So why are some teachers seeing it as reason to teach push the idea of extra credit for attending AntiFa organised events or on about how they talk to their class of 3 and 4 year olds about how all white people are white supremacists?
1. They're not using CRT as a reason.
2. Attending various organized marches/events can be extremely beneficial learning experiences (provided the proper background knowledge is given first). As a high schooler, I attended a ceremony at a Hindu temple and a sabbath service at a Jewish temple for my World Religions class. My nun teacher at my Catholic high school was certainly not attempting to convert us to Hinduism or Judaism. The events were, however, invaluable in providing insights into how and why people of various faiths practice their traditions beyond my personal religious upbringing. This is, of course, assuming you aren't simply making shit up...
3. I'm going to guess that you read somewhere about children being taught the concept of implicit biases and, in either ignorance or malice, have twisted it to that. Knowing one's implicit biases is an important part of being an adult. It allows you to compensate for them and allow open and honest interaction with others. You might try it.