I'm never not honest. Intellectualism is stupid, and deserves derision.
I mean, if you're claiming to be honest you've just kind of told on yourself.
Because you can't go around claiming to be reasonable, claiming that the things you believe are reasonable, if you also believe that thinking deeply about those things is stupid.
Admitting to being anti-intellectual is, in the eyes of anyone who values reason or seeks good faith discussion, one of the biggest self-owns possible. It is an admission of intellectual incuriosity. I don't like to call people stupid because I don't think most people are, and as someone with too much education it bothers me to see people described as stupid because they're undereducated. However, being uninterested in knowing or understanding anything, being ideologically committed to oversimplified and wrong explanations of the world, is pretty goddamn stupid.
I think the legality of killing humans should not depend on age, and could not care less about what you call a person.
Well, that's nice. We agree that the personhood discussion doesn't matter. Now we're getting somewhere.
So why do you think it should be illegal to kill a human?
If you don't believe it matters whether a human is a person, what is it about a human that entitles them not to be killed? What quality do all humans possess that makes their lives valuable? In what circumstances does it becomes acceptable to kill a human, and what qualitatively is different about a human whom it is not wrong to kill?
I don't expect a serious answer, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated.
I personally think it is wrong, I'm sure you're aware I subscribe to a Christian moral system, but that doesn't give me grounds to assert my beliefs or dismiss yours.
What is it about your Christian moral system that makes it opposed to hedonism?
What is it about your Christian moral system that makes it
better than hedonism.
As amused as I am by the insinuation, I'm not actually an ethical hedonist, at least not in any kind of restrictive sense. However, I do know why I'm not an ethical hedonist. Do you?
When you get to "death isn't bad since the fetus can't feel it", your argument has about the same value as if I came in here and said "the 6th commandment says not to kill".
See, this is funny because it indicates a failure to understand the basic premise of ethics.
When you say that it should be illegal to kill a human irrespective of its mental development, there are two possible conclusions. The first is that you believe this for absolutely no reason, like you wrote some possible statements on a card and drew some randomly out of a hat and decided you would believe the ones you drew. The second and more likely one is that you believe that killing a human is wrong, and that there is a fundamental similarity in ethical value between killing a fetus and killing an adult and a fundamental difference between killing an adult cow and killing an adult human.
And there is no way you can ground that argument in any kind of "objective standards". It is, whether you like it or not, a statement of your personal beliefs. What you seem to be unable or unwilling to grasp is that your personal beliefs do not have to be meaningless. Subjective observartions can be imbued with a kind of universal meaning through the exercise of reason. All you have to do is to actually use that reason.