Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Hmm. I don't know about Hearthstone, but often there are dedicated Discord rooms for specific game servers, which results in you chatting with people you don't know.
I do not know about Heartstone, but I've used Discord for a variety of pug groups in a vareity of game. Maybe one on one is different? IDK


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Because half the bloody time they are the problem and the other half they're happily supporting the problem or caping for it.

So often it's their way or the high way with no other perspectives or options on the table.

So many fucking times it's been "This is suspicious maybe don't go all in here and maybe back off a bit because something doesn't seem right" and it's met with "Racist / Sexist / Bigot how dare you not blindly support the thing and dare ask questions". Then many months later it's "Oh if only some-one had asked questions"
Remember when you were talking about 'baddies'. This is the exact example of you, personally, doing what you think is bad to other groups


Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Sorry, I was too harsh on my reply. Anything other than actually sexual in nature is just harassment to me. It would be like commenting on a woman's bitten nails and it being called sexual harassment because women usually have nicer nails than men.
Sure, but that wouldn't be sex.

When the law refers to sex as a protected category, it means anatomical sexual characteristics. I have some issues with the way the equality act defines sex, but regardless, the difference between commenting on a woman's nails and commenting on her boobs is that everyone has nails, and the way different people's nails look is the product of how they style and care for them. The boobs are something not everyone has and which (short of invasive surgery) are pretty much outside of anyone's control.

Male pattern baldness is the product of sex hormones and genetic sensitivity to them. In that sense, it's exactly like any other sexual characteristic, except that it typically appears after puberty. Of course, not all men will experience the same level of balding, just as not all women will grow the same size breasts, but it's still a sexual characteristic.

Like many sexual characteristics, baldness is also extremely tied up in a person's perceived attractiveness and worth. Ironically considering that it's literally caused by male sex hormones, baldness is often associated with a perceived lack of masculinity, and this is what is often being referenced when it's used as an insult.

I actually kind of agree that sexual harassment does and should normatively mean unwanted sexual advances, but there are very good reasons why it doesn't work that way in law, because it would require the prosecution to prove that the intent of the harassment was sexual. Even in cases of unwanted touching or groping, how do you prove that the person doing it was actually getting off on it and wasn't just trying to make their victim feel uncomfortable? Again, I don't think that's a line that exists in any kind of clean sense. Sexual harassment often has far more to do with control, and with a desire to hurt or punish people and make them feel violated or self-conscious in public space, than it does with making genuine sexual advances.

And thus I don't think it matters all that much if you're going up to women and telling them you want to touch their boobs, or if you're telling them they're flat chested and should get a boob job. Both are just different forms of sexualized bullying, which is really all sexual harassment is.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Remember when you were talking about 'baddies'. This is the exact example of you, personally, doing what you think is bad to other groups

Congrats. You just proved my point.

I didn't say the groups were the baddies. I said people expressing any scepticism and then rather often said groups are turning out to be bad.

I see you now believe any scepticism and not outright embracing and marching in lock step to be bad?


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Congrats. You just proved my point.

I didn't say the groups were the baddies. I said people expressing any scepticism and then rather often said groups are turning out to be bad.

I see you now believe any scepticism and not outright embracing and marching in lock step to be bad?
You said that they banned people from talking

You said they they called some people racists etc and were wrong

No. You didn't call them baddies specifically. You implied it. But I don't think many 'woke' people use that term ever either. They just imply

So its up to you, if being literal is your standard, instead of just implying it. I'll retract you calling them baddies right after you retract 'woke people call others baddies'.

If you're going to have a different standard for others that you dont apply to yourself, Ill apply it to you for you
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Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Yeh but ye olde and verily fell out of fashion too in English.
Not really. It's always been the standard way you would refer to someone whose sex or gender you didn't know.

"The murderer has killed three people in this area, so it's probable they live nearby."
"I think we got someone else's takeaway delivery. I'll try calling them with the number on the receipt."

It's only when non-binary people started using singular they/them to describe themselves that people started trying to claim it was confusing or ungrammatical.

And being a dick about it is apparently just refusing to use whatever term they demand you use.

That's how gendered pronouns work.

If you go around misgendering cis people, you're going to make them angry. They don't like it, they'll take it as an insult and if you refuse to stop doing it one of them will probably beat the shit out of you. Deliberately misgendering someone is not the expression of a personal opinion that everyone has to respect in the name of having a civilized discussion, it's an insult which has the specific purpose of causing offence to that person.

If you want to go around insulting people, own that, and accept the response you will inevitably receive. But you don't have the right to go around insulting people and demand they react in the way you want.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012

That's how gendered pronouns work.

If you go around misgendering cis people, you're going to make them angry. They don't like it, they'll take it as an insult and if you refuse to stop doing it one of them will probably beat the shit out of you. Deliberately misgendering someone is not the expression of a personal opinion that everyone has to respect in the name of having a civilized discussion, it's an insult which has the specific purpose of causing offence to that person.

If you want to go around insulting people, own that, and accept the response you will inevitably receive. But you don't have the right to go around insulting people and demand they react in the way you want.
I think I should point out that, IMO, cispeople who are worried about transpeople believe that transpeople want to change the cisperson's gender. Eg. Everyone will demand that Dwarvenhobble is a women as decreed by society

Which I would find endlessly funny that someone would be so far up their own arse to realise that no one cares what gender the cis person wants to call themselves.... if they didnt use this exact strategy against transpeople.

It's like that cisperson could not understand that someone would treat them differently than the cisperson would treat others. They assume others would treat them terribly and authoritatively just because they are willing to do that


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
That's how gendered pronouns work.

If you go around misgendering cis people, you're going to make them angry. They don't like it, they'll take it as an insult and if you refuse to stop doing it one of them will probably beat the shit out of you. Deliberately misgendering someone is not the expression of a personal opinion that everyone has to respect in the name of having a civilized discussion, it's an insult which has the specific purpose of causing offence to that person.

If you want to go around insulting people, own that, and accept the response you will inevitably receive. But you don't have the right to go around insulting people and demand they react in the way you want.

We all understand at some point that people have certain characteristics, associations and identifications, and they don't tend to like any of them being misrepresented. Not only that, but the main reason they would be deliberately misrepresented is to antagonise or belittle that person. Take a person's name: getting someone's name right is an incredibly basic form of respect. Not doing so deliberately (to an extent even accidentally) is disrespectful.

If we have a liberal morality that we should respect people's freedom, individuality and rights to self-determination, it is therefore incumbent on us to apply that in practical situations. For anyone at all, not just transpeople, this should mean respecting their stated gender, not imposing your own beliefs on them. To an extent you don't even have to agree with their stated gender, you just need to comprehend basic civility.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States

We all understand at some point that people have certain characteristics, associations and identifications, and they don't tend to like any of them being misrepresented. Not only that, but the main reason they would be deliberately misrepresented is to antagonise or belittle that person. Take a person's name: getting someone's name right is an incredibly basic form of respect. Not doing so deliberately (to an extent even accidentally) is disrespectful.
Just to add on to this, I'm terrible with names. I can usually remember them, but applying them to faces is trickier for me unless I've been around them on a regular basis for some time. If I see someone just on occasion, I'll struggle to put a name to their face. You know what I do? Apologize, explain exactly that, and make an effort to use their name. I don't just decide "Well, that's how I am, so I'm not going to bother trying to improve on that. IF they don't like it, that's their problem."

It's basic respect. I've had my name mispronounced (not my actual name, but think "I said 'Jake', but they heard 'Blake' or 'Jack'"), and while I generally just chalk it up to an enunciation error, I'd be more than a little irritated if I corrected someone and they decided "No, you look more like a Blake, so that's what I'm going to call you."

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
If we have a liberal morality that we should respect people's freedom, individuality and rights to self-determination, it is therefore incumbent on us to apply that in practical situations. For anyone at all, not just transpeople, this should mean respecting their stated gender, not imposing your own beliefs on them. To an extent you don't even have to agree with their stated gender, you just need to comprehend basic civility.
Too much to ask from some people. "You're what I say you are! You think you're special?! You think you're better than me?!"


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States

No, ban the XM-15 rifle the shooter used, not Twitch or Discord. I have no love for Twitch, and I can used something else other than discord. Ban this gun.



Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012

No, ban the XM-15 rifle the shooter used, not Twitch or Discord. I have no love for Twitch, and I can used something else other than discord. Ban this gun.

Dude, the only way that's only going to happen is if you make the rifle 'under the control of females' somehow. Then they would ban it real quick
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Not really. It's always been the standard way you would refer to someone whose sex or gender you didn't know.

"The murderer has killed three people in this area, so it's probable they live nearby."
"I think we got someone else's takeaway delivery. I'll try calling them with the number on the receipt."

It's only when non-binary people started using singular they/them to describe themselves that people started trying to claim it was confusing or ungrammatical.


That's how gendered pronouns work.

If you go around misgendering cis people, you're going to make them angry. They don't like it, they'll take it as an insult and if you refuse to stop doing it one of them will probably beat the shit out of you. Deliberately misgendering someone is not the expression of a personal opinion that everyone has to respect in the name of having a civilized discussion, it's an insult which has the specific purpose of causing offence to that person.

If you want to go around insulting people, own that, and accept the response you will inevitably receive. But you don't have the right to go around insulting people and demand they react in the way you want.
Problem is known vs the person in front of you who 99.9% of the time you can probably figure out or at least make a choice based on their appearance.

They is literally used for an unknown individual in your examples.

Most Cis people would just think you're an idiot if you go round misgendering them most likely.

Also to bring it back round to a point I made before (and provided evidence to support) so why are some of those emphatically supporting calling people how they self identify refusing to do it for others e.g. me in this thread seeing it happen?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
You said that they banned people from talking
No I didn't.

Real what I wrote again.

Because half the bloody time they are the problem and the other half they're happily supporting the problem or caping for it.

So often it's their way or the high way with no other perspectives or options on the table.

So many fucking times it's been "This is suspicious maybe don't go all in here and maybe back off a bit because something doesn't seem right" and it's met with "Racist / Sexist / Bigot how dare you not blindly support the thing and dare ask questions". Then many months later it's "Oh if only some-one had asked questions"
Where did I say they banned people from talking. They certainly try all they can to shut them down I'll say that much.

You said they they called some people racists etc and were wrong
Oh I'm sorry have we reached the point where the mere accusation being levelled is evidence enough?


No. You didn't call them baddies specifically. You implied it. But I don't think many 'woke' people use that term ever either. They just imply
Well the baddies is an easy was to present the grouping of all the supposed evil groups the woke lot tend to yell about being the problem.
So: Alt-right, Nazi, Incel, Berniebro, Trumper, Bigot, Mansphereian, MRA, Toxic man, Russian Bot, Anti-feminist, Sexist, mysogynist, migoyonerd, Q-anon, Redchanniter, Petersonite, Dudebro, Tech Bro, Capital G Gamer, Gamer™, Thunderfarter, Disinformation campaigner, Russian sponsoered actor, Fascist, Cryptofacist, terrorists, emotional terrorists, harassers, cyberterrorists.

So its up to you, if being literal is your standard, instead of just implying it. I'll retract you calling them baddies right after you retract 'woke people call others baddies'.

If you're going to have a different standard for others that you dont apply to yourself, Ill apply it to you for you
How is it a different standard being applied when the woke side regularly switch to new phrases to define their "Enemies" as all one thing or another such that as I pointed out above there's a crap ton of phrases all thrown at people based on the flavour of the month pretty much with no regard for if it in any way really is reflective of the person and is just used as a smear.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Well the baddies is an easy was to present the grouping of all the supposed evil groups the woke lot tend to yell about being the problem.
So: Alt-right, Nazi, Incel, Berniebro, Trumper, Bigot, Mansphereian, MRA, Toxic man, Russian Bot, Anti-feminist, Sexist, mysogynist, migoyonerd, Q-anon, Redchanniter, Petersonite, Dudebro, Tech Bro, Capital G Gamer, Gamer™, Thunderfarter, Disinformation campaigner, Russian sponsoered actor, Fascist, Cryptofacist, terrorists, emotional terrorists, harassers, cyberterrorists.

Did they call them baddies?

Or are you saying that they are implying it?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020

Did they call them baddies?

Or are you saying that they are implying it?
I'm sorry are you arguing the general term baddies isn't acceptable?

Or are you arguing Nazi's can't be considered baddies?

because I thought I was fairly clear about the whole idea of throwing out a general term to accuse anyone opposing them of being whatever the latest popular IRL villain group of the day is regardless of if i's actually applicable jus to smear their opposition


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Uhrm, does that guy think that a game needs in-game voice chat in order to have voice chat...?

Like, most voice chat is done over external services like Discord.
Usually the conduct of the chatters will have more to do with the specific discord server they were a part of and not the game though. Like I moderate one server and am a member in dozens and there's all sorts of levels of tolerance. Some servers are silly enough to ask you to even include pronouns in your roles. So yeah, I wouldn't chalk that up to hearthstone or whatever game and more on the specific server the person was using VC on.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Coming to you from Iphone twitter

Gamers are too stupid to appreciate the theme "revenge is bad"

Note this is part of a long ongoing tantrum some people have been throwing on twitter for years that The Last of Us Part II hasn't been embraced as some grand masterpiece no game has ever been close to as profound as.


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
On the diversity tool, at least one person on Team 4 is sane.
You do realize it's just a reporting tool right? It doesn't actually create or suggest characters. It simply attempts to provide a summary of information about choices the dev team already made.

Companies break down literally everything about their products (and customer interaction with said products) into data literally every day. The fact that some C-suite decided to try adding one more metric to their existing big data pile should surprise no one.

Honest question, how does this tool offend you?
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