Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade; states can ban abortion


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
What is the difference between a living human and a dead human? There are physical differences in the metabolic processes, but on the basic level of physical reality both are still human. Dead people do not appear to possess the capacity for cognition or consciousness, but we've decided that doesn't matter since we can't ever know whether those exist anyway.
I mean, you may have stumbled into the mootest of moot points. You can't kill a dead a person. Just as a matter of definition.
After taking a good, hard look at the emetic typhoon this threads devolved to over the past few pages, I only wish I were high.

But let me make this real simple for you. You're farting out the "abortion is eugenics!" trope, despite every attempt to say otherwise. I'm pointing out it's real funny this only seems to come from certain circles, when the conversation's about women's choice to terminate unwanted pregnancy. But when it comes to state and federal agents "allegedly" forcing women detainees to abort, abusing pregnant women detainees to the point of inducing miscarriage, and in some cases surgically sterilizing women detainees, and those women are part of ethnic and national outgroups, those "eugenics is bad!" people get real fuckin' quiet.
To be fair, the part that inspired my response was less about your intended point, and more a gut reaction to "bet you were hoping we'd all forget about this" as though I were thinking that was in any way related to the topic at hand. You not only gave an unexpected response, you expected me to be hoping you specifically wouldn't do as, and I was left flabberghasted.

With slightly more explanation, your response makes more sense. All of those treatments of detained women are bad whenever they actually happen. I certainly defended the detention centers in the case where they were accused of genocide (side note, I misspelled this "genecide" on first type, and the right-click spellcheck didn't guess genocide, but rather gendercide. Am I alone in thinking autocorrect is getting worse over time), in a case where a doctor was performing a statistically average number of hysterectomies with admittedly poor efforts to properly bridge the language barrier. But yes, forcing women detainees to abort or sterilizing them is a heinous thing that should never happen.
Abolish prisons.
And this is the part where most rational people stop caring about your perspective. I credit you for following your ideas to their genuine conclusions, but you should understand that most people are going to reject your premises because they lead logically to results like "abolish prisons."
Do you believe that it is justified to force people to give blood in order to save lives?
Potentially, yes. Particularly if the donor is the parent of the person whose life is in jeopardy. I don't think compelling people to give blood in a life and death situation is an unimaginable horror.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Culmination of Roe getting overturned and Tribal sovereignty being dramatically weakened


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
United States of America
And this is the part where most rational people stop caring about your perspective. I credit you for following your ideas to their genuine conclusions, but you should understand that most people are going to reject your premises because they lead logically to results like "abolish prisons."
Yes, everyone loves prisons. Especially how they work in the United States.

Potentially, yes. Particularly if the donor is the parent of the person whose life is in jeopardy. I don't think compelling people to give blood in a life and death situation is an unimaginable horror.
And organs?

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
You keep telling me I'm terrible because you need me to be terrible or else you might notice that I'm right about this.
But you're not. Not even remotely. You're pretty much dependably wrong on nearly every subject you choose to spout off about, and when people use facts to point out how wrong you are, you either use false equivalencies, move the goalposts, or flat-out ignore the comment that proved you wrong. I mean, I know this is what a troll does, but that doesn't make it any less irritating.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
The worst part of this? Women are going to start dying much much more often while doing abortions. One of the biggest results of Roe v Wade was a sharp decline in the number of abortions that resulted in the mother dying from the procedure because surprise surprise, having free access to a means of abortion that both definitely works and isn't harmful to the mother results in that.

Women who want to abort are not going to suddenly stop aborting because states ban it. They're either going to go to states that haven't banned abortion or if they can't for whatever reason they'll go to have it done illegally in probably filthy underground "clinics" or even resort to trying to do it at home through various methods that may or may not work. The result is a lot of dead women along with the fetus. In short, abortion being illegal is by the numbers objectively far worse for everyone than it being legal.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
But you're not. Not even remotely. You're pretty much dependably wrong on nearly every subject you choose to spout off about, and when people use facts to point out how wrong you are, you either use false equivalencies, move the goalposts, or flat-out ignore the comment that proved you wrong. I mean, I know this is what a troll does, but that doesn't make it any less irritating.
I occasionally get things wrong. I don't ignore the posts. Just the other day I asked what profession other than police someone would sue the employee rather than the employer, someone said doctor. I did not move goalposts or ignore the comment, I gave it a like. I've conceded entire arguments just because I accidentally put one user's words in another's mouth by accident. If you catch me in an genuine error, I'll admit to it. I don't think you ever will personally, since your responses here have been nothing but baseless personal attacks without any consideration of the actual discussion, but I certainly welcome you to try.
And organs?
Swiftly approaching moot point again. There are few organs a person can donate while alive and proceed to still live a perfectly healthy life afterwards, and talking of obligation to care for dependents, even fewer that could possibly make sense. And even fewer still that would be viable. And already not that many children needing transplants. And they're basically all getting transplants already from the existing organ donation pool. Could I imagine compelling a parent to donate liver if their kid is guaranteed to die otherwise? Yeah, probably. Is that an imaginary hypothetical? Absolutely.

Like, I know you want to conjure an image of rounding up people and harvesting their organs, but pregnancy is not random organ harvesting, that's the mother whose body is nourishing the child.
The worst part of this? Women are going to start dying much much more often while doing abortions. One of the biggest results of Roe v Wade was a sharp decline in the number of abortions that resulted in the mother dying from the procedure because surprise surprise, having free access to a means of abortion that both definitely works and isn't harmful to the mother results in that.

Women who want to abort are not going to suddenly stop aborting because states ban it. They're either going to go to states that haven't banned abortion or if they can't for whatever reason they'll go to have it done illegally in probably filthy underground "clinics" or even resort to trying to do it at home through various methods that may or may not work. The result is a lot of dead women along with the fetus. In short, abortion being illegal is by the numbers objectively far worse for everyone than it being legal.
Roe didn't cause a sharp decline in mortality from abortions. Medical science did that. From the early 20th century to Roe, by the best estimates available, the risk of death from abortion fell like 99%, from several thousand a year in the 20s and 30s to about 50 the year before Roe, with many of those 50 deaths from legal abortions. Setting the laws back to 1972 isn't going to set medical science back to 1920.

Conversely, the rate of abortions did shoot up sharply after Roe v Wade, which is rather strong evidence that abortion legality impacts abortion rates, and banning it will prevent people from having them. It would be a rather convenient coincidence for abortion rates to jump when legalized and slowly drop down as abortions laws got increasingly stricter over time, but have no causal relation.

If you want to talk about things "by the numbers objectively", you should probably look up the numbers first. Cause judging by the actual numbers, deaths aren't going to rise in any significant way, and abortion rates are gonna drop more.
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Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Roe didn't cause a sharp decline in mortality from abortions. Medical science did that. From the early 20th century to Roe, by the best estimates available, the risk of death from abortion fell like 99%, from several thousand a year in the 20s and 30s to about 50 the year before Roe, with many of those 50 deaths from legal abortions. Setting the laws back to 1972 isn't going to set medical science back to 1920.

Conversely, the rate of abortions did shoot up sharply after Roe v Wade, which is rather strong evidence that abortion legality impacts abortion rates, and banning it will prevent people from having them. It would be a rather convenient coincidence for abortion rates to jump when legalized and slowly drop down as abortions laws got increasingly stricter over time, but have no causal relation.

If you want to talk about things "by the numbers objectively", you should probably look up the numbers first. Cause judging by the actual numbers, deaths aren't going to rise in any significant way, and abortion rates are gonna drop more.
Completely incorrect.

There no evidence abortion rates prior to Roe v. Wade were any lower than they were afterward, especially since the data on legal abortions wasn't even starting to be counted until 1972. Between legal and illegal abortions the latter of which were as high as 1.2 million per year in the 1950s to 60s, accounting for both greatly increased population since, the fact that abortion didn't need to be widely done illegally, and the fact that contraceptives didn't start becoming really becoming a thing until the 1980s, abortion rates in general went down post Roe v. Wade while the deaths due to abortion legal and illegal plummeted. The deaths from illegal abortions known was 35 in 1972, down to 19 in 1973, and next to none in every year afterward. Even that is far far lower than 1930, which estimates up to 2700 deaths of women due to illegal abortions, which hit the poor and minorities hardest by far because even where it was legal they didn't have access to these abortion clinics that only the rich women could afford to actually use.

That's just the deaths, I'm not even going to bother with the injuries at this point because it's redundant. Even with better technology, knowledge, antibiotics and so forth causing deaths due to childbirth in general to go down significantly, illegal abortions kept on accounting for a good chunk of the deaths from childbirth until Roe v. Wade made getting abortions legally actually viable for nearly any woman in the country and thus removed the need for illegal and self induced abortions, the result being illegal abortion deaths became almost nothing and legal ones dropped as well due to advances in abortion technology being allowed to occur without it being criminal to even do the practice. In fact, as far as the data can show it peaked in the 1990s and the abortion rate in general has gone down massively since.

Keep in mind that on top of that the numbers on the legal abortions and deaths prior and post Roe v Wade are the only ones likely to be even remotely accurate. The number of both illegal abortions and deaths as a result of abortions in reality are likely much higher than the data says because, you know, people tend to hide it when something illegal has been done.

If women who want to abort don't have legal means to get abortions they're going to turn to illegal ones, it's just the fact of the matter. Regardless of if a person wants abortions to be legal or illegal, if they have any intention whatsoever of actually listening to the facts they must admit that the data backs up that abortions being illegal isn't going to make anything better and is objectively only going to make things worse for everyone. Especially the poor and minorities that are going to be the worst off as a direct result of the criminalization of abortion.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Roe didn't cause a sharp decline in mortality from abortions. Medical science did that. From the early 20th century to Roe, by the best estimates available, the risk of death from abortion fell like 99%, from several thousand a year in the 20s and 30s to about 50 the year before Roe, with many of those 50 deaths from legal abortions. Setting the laws back to 1972 isn't going to set medical science back to 1920.

Conversely, the rate of abortions did shoot up sharply after Roe v Wade, which is rather strong evidence that abortion legality impacts abortion rates, and banning it will prevent people from having them. It would be a rather convenient coincidence for abortion rates to jump when legalized and slowly drop down as abortions laws got increasingly stricter over time, but have no causal relation.

If you want to talk about things "by the numbers objectively", you should probably look up the numbers first. Cause judging by the actual numbers, deaths aren't going to rise in any significant way, and abortion rates are gonna drop more.
Roe meant that states couldn't ban medical science around abortion

Anything you attribute to medical science and abortion could only happen if Roe exists (at least in states that wanted to ban it)

There was an increase in REPORTED abortions. You know, like how recently we now have an increase in rates of scromiting... because weed is legal. It always existed, people just never reported it because.... weed was illegal. Or even an increase in use of weed. Conversely, no one said that drank alcohol during Prohibition.... but we all know that isnt true. People are more willing to admit to something that is legal.

Please get out of your dream land and enter reality
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
snip cause it's not letting me post the whole thing
1) You repeated half of the same statistics I gave you and believe them to refute me.
2) You contradict yourself, a lot. If there were 1.2 million illegal abortions per year in 50s, how did it peak in the 90s? If the falling death rate happened because of legality, why did it happen almost entirely before Roe?
3) This is the most important point: do you know what the Guttmacher Institute is? It is explicitly an abortion rights advocacy group founded by Planned Parenthood.

Here's some light reading not from the Guttmacher Institute. It's WaPo, it's still left leaning, (if you need to bypass their paywall, just open incognito), but addresses a lot of what you're talking about and finishes with a lot of Pinocchios. Like, that 1.2 million stat? It's not only from a report that gave a potential range between 200,000 and 1.2 million, and not only is 1.2 million the highest extreme of an extremely vague range, the source for that guess is (drum roll please) the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. It's almost as though all of the statistics suggesting a clothes-hanger hellscape if abortion is illegal come directly from Planned Parenthood with no evidence at all.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Anything you attribute to medical science and abortion could only happen if Roe exists (at least in states that wanted to ban it)
It all happened before Roe. Again, 99% of deaths fell before Roe. Why? Because in the 20s, penicillin wasn't a drug yet. That has nothing to do with abortion specifically. Women were dying of infections, whether or not the abortions were illegal, because literally any surgery was hyper-risky in a world without modern hygiene and antibiotics. Saying abortion needs to be illegal to make the techniques safer is like saying Jewish people can't innovate on stove technology because they won't cook pork with them.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
It all happened before Roe. Again, 99% of deaths fell before Roe. Why? Because in the 20s, penicillin wasn't a drug yet. That has nothing to do with abortion specifically. Women were dying of infections, whether or not the abortions were illegal, because literally any surgery was hyper-risky in a world without modern hygiene and antibiotics. Saying abortion needs to be illegal to make the techniques safer is like saying Jewish people can't innovate on stove technology because they won't cook pork with them.
Oh, you're just moving goal post

Not suprised


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
You're talking to the leopard that wants to eat your face - you're not going to get anything out him other than arguments as to why him eating your face is actually good.
Yep. Any reasonable person would have admitted they were wrong a long time ago, but tstorm hasn't. I don't know whether they're outright ignoring the facts because they are too in denial to admit them or is just screwing with people.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Yep. Any reasonable person would have admitted they were wrong a long time ago, but tstorm hasn't. I don't know whether they're outright ignoring the facts because they are too in denial to admit them or is just screwing with people.
No, he just doesn't give a fuck about anyone that suffers so long as his 19th century principles are being upheld. Whatever excuses he presents here are so that the faintest shroud of humanity and civility remains intact.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Yep. Any reasonable person would have admitted they were wrong a long time ago, but tstorm hasn't. I don't know whether they're outright ignoring the facts because they are too in denial to admit them or is just screwing with people.
You haven't presented any facts that support your opinions. Abortion related deaths dropped to nearly nothing before Roe v Wade, there is no reason to believe it will climb from nearly nothing after Dobbs. Abortion rates rose after Roe v Wade, there is good reason to believe it will fall after Dobbs (though admittedly it was going to fall anyway without Dobbs, so I won't pretend I can distinguish between rates falling from laws vs rates falling from existing trends).

You're just ignoring actual data, and instead taking the position "anybody who disagrees with me is unreasonable".


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
You mean, in comparison to people who don't want women to have reproductive rights, and don't care if they die during child birth for a child they never wanted or was forced upon them through rape?
Reproductive rights is one hell of a euphemism for killing your offspring. One could just as easily construct a scenario where someone might die if they can't run a red light, but you're not going to try and shame proponents of traffic laws. You want to argue exceptions for rape, there's a decent argument to be made, but making it would require throwing the notion of "pro-choice" under the bus, because the lack of agency in the circumstances is the legal argument for the exception.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Reproductive rights is one hell of a euphemism for killing your offspring.
Dude, I'm killing my offspring on a daily basis, considering all the sperm cells that aren't being used to fertilize eggs. Me not deciding to impregnate a woman is as much killing my future children as a woman deciding to remove a microscopic bundle of cells.

And this response is immeasurably more than your opinion on reproductive rights deserves. Which quite frankly is nothing.
You want to argue exceptions for rape
I don't. Only pieces of shit who want to control womens bodies would want to argue that.
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