Diablo Immortal is Finally out....it's trash.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
You know, when I saw the title of this thread, I thought, naievely perhaps, that it would be coming from someone who'd actually played the game, but I suppose that was too much to hope for.

Now by itself that wouldn't dictate me posting here, but considering some of the posts here, feel I need to jump in, so...

Wow that is crazy. Can you not grind the resources needed to obtain gear?
Yes, you can. The majority of gear you get is based on grinding.

Also I wanna see all those writers who criticized gamers universally for the angry reaction at that famous blizzcon try to defend this game now lol.
You mean the gamers who went to BlizzCon knowing ahead of time that D4 wouldn't be announced, and that a mobile Diablo game almost certainly would?

It's basically the steakhouse analogy. As in, people tell you months ahead that they're taking you to a steakhouse, you nod, then when you go, you berate the waiters for serving you steak.

This is your reward for beating the first boss of the game (which is the Skeleton King again because fuck originality)

Leoric isn't the first boss of the game (that's Ifriss, or if you want to pull a "technically," Eskarra). The only way you can call Leoric a "first boss" is that he's the boss of the first dungeon.

Now, I actually agree with you in a sense, in that it's overkill to bring Leoric back again, but that's not the main issue, it's more that it messes up Malachi's words in D3 regarding his "final death." Since Leoric's presence here is part of Lethes's story, it's somewhat mitigated, though that said, still overkill.

Anyway, as far as blizzard goes. I think if they were still making game on a semi regular basis (say one new game every 2-3 year) immortal being a mobile cash grab wouldn't be that big of a deal. But the problem is that this is their first new game since fucking Overwatch 6 years ago. Starcraft 2 is now older than starcraft 1 was when it released. Diablo 4 is probably years away and almost no detail are known about it and 3 is a decade old. WoW is slowly dying with not even an hint that a warcraft 4 might be under consideration to revitalize the franchise. HoTS was abandoned long ago with no new heroes in years. And lets not even consider the possibility of a new IP. It's just weird how easy it would have been for blizzard to remain relevant with even the most basic of steps, but its almost like they've been trying to sabotage themselves.
Alright, there's a lot wrong with that paragraph. And yes, I know that's a big thing to say, but it seems rooted in a number of misconceptions.

First, the idea of Blizzard making a new game every 2-3 years is a statement that's really ignorant of how Blizzard's operated since, I'd argue, World of Warcraft - make a game, update the game ad infinitum. If we're discounting expansion packs, 2004 is the real turning point in this philosphy. You can bemoan this approach to games development (which is odd to be, because most of the time people lament annual releases - see Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty), but it's a lament that's 20 years out of date. The fact that there was a brief period of back-to-back releases from 2014-2016 (Hearthstone, Heroes, Overwatch) is an oddity, not a norm.

-You mention Overwatch and StarCraft. First, Overwatch was released in 2016, and had a stream of updates, and they only started to dry up because of Overwatch 2 (a different game that many would argue, myself included, shouldn't have been separate, even if it's techically an update of Overwatch 1.0). Second, comparing the 'ages' of SC1 and SC2 is missing a lot of context. SC1 was released in 1998, and got additional content until about 2001 (barring the SC: Remastered patch update). SC2 was released in 2010, and stopped getting new content in 2020 (and overall, much more content). The development cycles of SC1 and 2 aren't equivalent.

-Much as I'd love Warcraft IV, that wouldn't revitalize Warcraft. WoW's dominated the IP since it came out, RTS games are niche, and Reforged, justifiably, left a sour taste in peoples' mouths.

-Yes, HotS is in maintenance mode, but again, is still being supported. Actually, that's the thing about the 2-3 year thing, because it seems to imply that Blizzard has a "one and done" approach to games. It hasn't. The last "one and done" game it released was Lost Vikings 2.

-A new IP was confirmed earlier this year, remember?

-Diablo IV is almost certainly going to be released in 2023, given how the D3 release cycle worked in regards to the sourcebooks (there's usually a six month gap between the sourcebook and game, so considering that Tales of the Horadric Library will be released in October, 2022, if the pattern holds, you can expect D4 in April, 2023.

Also, the statement that "next to nothing is known about Diablo 4" is a flat out lie.

If that's "next to nothing," then I'm not sure what level of information would be required to count as "something."

Imagine if things were slightly different and at this point Diablo 4 had come out a year ago and was on the cusp of getting its first big expansion. WoW sub number were going down but leak of Warcraft 4 started showing up and people were speculating on how it would possibly be setting up WoW 2. Overwatch 2 hype would be building up because the Overwatch anime third season was just around the corner. There were some rumor that blizzard was maybe making some soul like game, possibly setup in starcraft world. Immortal being a cash grab would barely register in people mind. None of these are some sort of 47D-chess moves that require amazing business skill, they literally just involved blizzard doing what they've done for most of their existence, and somehow that was too hard fro them to do.
-WoW 2 is a terrible idea. That's an opinion, granted, but has splitting an MMO worked, ever? Remember EverQuest 2? Remember EverQuest Next, how that never even got to release? I'd honestly say that there's a bigger chance of Warcraft IV than WoW 2, and the chance of the former is extremely slim.

-I don't know where you heard the rumour of a Soulslike StarCraft game. You might be thinking of Project Hades, which was a Soulslike Diablo game.

But everything you said is spot on. Blizzard has gone up it's ass so far it hasn't made a new game since Metzen was still there.....fuck, they haven't made a game since EVERY member of the "old guard" was still at the company. So did all the talent leave with them? Maybe. Maybe they just cut and ran and left the interns in place to figure shit out.

Things would be different if Blizzard was regularly pumping out games.
I've already covered this with meiam, but Blizzard hasn't "reguarly pumped out games" since the early 2000s, unless you include the brief blip in the mid-2010s. But this is still fundamentally misjudging how Blizzard's operated in ages. It's also discounting how many of their games are still receiving content (Diablo 2, Diablo 3, World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Overwatch), were receiving content until very recently (Heroes of the Storm, StarCraft II), plus the maintained servers for everything else (StarCraft 1, Warcraft 3).

Either new IP's or just sequels, either would be fine.
You do realize a new IP was announced earlier this year, right?

Their universes are ripe for Netflix anime series, or HBO adaptations,
I agree, but that's true of countless game IPs. I mean, I'd like those things produced, especially since Blizzard's been producing EU material since 2000, but there's no obligation for Netflix stuff, not to mention the free animated shorts that have been produced for all of their IPs, plus how the Warcraft movie bombed.

And the last two announcements have been for mobile games,
That's false. That's blatantly false. Even discarding expansions and remasters, that's false.

Working backwards, the list of announcements have gone:

-2021: Warcraft Arclight Rumble

-2021: Untitled survival game (note: for ease of reference I'm referring to this as Fenway from here on out, as it's almost certainly Project Fenway, which was leaked even earlier)

-2019: Overwatch 2

-2017: Diablo Immortal

That's not even including the leaks that have occurred in that time for other games besides the ones officially announced. But regardless, the only way you can claim that the last two announcements have been for mobile games is to cut a lot of stuff out of existence.

So lemme get this straight. The reward for beating the first boss... is a chance to buy something?

I don't see how anyone but the most indoctrinated Blizzard fanboys can possibly defend this.
First of all, it's not the first boss.

Second of all, you get loot after defeating Leoric regardless of anything.

Third, 99c is hardly egregious in a F2P game, especially since it's common for such offers to be made in such models.

In that last "Blizzard Direct" that's dedicated to Wacraft it was announced earlier that a Warcraft Mobile game was about to be revealed, so at least they didn't catch people off guard with a mobile announcement.
Alright, but why were people caught offguard the first time? It was known ahead of time that Diablo IV wouldn't be announced, and that a mobile Diablo game almost certainly would.

Well don't expect me to buy this because 1. My phone is not up to par.

2. I don't use my phone for gaming, Just for listening to music and watching youtube.

3. Fuck Mobile gaming, and to gaming youtubers that promotes mobile gaming at all in their "before this video begins, let me introduce you to Sword Art Online" or something, you guys are part of the problem in validating mobile gaming with your promotions.
First of all, it's on PC, so not sure how that's an issue.

Second, you realize that the whole "fuck mobile gaming" thing is similar to how PC elitists have treated console players, right?

You know what's funny? Those same YouTubers and streamers who scream "OMG HOLY FUCKING SHIT, I'm gonna play this forever!!!" are usually the first ones to drop the game within the first week or two.
Per the beta, most people who've played the game have played it for quite awhile.

Wait, is this the one that Blizzard basically asked "Do you not have phones?" because man this is feeling everr more awkward if it is.
Yes, it did. Though technically it was Wyatt Chang, who was taken aback by the response.

Again, though, and no-one's ever been able to give me a serious response, considering that it was already known that a Diablo mobile game was in development before Immortal was announced, and that the announcement explicitly WOULDN'T be Diablo IV, I don't get the reaction. I can get being disappointed by a mobile game's existence ipso facto, but not to that extent.

The same people who said that Halo Infinite would have been better, if if the entire game was a battle royale like PUBG, Fortnite, or War Zone.
Um, who said that? There was plenty of discussion about the prospect of a battle royal in Halo Infinite, I never saw anyone suggesting that the game should just BE a battle royale.

I'm not sure I get this.

Do you do the quest/boss and then earn the option to buy the drop it drops? Like if you don't buy this do you get nothing or what?
No, you get rewards as you would in any ARPG. The thing you're seeing there is a discount for beating the first dungeon.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Um, who said that?
Get started. You've clearly been out of the loop.

I find it funny in the second video, that Doctor Disrespect stops at the halfway point, cuz he and the rest of the streaming fools have nothing to counter and was called out on their bull crap.



Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
You do realize a new IP was announced earlier this year, right?
What new IP?

You know, when I saw the title of this thread, I thought, naievely perhaps, that it would be coming from someone who'd actually played the game, but I suppose that was too much to hope for.
I did play the game, downloaded all 20-something gigs onto my phone too. There are other bosses before the Skeleton King but they are mini-bosses quiet frankly and not really worth calling bosses except the purple name. I played a monk, the game controls like shit on mobile phones but admittedly does play alright on pc from what i've played today. The tapping to pick up, interact, talk, open chests, gets annoying quickly when I think in the context of the game, walking over the items would have been just fine. Tapping to interact with people and chests is fine though.

I've already covered this with meiam, but Blizzard hasn't "reguarly pumped out games" since the early 2000s, unless you include the brief blip in the mid-2010s. But this is still fundamentally misjudging how Blizzard's operated in ages. It's also discounting how many of their games are still receiving content (Diablo 2, Diablo 3, World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Overwatch), were receiving content until very recently (Heroes of the Storm, StarCraft II), plus the maintained servers for everything else (StarCraft 1, Warcraft 3).
Updates are not the same as full games. At best you could argue that Wow Expansions are new releases because they are full length additions to the game. However adding a new set of Overwatch skins, which only feed into the lootbox system. Diablo 3 gets seasons which are extremely basic and are probably developed by a very small team since next to no new content is ever added. Starcraft 2 is finished and there has been no hint of any new content for that IP at all.

So despite your best attempts to simp for Blizzard it doesn't really hold water. Because Blizz always used to be pumping out expansion sets for their games at any given time. The last few releases weren't even made by them. They outsourced Diablo 2 ressurected, Netease developed DI. These games aren't even Blizzard developed titles.

First of all, it's not the first boss.

Second of all, you get loot after defeating Leoric regardless of anything.

Third, 99c is hardly egregious in a F2P game, especially since it's common for such offers to be made in such models.
Even if you want to make this argument it still sucks to have this kind of pop up appear at all.

And 99c is just the first taste. Haven't you talked to your local drug dealer lately, the first hit is always cheap to get you addicted. Watch the video, the game demands a shitload of cash from you if you want to have a good character.

There is no excuse to defend it. None. Stop it.


Elite Member
Apr 25, 2020
Updates are not the same as full games. At best you could argue that Wow Expansions are new releases because they are full length additions to the game. However adding a new set of Overwatch skins, which only feed into the lootbox system. Diablo 3 gets seasons which are extremely basic and are probably developed by a very small team since next to no new content is ever added. Starcraft 2 is finished and there has been no hint of any new content for that IP at all.
Blizzard is pretty much like Valve at this point in regards to barely putting out any new material.

Pretty much the result dedicating yourself to online multiplayer gaming or online gaming in general.

All Valve is doing is running Steam and adding updates to TF2 and DOTA 2.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
There is no excuse to defend it. None. Stop it.
I have no idea why Hawki, is always up to bat and suck Activision Blizzard's genitals constantly. I personally don't care, as that just makes him another blind fan boy. You know you are better than this, Hawki. I don't want to hear any excuses if you're going to respond with that.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Blizzard is pretty much like Valve at this point in regards to barely putting out any new material.

Pretty much the result dedicating yourself to online multiplayer gaming or online gaming in general.

All Valve is doing is running Steam and adding updates to TF2 and DOTA 2.
Top that off with when Valve does make a game, it's only a trend chasing game like when they announced that dumbass card game Artifact. Or like when Blizzard announced mobile games. They are no longer development studios making games, they are studios that chase money making trends and that's it.
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Elite Member
Apr 25, 2020
Like seriously, all these once big PC gaming developers have pretty much been consumed by the Online Gaming curse.

Epic Games is just Fortnite and Unreal Engine

Valve is Steam and DOTA 2/TF2

Blizzard is Overwatch/WOW/Hearthstone and now bought by Microsoft, but I doubt will see a Warcraft 4 or WOW 2 or new Starcraft game under the Microsoft brand anytime soon.


Elite Member
Apr 25, 2020
I have no idea why Hawki, is always up to bat and suck Activision Blizzard's genitals constantly. I personally don't care, as that just makes him another blind fan boy. You know you are better than this, Hawki. I don't want to hear any excuses if you're going to respond with that.
First time I'm noticing this from Hawki guess I never truly payed attention


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
The last time I played a Diablo, or any blizzard game for that matter, was in 2001. Somebody was born, lost their virginity, earned the right to vote, and flunked out of college between now and the last time I gave blizzard any of my money.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
The last time I played a Diablo, or blizzard game for that matter, was in 2001.
I just realized it’s been ten years now since I got the collector’s edition of D3. Loved the game after it was patched, and still have the CE as it was and is still awesome.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The last time I played a Diablo, or any blizzard game for that matter, was in 2001. Somebody was born, lost their virginity, earned the right to vote, and flunked out of college between now and the last time I gave blizzard any of my money.
The last time I played a Diablo game was back in 2007. It was the second game. I didn't own it, but played it at a friend's. My older brother has more play time on Diablo 3 than me. Always been meaning to grab a copy, but it does nothing for me at this point, so I never bothered.

Gonna try out the beta on PC. Lord give me strength
Noooooo! It's not worth it! Just play Diablo 3 or Gauntlet. Anything is a better option!
Last edited:


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
30 min and I'm already uninstalling this game. It's that bad and It's not just the monetization bull crap.

The UI and controls? Poorly optimized for pc. Even things simple as backing out and clicking thing is a hassle, because you gotta press that button on the corner to do so. I can't tell if they wanted the classic WASD movement or drag the mouse to move, but with both in the game it screwed me over on the positioning.

The map design is definitely on Diablo 3 side, where it's less open field and more tight corridors.You have to follow that designated path.

The gameplay.... sigh, the game play.... It's an insult to even call this a Diablo game. It plays like every other generic mobile RPGs on the market.

Also, this game is always online (At least I think it is?), so you are forced to see other players running around, ruining the immersion of "you are the chose one!" theme. The chat is super toxic. Like, I saw racial slurs, death threats, anger, all because someone had a legit complaint for the game

I feel the worst part is there is a solid lore with interesting NPCs to meet, both new and familiar, but the gameplay has made me not wanna go through the trouble.

Really hope this game dies soon.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
First, the idea of Blizzard making a new game every 2-3 years is a statement that's really ignorant of how Blizzard's operated since, I'd argue, World of Warcraft - make a game, update the game ad infinitum. If we're discounting expansion packs, 2004 is the real turning point in this philosphy. You can bemoan this approach to games development (which is odd to be, because most of the time people lament annual releases - see Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty), but it's a lament that's 20 years out of date. The fact that there was a brief period of back-to-back releases from 2014-2016 (Hearthstone, Heroes, Overwatch) is an oddity, not a norm.
Lots of really weird take (does it really matter if the skeleton king as a few mini boss before it? What's egregious is the game force you to pay to get the loot you won). But this is the weirdest thing. The reason anyone care about blizzard is because of game like starcraft, warcraft and diablo. Here's a list of release.

Warcraft: 1994
Warcraft 2: 1995
Diablo: 1997
Starcraft: 1998
Diablo 2: 2000
Warcraft 3: 2002
WoW: 2004

10 year, 7 games, all good (if every assassin creed/CoD game had that consistent level of quality not a single person would complain about getting a new one every 2 year). Note, I did not have to include expansion to get to that number.

That is literally the reason anyone even care about blizzard. That run of 10 year was so good that 20 year later the company is still coasting of that reputation (as obvious by that fact that most of their title are still in those universe, having only managed to make 1 new IP in the 20 year since, when before they managed 3 in 4 year). I don't see how saying "blizzard has been kinda sucking since then" is supposed to make any of it better.

My point is that if blizzard was still even just a shadow of its former self (ie 10 year giving 3-4 games), nobody would really care about immortal being a shitty cash grab because they'd still be digesting the last release and would know that another big one is just on the horizon. But immortal is all that blizzard has managed to produced in 6 years. In double the amount of time it took them to go from D1 to D2, all they were able to make is a crappy cash grab imitation (and it wasn't even made by them).

Even the idea that they continuously support their game is pretty weak, last new hero in HoTS was 2020, last significant new content for SC2 was 2016, last expansion for D3 was 2014.

But oh I'm sorry, they just announced a new "IP"... which consist of literally nothing other than "Unannounced survival game". Never mind, blizzard is doing just fine.