Funny Events of the "Woke" world

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Saw them both and neither were transphobic. Just because they don't 100% agree with certain views doesn't make them prejudice against trans people. Dave's story in his special is greatly helping trans inclusion, not hurting it.
Saying you're team terf (unironically) is transphobic.

And yes, Dave's story where he puts the onus of a suicide on the trans community I'm sure greatly helps trans inclusion. Even if you agree that the trans community was responsible, closing your special with that is NOT going to help inclusion.

His friend got seriously injured.
How seriously? Broken arm, what?

And one guy attempted to get Vito injured by yelling "he's got a weapon!!!" in the middle of a rowdy crowd. You don't do that unless they actually have a weapon.
No you don't. And yet I can't find myself to care too much in this situation. Again, they came there to stir shit.

Don't care who is doing it, it's wrong regardless. Lots of speakers at colleges are not being allowed to speak.
Isn't it the freedom of the college and students to not want them there to speak?

What do you think is gonna cause hatred for trans people, arguably the most popular comedian's special being removed because trans people complaining (Netflix did have to comment that it wouldn't be removed btw) or people actually watching the special and listening to Dave's story? Why would Dave's special cause any violence against trans people?
So trans people should stop complaining about bigotry otherwise people will become more bigoted. That's extremely convenient for everyone who wants to ignore the issue, or straight-up hate trans people.

Also, they have all the rights everyone else has.
Except they're not like everyone else, nor do they get the unbaised treatment like everyone else. Rights do not erase people's personal biases. Biases that get amplified tremendously by conservatives. But then even cis-women don't have the same rights, especially now.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
What do you think is gonna cause hatred for trans people,
The same thing that always has.

If you, for some reason, imagine that you have been given "cause" to hate trans people because (and I can't stress how unbelievably fragile this sounds) you believe they threatened your ability to watch a stand up comedy special on Netflix, then you hated trans people already, and it's better that you're honest about it.

Imagine the absolute snowflake logic of thinking everyone else has an obligation to care about your approval, to the point of remaining silent in the face of intentional disrespect.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Person A: Bastard shithead fucker wankstain.

Person B: Don't call me a shithead!

Person A: That's not all I said! You've taken it out of CoNtExT, the CoNtExT changes it completely!
More like

Person A: Bastard shithead fucker wankstain computer.

Person B: Don't call me a shithead!

You get the point.

Not by the rate your going at providing them, no.
Glad you're being honest at least that I could post multiple posts with like 8 tweets each and it wouldn't be enough proof for you but apparently in the anti-woke world thread 1 tweet by a person is indicative of an entire massive group.

If that's what actually happened - the smashing that is, then no. Considering I've not heard anything about anyone leaving the protest that day with even a minor concussion I doubt anyone's head got smashed. As for their stuff, I don't give a shit. They went there expressly to stir shit and some got on them. And Vito certainly capitalized on it.
Pretty sure it's actually on video still online........ But it's not brought up because bad PR and glossed over like journalists getting attacked worryingly regularly at protest events etc.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
*Looks up school shooting record of America*

*Looks at sentence DwarvenHobble made*

Everyone. Also...
As a reminder the guy who rushed and tried to attack Dave Chapelle wasn't charged with anything in the end as the local D.A. declined to charge him...... you ask who says what's appropriate or not? Well how about the law choosing what is and isn't worth a punishment?

You have PLENTY of opinions about what's appropriate. Not a single person on this forum or planet has ever stopped you from sharing your opinions

So you personally. definitely
Is that before or after the normal attempts at ad hominem and to turn things into an insulting match then those same people choosing to hammer the report button the moment they think something is even actionable to try and stop me from sharing my opinions? Or just the general ad hominem to muddy the water or constant strawmanning so I don't get to express my opinion as it's buried under people getting pissy and trying to demand I argue for the strawman now from my own position? That's not to mention the times and people who just refuse to accept what I say as my opinion and claim I'm lying and believe something else.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
No. Just the normal details. Even knowing if its actually related to Polygon would be nice

I don't know. So far Ben has accused Polygon for sexually harassing his kids. I don't know how that's possible. A company is not an actual person and cant rape kids. Perhaps its an employee of Polygon or something. Some sort of derails would be nice
Come on, I know you're better than to push some silly sophistry like this. I know you must actually understand he means people at the company and by not doing anything the company itself also is responsible in part too.

I'm looking for more information. Your original post didn't not provide further details. It's not about believing and disbelieving

Here, maybe this will help you understand. I haven't point out the flaws in the logic of yours or Ben's argument regarding any protentional abuse. It's not that I don't believe Ben. i wasn't given enough information to understand what was happening from that twitter thread

In that twitter thread? Ben claimed Vox and Polygon didn't investigate it. That doesn't prove there wasn't an investigation. I was only give one twitter thread to decide on things

Like, when I try to look this up, here's what I get

So if this is true, Ben's kids were sexually abused but not by anyone at Polygon. Polygon didnt give him time off to look after his kid that was abuse (this is still shitty but not as bad as covering up abuse.) This news report could be true. It could be false. I don't have enough information

Do you have ANYTHING different from this?
No, but also kind of surprised you're using bounding into comics as a source considering their history.........


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
If you are going to pick any show of the CW superheroes to be woke, it's gotta be Legends of Tomorrow. It's got more woke stuff in there than the other 4 combined.

Batgirl isnt woke. It's just something you dont like. It doesnt hurt you. It's allowed to exist even if you dont like it
And yet the people yelling on twitter normally don't give a shit about Legends of Tomorrow. There's not regular screeching about it. There's not regular articles celebrating it. It just keeps ticking over.

Batgirl may or may not be woke (again the film hasn't come out and who knows it if ever will). The issue is to turn the argument used against the #Releasethesnydercut people round, it's about the toxic entitled audience it seems to have been garnering before release and how DC shouldn't give in to such people because it shouldn't want such people as it's audience as it will only serve to drive off everyone else...........


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I'm assuming you mean Feminist or SJWs or whatever

Perhaps you could tell me what you think Feminist (or your chosen group) say about characters in movies/Tv etc
Cracks Knuckles.

Oh you really want to know?

(Paraphrased) Everyone male who plays video games can be defined as one of main guys in the Big Bang Theory.

And before I get people saying that's a lie, here you go

The clips is from a longer video about "File sharing culture" which I can't actually link to here without breaking the rules because (1) nudity in the video and (2) would count as promoting piracy probably, but I'm sure people will have no trouble finding the actual video.

Based on internet stuff.

Rey is one of the best most complex female characters ever put to film.

She Hulk is one of the first female superheroes to ever have a show especially in the MCU

Bayonetta is a bad female lead character with no real personality

Should I post more?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
And how many people have you come across that honestly did that? If we are talking about the "woke" crowd for this is the "woke" thread, the vast majority of what you're seeing is people hating on it or calling out issues they have with certain depictions or lack of inclusion. At worst you'll have a pointless petition, or a twitter mob ganging up on one person, which is a far cry from legislature that actually bans books and movies from circulation.

16,940 people some of whom were game devs and artists who happily shared his round on twitter.

Here's an article on it

Part of this push (and I believe a previous incarnation of the petition) even called on Joe Biden and the UN or EU to step in and ban the game from release.

Yes this was a legitimate attempt to get legislature passed, luckily Joe Biden doesn't know what a Fallujah is or what these video game thingies are.

Or did we all suddenly forget the push to get Joker banned from cinemas by taking advantage of companies not wanting their names linked to violent incidents by fearmongering? Or are we playing the "Only the government can censor things" card. In which case with Batgirl it's totally just a private corporate making their own perfectly legitimate decisions and we're all meant to respect that or some bullshit because private companies can do what they like or something....

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009

16,940 people some of whom were game devs and artists who happily shared his round on twitter.

Here's an article on it

Part of this push (and I believe a previous incarnation of the petition) even called on Joe Biden and the UN or EU to step in and ban the game from release.

Yes this was a legitimate attempt to get legislature passed, luckily Joe Biden doesn't know what a Fallujah is or what these video game thingies are.
And thus you gave an example of a pointless petition, the thing that I mentioned.

Also, the criticism came from both sides, or sides that weren't being "woke", like war vets, the Stop the War Coalition, and a civilian survivor of the war.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
And thus you gave an example of a pointless petition, the thing that I mentioned.

Also, the criticism came from both sides, or sides that weren't being "woke", like war vets, the Stop the War Coalition, and a civilian survivor of the war.
You mean the same war vet who actually has been rather on the woke side and was once yelling that a number of Killstreak rewards should be removed from COD because they were offensive?


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Saying you're team terf (unironically) is transphobic.

And yes, Dave's story where he puts the onus of a suicide on the trans community I'm sure greatly helps trans inclusion. Even if you agree that the trans community was responsible, closing your special with that is NOT going to help inclusion.

How seriously? Broken arm, what?

No you don't. And yet I can't find myself to care too much in this situation. Again, they came there to stir shit.

Isn't it the freedom of the college and students to not want them there to speak?

So trans people should stop complaining about bigotry otherwise people will become more bigoted. That's extremely convenient for everyone who wants to ignore the issue, or straight-up hate trans people.

Except they're not like everyone else, nor do they get the unbaised treatment like everyone else. Rights do not erase people's personal biases. Biases that get amplified tremendously by conservatives. But then even cis-women don't have the same rights, especially now.
No, it's not. The story is about Daphne and connecting with her. The story isn't about the possible villain, everyone and every group has been the villain at some point.

Head injury.

I guess we saw totally different videos then. The crazy people were the protesters by a long fucking shot. The guy saying "he has a weapon" knew exactly the fuck that was doing. Why would you say that other than to coerce the crowd?

You can not go and hear the person speak if you don't like them, how hard is that? Also, if the attendance is low enough for certain speakers, then they just won't get booked again because there isn't enough interest. That's how society "cancels" stuff naturally. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean others don't and you're denying them the right to hear them speak, they paid tuition too.

Complaining is fine, it's gone beyond that. And most of the people trans are complaining about are on their side, you think Chappelle or Gervais are actually prejudiced against trans people?

What rights don't they have that must be fought for? That's what you're replying to. Everyone has biases and, yes, rights don't make biases go away. Telling people stuff they like is basically evil is helping eliminate biases? Would someone yelling at you about how bad something is you like gonna end up being a positive experience?

The same thing that always has.

If you, for some reason, imagine that you have been given "cause" to hate trans people because (and I can't stress how unbelievably fragile this sounds) you believe they threatened your ability to watch a stand up comedy special on Netflix, then you hated trans people already, and it's better that you're honest about it.

Imagine the absolute snowflake logic of thinking everyone else has an obligation to care about your approval, to the point of remaining silent in the face of intentional disrespect.
I'm personally not gonna hold a grudge against any group of people because a small subset are assholes, but others do all the time (hence why there is such violence against groups of people). At least one Chappelle show was cancelled because of it though. Chappelle wasn't disrespecting trans people. Is someone disrespecting me if we don't see eye-to-eye on every issue?
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
In that... if you include "computer" it makes no sense?
It does, I'm kind of worried you are struggling with this honestly and explains a lot.

Not to be condescending but there's no other way to explain this without coming off as such.

Person A is swearing at his computer.

Person B claims Person A is swearing about him by failing to realise and present the context he said computer at the end.

So Context does matter


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
It does, I'm kind of worried you are struggling with this honestly and explains a lot.

Not to be condescending but there's no other way to explain this without coming off as such.

Person A is swearing at his computer.

Person B claims Person A is swearing about him by failing to realise and present the context he said computer at the end.

So Context does matter
Right... but none of the context in your post changed the target or substance of what was quoted.

Which was obviously the point.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Right... but none of the context in your post changed the target or substance of what was quoted.

Which was obviously the point.
except it did. You apparently failed to understand it which considering how I just had to explain to you a basic example of why context matter makes far more sense as to why you don't get that context

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
No, it's not. The story is about Daphne and connecting with her. The story isn't about the possible villain, everyone and every group has been the villain at some point.
Except Chappelle is not one to both-sides this issue, and saying he's team terf is REALLY not making this supposed case. He's team terf and implied trans women are lesser for not being able to give birth. Whether or not he himself is transphobic, those are transphobic statements.

Head injury.
Then I'm sorry he got hurt and I hope he recovered.

I guess we saw totally different videos then. The crazy people were the protesters by a long fucking shot. The guy saying "he has a weapon" knew exactly the fuck that was doing. Why would you say that other than to coerce the crowd?
I don't know, maybe he actually did think he had a weapon? Things become rather vague in a crowd of rowdy people. Again, I don't feel too sorry for these two who themselves knew exactly what they were they for; supporting a millionare comedian who got paid millions of dollars, and doing so to spite the people who were protesting.

You can not go and hear the person speak if you don't like them, how hard is that? Also, if the attendance is low enough for certain speakers, then they just won't get booked again because there isn't enough interest. That's how society "cancels" stuff naturally. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean others don't and you're denying them the right to hear them speak, they paid tuition too.
You can also protest the speaker if you feel they shouldn't come to your college. And if you then get enough people on board then that's totally within your right. It's your school afterall - you're paying money (and likely getting into a fuckton of debt) to attend this school. And if you don't feel comfortable with someone coming to your place of learning to likely say some very instigating things, you're well within your right to protest it.

Complaining is fine, it's gone beyond that. And most of the people trans are complaining about are on their side, you think Chappelle or Gervais are actually prejudiced against trans people?
So you're saying you know what trans people should find insulting and what it is to live with these insults better then they do? I hope that's not the case, because that would be really silly.

What rights don't they have that must be fought for?
Trans medical care for one, probably the biggest one.

Telling people stuff they like is basically evil is helping eliminate biases? Would someone yelling at you about how bad something is you like gonna end up being a positive experience?
Were did I say that? Also, who out there says that other than the usual ones who think porn and videogames turn you to a life of crime? Calling out problems in media is not saying the media itself is bad, just that the issues are there.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
And most of the people trans are complaining about are on their side, you think Chappelle or Gervais are actually prejudiced against trans people?

Most people are prejudiced against trans people. You can be prejudiced against trans people and not believe you are. You can be prejudiced against trans people and still have trans friends or qualify your prejudiced beliefs by claiming they don't apply to all trans people. Being prejudiced is about the normative assumptions by which you judge people.

Chappelle and Gervais do not know anything about or have any genuine insight into the people they're joking at the expense of, and yet they feel entitled to stand up in public and pretend otherwise. They're sad, ageing, out-of-touch boomer comics who have nothing truly interesting to say about the world any more but know there's an audience of people just as sad and out of touch as them who will laugh through bared teeth if you talk about the kids today and their new fangled genders.

That is bigotry, and believing that trans people are so interchangable that you can fix it all with an anecdote about the fact you knew a trans person just makes it worse.