I mean, you may have stumbled into the mootest of moot points. You can't kill a dead a person. Just as a matter of definition.What is the difference between a living human and a dead human? There are physical differences in the metabolic processes, but on the basic level of physical reality both are still human. Dead people do not appear to possess the capacity for cognition or consciousness, but we've decided that doesn't matter since we can't ever know whether those exist anyway.
To be fair, the part that inspired my response was less about your intended point, and more a gut reaction to "bet you were hoping we'd all forget about this" as though I were thinking that was in any way related to the topic at hand. You not only gave an unexpected response, you expected me to be hoping you specifically wouldn't do as, and I was left flabberghasted.After taking a good, hard look at the emetic typhoon this threads devolved to over the past few pages, I only wish I were high.
But let me make this real simple for you. You're farting out the "abortion is eugenics!" trope, despite every attempt to say otherwise. I'm pointing out it's real funny this only seems to come from certain circles, when the conversation's about women's choice to terminate unwanted pregnancy. But when it comes to state and federal agents "allegedly" forcing women detainees to abort, abusing pregnant women detainees to the point of inducing miscarriage, and in some cases surgically sterilizing women detainees, and those women are part of ethnic and national outgroups, those "eugenics is bad!" people get real fuckin' quiet.
With slightly more explanation, your response makes more sense. All of those treatments of detained women are bad whenever they actually happen. I certainly defended the detention centers in the case where they were accused of genocide (side note, I misspelled this "genecide" on first type, and the right-click spellcheck didn't guess genocide, but rather gendercide. Am I alone in thinking autocorrect is getting worse over time), in a case where a doctor was performing a statistically average number of hysterectomies with admittedly poor efforts to properly bridge the language barrier. But yes, forcing women detainees to abort or sterilizing them is a heinous thing that should never happen.
And this is the part where most rational people stop caring about your perspective. I credit you for following your ideas to their genuine conclusions, but you should understand that most people are going to reject your premises because they lead logically to results like "abolish prisons."Abolish prisons.
Potentially, yes. Particularly if the donor is the parent of the person whose life is in jeopardy. I don't think compelling people to give blood in a life and death situation is an unimaginable horror.Do you believe that it is justified to force people to give blood in order to save lives?