Okay I feel like Im going crazy here. Ukraine has a standing army of 6,000, and they've called up citizen militias armed with Soviet era weapons. Their airforce is chronically underfunded and supplied with MiG29s, a 1970s era obsolete fighter. And yet they're holding off a full Russian invasion. Sounds far fetched, yes?
Jan 1st, 2022, Ukrainian special forces quietly and overnight increased its Operators by over 1,000. One thousand fully trained and equipped special forces popped out of the ground, forming one seventh of their standing army? Seriously?
Or did several companies of Delta Force, SiS, German Kommandos and probably a few teams of Isreali commandos come in through the Poland corridor and go off-grid and they're the ones secretly holding off the Russians. Millions of dollars in aid and weapons don't mean shit if you not only don't have the training, which requires trainers, but also just don't have the man power to carry weapons.
Are we 100,000% sure there isn't some off the books NATO detachment in Ukraine quietly making the Russians pay for every foot they take? I mean as much as I'm heartened and spirited by the footage of the enlistment lines, a bunch of school teachers and retirees with wooden prop guns didn't blow up several fully armed convoys of Russian armor. Are we sure the pilot known as the Ghost of Kiev is a Ukrainian national, and not one of the graduates from the Top Gun school? The dog that doesn't bark as it were. Or, since we're all nerds, the Bird of Prey that fires while cloaked.