It's funny you say that in my college(OSU) only business majors learn in-depth excel formulas(for the most part), and only programming and data analytics learn in-demand languages like Python, Java, Javascript, C++, and learning R, Stata, and Python are optimal for social science majors. Guess what a lot of the work at my job was excel, python, and Microsoft access. My college however loved citations, citations, citations, and not the fun type where you post the link and hyperlink it, no it's the one created by English majors to be as annoying as possible. (MLA9, Chicago Style, etc.) I spent half of my assignments writing them, and many students outright used fewer sources in order to create less of them making their papers less academically rigorous.
Had I not taken an excel/access class, learning python on my own I would have no applicable technical skills other than accounting, and bookkeeping that I learned in an accounting internship where I had to show them I used excel to get into it.