Our Covid Response


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Also, not everyone medical worker shifted to covid. It's not like say the cancer, surgery, radiology departments became covid departments and housed and treated covid patients. A lot of medical workers from those departments just didn't work. My cousin, who just graduated at the start of the pandemic for nursing, is a nurse for the cancer department and he had to wait to actually get hired on because all the cancer stuff shutdown. I work as IT in several hospitals and yes, they did expand certain departments for covid, but saying hospitals got overloaded and say cancer doctors can't treat cancer patients because they're on covid wasn't anything that at all happened. People were getting less screenings and whatnot because of just general fear of covid and stay-at-home orders and the shutdown of "non-essential" services.
Wait, wait, wait... you think the cancer department shut down because of the lockdown? And not Covid? What is this nonsense?

I get it. You dont think that Covid does actually do anything to the average population. But surely you think those with immune systems that are severely suppressed can get impacted by Covid.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Someone in my family got it, thankfully it was a younger cousin, and she got only 2 shots of the vaccine vs 3 shots which is why she got it. But yeah I am too scared to even go outside, and get a bag of potato chips.

Omarion spreads really fast.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
Wait, wait, wait... you think the cancer department shut down because of the lockdown? And not Covid? What is this nonsense?

I get it. You dont think that Covid does actually do anything to the average population. But surely you think those with immune systems that are severely suppressed can get impacted by Covid.
Yeah, but the immuno-compromised and the elderly are an acceptable sacrifice to the economy. If they didn't want to die, they should have been healthy and young.

Also as an aside, as a young healthy person currently in bed with Covid, this fucking sucks!


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
What reason is there to stop someone from moving out of your country?
If country A has high transmission, and country B has low transmission, then country B clearly has an interest in preventing somebody from country A entering.

I didn't say lockdowns don't have benefits, keeping people away from people lowers transmission of a virus. What PROOF do you have that lockdown benefits are greater than lockdown harms? Where's just a single cost-benefit analysis saying that?
Over the course of the last few months, you've already been provided with enough sources to fill a filing cabinet, and have shown yourself willing to ignore/cherry-pick/selectively interpret them all away. I don't have the slightest faith that if I provided you with yet another source, you'd do anything different.

Oh my fucking god, you're concerned about people getting colds? Does vaccine or natural immunity prevent severe disease, hospitalizations, and death? YES.
I'm concerned about people getting Covid-19, a virus which has proven itself to have an enormous capacity to mutate and adapt.

If you just let variants which have a "milder" impact on an individual level spread (though even that is quite a premature conclusion, because we don't have nearly enough data on its impact among various different demographics) then you create a petri-dish for future mutations. More variants, less vaccine efficacy, potentially more deadly forms.

(This is putting aside the fact that you were categorically wrong in stating that future variants wouldn't develop vaccine resistance-- you've just shifted the goalposts to now saying it doesn't matter if it seems like it might be milder than the last one).


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Someone in my family got it, thankfully it was a younger cousin, and she got only 2 shots of the vaccine vs 3 shots which is why she got it. But yeah I am too scared to even go outside, and get a bag of potato chips.

Omarion spreads really fast.
3 shots is still not close to 100% effectiveness against omicron


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Ok, would of posted this earlier but the shitty 2 step verification this forum has has basically locked me out of the forums for over a week. I will turn it off tomorrow. But I just wanted to share my vaccine experience like everyone.

1st, Astrazenica: Felt shit for a day afterwards.
2nd, Astrazenica: Achy arm for the whole of the next day.
Booster: pfizer: Felt shite for 2 days afterwards.

Also, for anyone on the fence about getting the vaccine, my friend with asthma and is double jabbed got covid last week and suffered fairly mild symptoms and when I spoke to him today was one negative test away from leaving the house tomorrow. Compared to my exercise loving, fit and healthy workmate who refused to have the vaccine, she ended up in hospital and has only just returned to work. The vaccine works people.
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Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
While I don't doubt that China is doing a better job than the US and UK, I also don't trust their reported stats for a millisecond. This is a party with a long, ignoble history of denial and data fabrication, particularly with death tolls (incl. for natural disasters).
Guess that means the numbers must be false.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Guess that means the numbers must be false.
Not necessarily! Just very, very, very, very likely.

If something looks too good to be true, and those claiming it murder or imprison anyone who tries to independently verify it, then its probably not worth trusting.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Guess that means the numbers must be false.
There are plenty of people who have tried to look at other potential measures of casualties, and suggest the real figures are significantly higher. One that got published in academic literature suggested about three times higher. One guy tried to look through number of funerals in Wuhan last year, and concluded it may have been ten times higher. Even still, vastly better than the West. But Chinese state statistics are about as unreliable as it gets, because their political system is pretty much guaranteed to promote over-optimistic government reporting.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
About 3 weeks ago, sorry if it's a repost:
My wife worked in a local hospital. She said last year many of the staff said that one of the hardest things to accept was that after dealing with all the suffering and death, walking out of the hospital and being harangued by people claiming covid was a hoax.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017

"Some of you may die but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make" -Dr Fauci probably
I was just gonna post this!!!! HAHAHAHA!

Of course now people will say, "well we learn new things all the time and now maybe they've learned that asympomatic people don't spread the virus." Which is one step below admitting that "asympomatic" is just another word for "false-positive".

I like how he says "essential jobs" too. ************, EVERY job is essential to someone trying to put food on their table.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Of course now people will say, "well we learn new things all the time and now maybe they've learned that asympomatic people don't spread the virus." Which is one step below admitting that "asympomatic" is just another word for "false-positive".
This is categorically untrue, and Fauci didn't say anything like that. The asymptomatic are less infectious to those around them (and this isn't new information; we've known this almost all along). They are not fully non-infectious.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
This is categorically untrue, and Fauci didn't say anything like that. The asymptomatic are less infectious to those around them (and this isn't new information; we've known this almost all along). They are not fully non-infectious.
I know that he didn't say that. But what is he saying by telling asymptomatic people to go back to work? Especially essential people....like I dunno health care workers who can pass their shit to the worst people possible? Or is there enough pressure from coorporations that now they need to tell people to go back to work so money can get back to a normal flow?


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I know that he didn't say that. But what is he saying by telling asymptomatic people to go back to work? Especially essential people....like I dunno health care workers who can pass their shit to the worst people possible? Or is there enough pressure from coorporations that now they need to tell people to go back to work so money can get back to a normal flow?
He's made a value judgement, balancing the impact of asymptomatic transmission against the impact to public services if the asymptomatic stay home. But it ultimately doesn't reveal much about the science, and certainly doesn't mean the asymptomatic don't transmit the disease.

I would suspect he'd be a lot more cautious about the specific workers in hospitals and care homes. He's probably talking about firemen, police officers, other essential roles without frequent interaction with the vulnerable etc.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
This is categorically untrue, and Fauci didn't say anything like that. The asymptomatic are less infectious to those around them (and this isn't new information; we've known this almost all along). They are not fully non-infectious.
This has some real "Only 99.98% of cases cause death!!!!" energy to it...

EDIT: Unless I'm misunderstanding you since you were responding to someone else but having Dr Fauci decide that 5 days is now enough time because The Economy needs it is horse shit. So there is one of two possibilities here from him...

A. People with Covid but are asymptomatic don't transmit the disease after 5 days of their positive
B. The Economy is more important to The CDC than keeping people from getting Covid

To be blunt, there's no inbetween here for them. Either they care more about making sure The Corporate Overlords get to keep greasing the wheel with the blood of workers or the science has changed and they determined if you're asymptomatic, five days is the time it takes for you to not be able to transmit Covid. But I would imagine if it's that the science changed, THAT'S what he'd be saying, not "Some of you may die but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make".
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