The idea that someone thinks Trump is a Capitalist gives me more chills than someone pretending Biden is a Communist
That's what you think Capitalism is? No wonder younger generations don't want anything to do with it
The funny thing is Trump is more in line with what the younger generation see as how to get on.
Grift and grab where you can.
Like I've heard it said Trump Steaks aren't that good quality just sort of regular person high end but priced to be very high end outside of regular person normal dining prices but it's been sold as the premium thing to have.
Same with plenty of other stuff it's not premium stuff it's the Trump name slapped on slightly higher than normal quality stuff and charging and absolute premium price for it. It's the portrayal of premium without truly being it. Trump brand products are like The Solider Boy Game console of products really just actually better quality to start with. The difference is Trump sells his stuff just below the price of the premium stuff on the market mostly so his stuff is the low end of premium so people will pick it up because it's cheap.
Trump is just the US version of the UK's Alan Sugar whose company seriously sells some absolute rubbish, like 5-10 years ago as MP3 was taking off Amstrad were selling an £80 (About $110) automatic CD changer & CD player combo thing.
For the most part Trump isn't a "I'll just buy out the competition or undercut the little guy to force them to close down" kind of business operator.