I mean, you aren't wrong, even ignoring polemics. There's a strong case to be made on ethical and economic grounds that open boarders tied with workplace protections to avoid exploitation is a good move to make. Gets everybody into paying taxes, prevents the idea of paying undocumented workers a sub-minimum wage which depresses other labor wages, allows immigrants to seek protection and recourse for illegal workplace practices and safety hazards, etc.
It's not like we haven't had an entire much larger border open for pretty much the entirety of U.S. history which the people from that country can come in effectively whenever they want to... and it hasn't caused a total collapse of American society.
For those who don't get it, here's a hint:
The reason people keep coming in from the south is because the countries they're coming in from are so awful that even now we still look like an improvement. Even being dirt poor in the U.S. is better than being the same in Mexico or Cuba or wherever. Ultimately the only way to stop illegal immigration would be to make it much easier and more beneficial to immigrate legally... which opens a whole other can of worms. Mostly based on the idea that immigrants are gonna tek yer jobs!, ones that the businesses aren't going to hire American workers for anyway because they'd have to pay them fairly and make sure they work in decent conditions. On that note...
Call me crazy but I think getting the oligarchs to pay bountiful wages to americans to do these jobs is gonna deal them a heavier blow than importing more desperate indentured servants for them to exploit. We already have people willing to work here, we just don't pay em enough.
If U.S. companies couldn't hire immigrants and pay them a pittance they'd just find another group to exploit or move out of the U.S. completely into some incredibly poor country where they could. Either way American workers and immigrants would not end up with the money that they should be getting in the first place. The reason so many businesses are outsourcing and hiring immgrants rather than hiring American workers is because of the worker protections our country has, which paradoxically makes there be
less jobs for American workers and thus less money being paid to said workers overall.
Not to say it's not horrible, but no
jerkass greedy criminal sensible business would ever hire American workers or immigrants being paid the same as when they could exploit some kids halfway around the world for next to nothing. It's come to the point that those countries full of people being exploited are dirt poor, but if we somehow were to force these businesses to both stay in the U.S. and pay American and immigrant workers fair wages those countries they used to exploit are so dependent of the pitiful wages from these businesses they'd be way worse off if not have their entire economy collapse completely.
It's the Catch 22 of American business and first world countries in general. All first world countries are to some extent exploiting third world countries across the globe so that they can avoid paying fair wages. Which for the American people means lower prices on everything (though nowhere near as low as they could be) and thus unintentionally support by buying things because they're lower priced. It's a vicious cycle that since it was allowed to come into being in the first place has become so entrenced as to now be effectively impossible to remove.
They could take care of the current population. They choose not to-- They choose to concentrate the available resources among a tiny proportion instead, and then fritter away billions more on unnecessary expenditures.
Like for instance the expenditures on a military that hasn't done anything useful or fought a war that's actually benefited the United States in over 70 years. It's not like we don't have enough hardware in storage right now to utterly curbstomp nearly any other country on the planet and make the rest think twice... oh wait, we totally do. There's a lot of other unnecessary expenditures too, but just cutting down the vast majority of the military would deal with the lion's share of our expenses right there.