Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Yes because maybe next time you'll realise the context of the request
If you request a source for something, you'll get a source for that thing.

Not random additional context which wasn't in the claim, and which you've later decided to shift the goalposts around.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Oh but the backfire gets worse

You see AOC was in Florida at the time for a break wen she tweeted that
You see that tweet that's nested in the bottom of AOC's post?

Her tweet that you say "how it started" was a reaction to Team DeSantis' twitter account welcoming her to Florida because she was seen being on vacation in Florida.

Her being in Florida isn't a twist, it's the starting point of the conversation.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
You see that tweet that's nested in the bottom of AOC's post?

Her tweet that you say "how it started" was a reaction to Team DeSantis' twitter account welcoming her to Florida because she was seen being on vacation in Florida.

Her being in Florida isn't a twist, it's the starting point of the conversation.
Which makes it worse because they were trying to be nice and welcome her and she was what getting pissy that the governor hadn't come to greet her personally?


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Time for some Woke World stuff.

Biden on disease:

Good to know the president totally gets this whole disease spreading stuff as he coughs into his hand then proceeds to shake the hands of others in the audience.

Don't worry though Biden has a plan to fight covid-19

Remember Trump has no plan

So what is the plan?

Have states solve surges themselves and there is no federal plan for a solution

The same plan Trump had
Just because Fox et al pretends that Biden is woke/liberal/marxist etc does not make it so.

That being said, pretty much agree his position on Covid has been pretty terrible. While Trump pulled down institution, Biden has down nothing to build them, or help the public have confidence in them. I can tell you which one is worse, but I cant tell you which one is better


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Just because Fox et al pretends that Biden is woke/liberal/marxist etc does not make it so.

That being said, pretty much agree his position on Covid has been pretty terrible. While Trump pulled down institution, Biden has down nothing to build them, or help the public have confidence in them. I can tell you which one is worse, but I cant tell you which one is better
It's woke world because Biden was pushed hard be the woke as "Not Trump" and "The person who will save us and is far better than Orange Hitler" and he's doing the exact same with no-where near the pushback of when Trump did the stuff.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
More from Woke World.

Egyptologist decided to go on a scree in book she wrote about how Kyle Rittenhouse shot two black men and represents the White supremacist patriarchy

Oh and she also screwed up in regards to history about Rosa Parks

She's now being called out but also playing the victim that in her book about history she couldn't get basic facts about the Rittenhouse trial right



Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Another one fro woke world from The Gamer outlet

Turning talk of Pokemon to just throwing insults at cops and elderly gentlemen.

Archive because I ain't rewarding this shit with direct links or clicks

Don't Fall For Its Cuteness, Growlithe Is A Cop
Growlithe is a pig who will rat you out
..... Just remember no matter how much you love it, Growlithe is, and always has been, a stone cold cop.

I know it looks cute. I know you just want to stroke its fur and pat its head and boop its little snoot. It’s still a cop.....
Just remember when you head out into the wide but not-quite-open world with your trusty Tsareena by your side to catch your Hisuian Growlithe, the dog you catch will always be a pig. Growlithe is a cop, and don't you forget it.
Police Officers always, always, always have Growlithe. Police Officers have been in eight different sets of games now, and in six of them the cops have ran Growlithe teams. In Diamond & Pearl and its remake Platinum, cops use Hoothoot and Machop. Machop I get, since cops are often very small men who want to hit things in order to make themselves feel big, but Hoothoot? Well, I suppose owls do prey on unsuspecting victims under cover of darkness and rule through fear. If that mouse had simply complied... yeah, you know what, I get it now. Carry on, officer.
Of course, no Pokemon is born evil, just as police dogs in the real world could be very good boys if they hadn't been trained to be coppers, but this is a pattern of behaviour for Growlithe. When it's not with Officer Bert, it's been known to hang around with Gentlemen. That's not as debonair as it sounds though - most Gentlemen are stuffy old men who relish the authority of the good old days and want kids to get off their lawns. They also notice with some disdain that the children on their lawns aren't even white anymore. I mean, probably.
Hawaiian shirt wearing Gentlemen of Sun & Moon and the cheeky fashionistas of Sword & Shield don't run Growlithe teams. These old guys are cool, and they don't fuck with cops. So they don't fuck with Growlithe. Because Growlithe is a cop.
....Co-opting Growlithe, one of the most popular Pokemon, into McGruff the Crime Dog, is just one of many, many forms of copaganda in our media. Don’t fall for it. Be gay, do crime.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Oh, whatever will the poor armed thugs of the state do? 😭
As opposed to the armed things from the local neighbourhood playing as guards because we all saw how well that idea worked out in Chaz when they shot two unarmed teens at least 1 of which died from their injuries


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
As opposed to the armed things from the local neighbourhood playing as guards because we all saw how well that idea worked out in Chaz when they shot two unarmed teens at least 1 of which died from their injuries
Comparing trained killers to some people who took over a city block and had cops feeding them false info about proud boys brandishing firearms, good show


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Comparing trained killers to some people who took over a city block and had cops feeding them false info about proud boys brandishing firearms, good show
No cops were feeding them info, that was idiots on social media hyping up the fear because it made a good narrative. Again this is what ACAB would look like, people with no training playing cop and they'd already shot and killed 1 person prior the the incident with the teens.


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
No cops were feeding them info, that was idiots on social media hyping up the fear because it made a good narrative. Again this is what ACAB would look like, people with no training playing cop and they'd already shot and killed 1 person prior the the incident with the teens.
Then again you got people who ARE cops considering a man in his own apartment eating ice cream to be enough of a threat to shoot. How much further down can the bar go?
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Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
No cops were feeding them info, that was idiots on social media hyping up the fear because it made a good narrative. Again this is what ACAB would look like, people with no training playing cop and they'd already shot and killed 1 person prior the the incident with the teens.

Have you ever been right about a single thing?
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020

Have you ever been right about a single thing?
Far more than you think. Also really we're going to argue that the police were to blame for people in Chop listening in to police frequencies?

Hell there had been proudboys about earlier on the outskirts so police could have feasibly been talking about such potential incidents happening again.