The second movie isn't made by the original team. It was one of those weird deals where the studio wanted to wring more money out of the license so they paid some stand ins to throw together a sequel. Nobody other than actors were involved from the first one. Theres a couple documentaries about it on youtube.I only like the first Kick-Ass movie. The second movie was way too cynical and up its own ass with its edginess and shock value. I still to this day have not bought the second movie. As far as I'm concerned, only the first movie exists. The fact that they tried to be more cynical like the comics sequels was not helping.
It was made by this guy he's just some studio hack like a discount JJ abrams.
Its sad when this sort of thing happens, scaming fans. IN this particular case no one would argue that it should be ignored and forgotten.
For me, Im always only mildly a Mark Millar fan. He has great ideas, but he is very childish in his execution. Though the sequel doesnt have anything to do with the books I don't think, its not far off with his 12 year old version of "grim & gritty".
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