So the game is fucking huge first off. The total download is several gigs even on mobile phones. But the big TL

W of the video above is that in order to maximize your character, you are looking at $50,000+ due to how much gem purchasing you will need to do.
Even on a basic level DI will require players to pay in order to proceed within the game at a certain point and it's basically unavoidable as free-to-pay characters will simply not have access to the stats required to push forward. Not that this is really all that surprising, everyone knew this game was going to be a cluster fuck of greed and that's why even people at Blizzcon roasted Blizzard about this game because they all saw the writting on the wall.
This game is banned in Belgum and the Netherlands were gambling in games is not allowed. And this game will make Billions of dollars out of China and from whoever else is dumb enough to pay into it.
Fuck Blizzard, they're dead to me.