so your turn to prove your claims.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
lambast joke stealers like Carlos Menica (Ned Arnel Mencía). And to a lesser extent Amy Schumer.
I don't the the freedom of art works when you are just stealing the art from other people. This is a bad argument. Stealing jokes from a comedian is the same thing as stealing the Mona Lisa and claiming you painted it. That's why Mencia got such shit, because he was caught by loads of other comedians not only stealing jokes he blantantly stole jokes from "lesser" comedians to then use on his own multi-million dollar specials and shows.

There is a difference between trying to silence someone because you don't like what they are saying, versus silencing them for regurgitating someone else's intellectual idea.

If you went to a play that was promised to be a new show by Rogers and Hammerstein that was about a boy who gets bit by a spider and then finds himself having spider-like abilities. You would probably lamblast that play as a rip-off of Spider-man. That's why knock-offs and rip-off products are so frowned upon.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
The plot to kill Steven Crowder
Steven Crowder keeps getting banned off youtube for simply reporting news that people don't like. We he reported on the trans-boy that raped a classmate in their middle school, he was banned because he wasn't allowed to state the fact that the rapist was trans. And he's been banned for a bullshit before because he reports on things that counter the major left-narratives. Twitter does the same thing.

It's so lop-sided now that it's become obvious. Which just means that the pendulum will begin to swing back the other way soon enough. It's happened before it'll happen again.

Hey has anyone kept up-to-date on Bug and demon pronouns?
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Okay, so they cancelled him for telling jokes people don't like. Cool. At least we're being consistent.

Though because Crowder is white, he gets cancelled automatically while there is at least a drawn out process for Chapelle that is going to likely fail otherwise.

Also telling jokes isn't really a tirade. While i agree this is a bit racist, I don't really think it's "hate" of any kind. You can be racist without being hateful. Such as if you were to talk about how unfair certain dick sizes are, racist sure but certainly not hateful.

EDIT: i will also point out that this isn't the only time his has been kicked off Youtube. It's only the most recent example.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Okay, so they cancelled him for telling jokes people don't like. Cool. At least we're being consistent.

Though because Crowder is white, he gets cancelled automatically while there is at least a drawn out process for Chapelle that is going to likely fail otherwise.

Also telling jokes isn't really a tirade. While i agree this is a bit racist, I don't really think it's "hate" of any kind. You can be racist without being hateful. Such as if you were to talk about how unfair certain dick sizes are, racist sure but certainly not hateful.
Then why ***** about it when people call you racist? All they're doing is being truthful...

But sure, the tough guy cosplayer is just being banned for telling it like it is and not for making up reams of bullshit


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Then why ***** about it when people call you racist? All they're doing is being truthful...

But sure, the tough guy cosplayer is just being banned for telling it like it is and not for making up reams of bullshit
To be fair i don't his problem is with people calling him racist. I think his primary problem is that he gets banned for arbiturary violations that are blatantly untrue. Like being accused of inciting violence on college campus on one of those "change my mind" things he does.

A lot of people who call people like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Crowder, racist are the same people who think saying "fuck white people" isn't racist. Or that saying "kill all cis men" isn't sexist.

We get it, ya'll are angry.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
To be fair i don't his problem is with people calling him racist. I think his primary problem is that he gets banned for arbiturary violations that are blatantly untrue. Like being accused of inciting violence on college campus on one of those "change my mind" things he does.
Yes, those "Change My Mind" things he does, where he blatantly lies to college students in a "debate" while running from anybody who can look stuff up.

Which is better than when he goes to lie to people in the streets and starts calling the cops on artists. Kinda blatant when you don't believe the black artist but you do believe the first random white person who talks to you
A lot of people who call people like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Crowder, racist are the same people who think saying "fuck white people" isn't racist. Or that saying "kill all cis men" isn't sexist.

We get it, ya'll are angry.
Typically at all the racism, yeah. And the lying. The hypocrisy. The cowardice. The exploitation of dead people.

At least when Hitchens tried to argue that waterboarding wasn't torture, he sacked up and went to get waterboarded. Actually changed his mind too, unlike Crowder and his hugbox of sycophants
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
As someone who does occasionally watch some quantity of Steven Crowder (if a current event feels like Crowder might have an interesting take, most often in election season) the persecution complex there is real and genuinely silly. I can understand people supporting the guy with money, but I can't begin to imagine the person who actually falls for "Youtube doesn't pay us, we need your contribution to keep going" with a desk full of sponsored props in front of him.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
As someone who does occasionally watch some quantity of Steven Crowder (if a current event feels like Crowder might have an interesting take, most often in election season) the persecution complex there is real and genuinely silly. I can understand people supporting the guy with money, but I can't begin to imagine the person who actually falls for "Youtube doesn't pay us, we need your contribution to keep going" with a desk full of sponsored props in front of him.
People believe a lot from their favorite youtubers tbh. I need only point at DarksydePhil and his bucket of drama that his mentally ill fans continue to rain money down upon him for absolutely no reason.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017

Also saw this. I like the comment, "People want safe workspace in the Netflix offices. I find it funny that I'm the only one not allowed in the building anymore."


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
That's him. Huge islamophobe and Iraq war supporter.
Oh I'm not surprised at all that he changed his stance on waterboarding. He has the physicallity of a paper doll. There isn't a tough bone in that dudes body. You could probably squirt him with a water gun and he would have changed his mind.
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