You seem prone to jumping to conclusions about how people and other entities should act. It has led to some very scattered thinking.
You haven't thought about it, scattered or otherwise.
If you're going to claim that a country is a "satellite" of another, you are alleging a one-sided relationship based on control. The US used to have satellites in central and south America, regimes it had installed through giving covert aid to military coups or right-wing paramilitaries. US influence over these regimes was material, it was not reliant on any personal willingness on the part of the leadership to concede to US demands against their own national interests, it was backed up by very real and obvious threats and the enduring presence of US security and military "advisors". The US also benefited in clear and material ways from those regimes, mostly through the ability to economically exploit their populations.
So, how is that one-sided relationship being maintained in Ukraine? Where are the tools of control? Where are the signs of economic exploitation? For that matter, how exactly does the US incite a popular revolution in which half a million people go out to the streets, risking death in the face of police firing live ammunition, to protest? Did the CIA pay all those people? Again, are they all mind-controlled with hallucinogens and brainwashing? Where are the mechanisms of control? How is control being maintained? Where is the evidence for any of what you're saying?
Again, let's get to the heart of the problem. You have realised (correctly) that neo-Imperialism in particular is frequently concealed behind the façade of bilateral agreements, where one-sided exploitation is presented publicly as two-sided cooperation. However, what you have concluded from this (and only when it comes to the US, for some reason, because you don't seem capable of recognizing Russian neo-Imperialism at all) is that no agreement or alignment with the US can ever be bilateral. There is no reason why any government would align itself with US interests besides some form of insidious and (conveniently) invisible control.
And again, this is the facade of anti-Imperialism draped over a mindset that essentially vindicates and does not challenge Imperialism. You exhibit the belief that Imperialism works perfectly, that it is perfectly capable of subsuming the interests of Imperial subjects with those of the metropole, that it is organic and natural and seemingly inevitable, and then qualify that with the paper thin caveat of believing that it is bad (but only when one country does it more than others). I would call that the most weak and flaccid critique of Imperialism imaginable, but it's not even a critique of Imperialism, it's a desire for Imperialism to be less monopolar.
The plan seems to be to expend Ukraine to damage Russia.
That hardly seems necessary.
What's really a sad irony here is that you've bet on the lamest horse in the race. If the goal was actually to make the world less monopolar, you would have been better off supporting Ukraine's entry into the EU. But I guess if you overlook all the crypto-fascism, racialized pan-Slavism and Christian nationalism, the tiny economy ruined by decades of neoliberal mismanagement and the totally ineffective army, framing Russia as a rival to the US has a certain nostalgic appeal doesn't it..
Anyway, let's find some common ground. I assume, since you favor sanctions as a means to end the war, that you also favor empowering Zelensky to negotiate the end of sanctions on behalf of those imposing the sanctions as part of a peace deal with Russia. Do you?
Why would elected representatives of any country voluntarily allow another country to bypass or take control over their political system?
I mean, granted, you seem to think that happens constantly by some kind of magic so I shouldn't find this as surprising as I do.
If you're asking whether
@Silvanus would support an end to or easing of sanctions in the event of a Russian withdrawal, just ask that. Stop imagining that every country on earth (except Russia) is ruled by some kind of shadowy conspiracy that coordinates their decisions, because that is getting dangerously close to certain other things the Russian right tends to believe..