The Shattered Elden Ring Thread: Tarnished Edition - (Shadow of the Erdtree p. 85)


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
It seems like most of the areas where spirit ashes were available was for the boss fights, whether the main path or in the field. The funny thing is I initially thought that little symbol in the corner meant you were simply in a dungeon area with secrets available or something, so yeah I didn't even realize their true purpose until sometime in Liurnia I think.
It's boss fights and areas where vast groups of enemies are bunched in together, like that place with the catapults and the rider knights and the fire tank thing before you reach the big lift. I kinda figured this was the summon symbol because I remembered hearing in one of the interviews about the game how it wouldn't let you do it everywhere, so I just tested it. Also something which took me a while to figure out was that to use the marika stakes you had to actually turn on the summoning statues, they're not just for multiplayer.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
We'll have to wait and see, but the Tencent buy-in isn't a good sign.

There are obviously ethical concerns one can attach to Tencent, of course. But if we're going on a game design standpoint. They seem to be pretty hands off on the majority of games they're intermingled in (which is in itself.... the majority of games, prettymuch). Again, moral/political concerns aside, they seem content to invest in games companies (among hundreds/thousands of other companies) that are proven commodities and just let them carry on doing their success anyways.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
There are obviously ethical concerns one can attach to Tencent, of course. But if we're going on a game design standpoint. They seem to be pretty hands off on the majority of games they're intermingled in (which is in itself.... the majority of games, prettymuch). Again, moral/political concerns aside, they seem content to invest in games companies (among hundreds/thousands of other companies) that are proven commodities and just let them carry on doing their success anyways.
Hopefully that’s the case here, and that Sony knows better too.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010

Yeah those bastards sucked but I’d probably give it to the stone imps and their jump attacks . Runner up would be the perfumers and their flame spam.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
That multi-armed centipede-like abomination in the lake that spits poison and teleports had this one attack where it just ran forward and hit you like 20 times where if you got touched once it stunlocked you, very annoying.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
That multi-armed centipede-like abomination in the lake that spits poison and teleports had this one attack where it just ran forward and hit you like 20 times where if you got touched once it stunlocked you, very annoying.
Opaline Bubbletear plus the poise one or something to compliment your offense and going in with strongest attacks/skills is the safest way to take those bastards down. They are literally my least favorite in the game because they combine several annoying things:

- Ridiculous combo attack with hyper armor? Check
- Teleports when you start attacking? Check
- Procs annoying status effects? Check
- Sinfully ugly? Check


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Opaline Bubbletear plus the poise one or something to compliment your offense and going in with strongest attacks/skills is the safest way to take those bastards down. They are literally my least favorite in the game because they combine several annoying things:

- Ridiculous combo attack with hyper armor? Check
- Teleports when you start attacking? Check
- Procs annoying status effects? Check
- Sinfully ugly? Check
They would appear in ares where you can horse around so I would just kite em with torrent and use heavy attacks to stagger em, the main issue is their attack range is so wide that a roll often won't travel far enough to fully clear them and their hitbox is persistent enough so that it hits you even if you do dodge it, but torrent gives you the extra mobility to clear em and hit em from behind.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom

Yeah those bastards sucked but I’d probably give it to the stone imps and their jump attacks . Runner up would be the perfumers and their flame spam.
Both good choices. But I'd go with those mad crawling prisoners wearing the big spherical head thingies. That incessant fucking grab attack...


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I’ve not played Elden Ring, and probably won’t any time soon (really don’t have the time to try and get invested in a new FROM-style game right now,) but I did watch a video of someone beating every boss, and I must say, the game looks gorgeous and fucking BRUTAL. The only shame is the bosses move so fast and so frequently, it’s hard to appreciate all the gruesome little details they clearly put a lot of work into. (Those character designers probably need therapy.) Might try to find a video where they pan around the inactive character models to get a better look-see.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I’ve not played Elden Ring, and probably won’t any time soon (really don’t have the time to try and get invested in a new FROM-style game right now,) but I did watch a video of someone beating every boss, and I must say, the game looks gorgeous and fucking BRUTAL. The only shame is the bosses move so fast and so frequently, it’s hard to appreciate all the gruesome little details they clearly put a lot of work into. (Those character designers probably need therapy.) Might try to find a video where they pan around the inactive character models to get a better look-see. is a good place to start.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
A tough but fair critique on a good chunk of the game’s bosses -
I just clicked to see how long the video was, and within the first 15 seconds, he'd nailed another reason (besides time constraints) that I've not rushed to play Elden Ring: it just looks fucking hard, like, really overwhelmingly hard. It looks intimidating. I was shocked to see so many speed and "all bosses, no hits" runs so soon after the game came out. Gave me hope that I might be able to try it one day, but if there's a notable shift in FROM's "hard, but fair" modus operandi, I might just enjoy a competent let's play or two.

EDIT: I've watched a bit, and will probably watch the rest over time. I know it's one man's opinion, but given his "credentials" of multiple playthroughs with multiple different builds, it's a bit refreshing to hear someone who's good at the game openly critique its difficulty. For years, the bulk of the discussion around FROM titles has been between people who are bad at them calling them "too hard," and people who are savants at them telling the former to "GIT GUD!" It's interesting to hear someone from the latter camp admit that "yeah, this game IS hard, and one could argue TOO hard at times."
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I just clicked to see how long the video was, and within the first 15 seconds, he'd nailed another reason (besides time constraints) that I've not rushed to play Elden Ring: it just looks fucking hard, like, really overwhelmingly hard. It looks intimidating. I was shocked to see so many speed and "all bosses, no hits" runs so soon after the game came out. Gave me hope that I might be able to try it one day, but if there's a notable shift in FROM's "hard, but fair" modus operandi, I might just enjoy a competent let's play or two.
As a caveat though, he makes it clear his critique relies on self-imposed restrictions to make the fights more like traditional SoulsBorne encounters. I personally thought with all the different ways the game offers combat assistance and perks to your build that it wound up being on the easier side of their games, even without online summons. It all takes more time to acquire given the size, but I suppose that’s the tradeoff. Only a couple cases had me spending a couple nights thinking, “fuck this bullshit”. But then trying something different turned them each into far more manageable fights.

Basically the video does a good job of pointing out how in terms of boss encounters, Elden Ring is nearly the polar opposite of their previous and so finely tuned game Sekiro. With enough practice you can confidently get through everything in that game relying only on your katana and learning each boss, whereas Elden Ring…not so much.

*edit* actually this would be a more extreme example to elaborate on how the game can be as tough (but fair…mostly) or as easy as someone wants it to be -

Pinned by LupineOs
LupineOs1 month ago (edited)
Final Stray Thoughts and some Common Responses

People always refer to the rally system in Bloodborne and praise it for enabling the player to be aggressive and have more fun. I don't think this playstyle is exclusive to bloodborne though, you can play this aggressive and absorb some hits as long as you level hp properly. The rally system only taught you to play aggro, it didn't unlock this playstyle. This is the distinction imo.

Souls games have struggled in the past to teach the player how they should play, the game can give you all the tools in the world but most people just won’t use them unless they’re subtly forced to. Just look at shields being overly easy to crutch on in souls or the spirit emblems keeping players from experimenting with prosthetic combos more. Also Joseph complains that we don't have the resources to keep up with the faster enemies but neglects to mention that endurance regenerates faster than ever now, even turbo regening when you crouch or just click crouch for half a second. I would say you could make the arguement to defend waterfowl dance if you want to but yea it's definitely an insane and polarizing attack. I can guarantee most people will have a hell of a time ever trying to figure out a roll dodge for it and probably never will on their own. For me this meant crutching on bloodhound step on my blind playthrough, then seeing Ongbal dodge it with light roll and going "oh thats how you do it" and then doing the roll dodge ever since. Even when I go into boss fights strictly to observe and take notes there is a slim chance that I think I would've ever figured out the up close dodge on my own, even though bloodhound helped me figure out the direction I should be dodging.

The thing is though, now that I know how to dodge waterfowl I fuckin love it, it's so satisfying to get the up close dodge and feels so baller when you space the first string and only use one single roll to dodge the whole combo and make it look effortless. My problem with waterfowl is that it's so fun to dodge, but learning how is an absolute ***** to figure out and usually will mean players reaching for a crutch and not getting that cool moment of figuring out a solution for the craziest attack they have ever seen. In this regard waterfowl is too hard, but I don't want them to change it now at this point. Just to further clarify my opinion on Malenia specifically I would argue she is fair but she is definitely far from the funnest boss in ER imo. My problem with her is the flow of the fight is weird with her just stringing together standalone attacks rather than having longer combos and flowcharts like Morgott for example. She was anecdotally my lightbulb moment for changing my mentality and approach to this game's combat though and I had all the days of footage of me fighting her so that's why she ended up being a focus of the video.

Another idea for dungeon rewards after some heated drunk discord debates was that we could have themed dungeons so you know what type of reward you could expect. An example would be a crystal cave for a sorcery as the main reward. That way if you are making a mage build you know it will be worthwhile to do. The problem is that a strength build would have zero motivation to do it except for minor rewards and runes. Instead of theming the dungeons then, we could add questlines and rumors to the npcs so they could point you in the right direction. Sellen could give you some gossip or a treasure map that leads to a dungeon with a high level spell. This would also help fill out some more npc questlines in a refreshingly non-cryptic way. As long as we avoid the fetch quest trap. For the dungeon rewards being unique I could also mention that if you find a spell or weapon that you want to try you can easily re-spec to try it out and it's way easier than in ds3 and completely nonexistent in Bloodborne.

Idk if there are just this many Dark Souls 1 boomers or what but it puzzles me as to why so many diehard Souls fans have such an aversion to actual rpg mechanics/systems, such as item crafting. Also wtf is this hand wringing about the hitless players. All these nerds who never bother to challenge run souls games, and have no idea what it's even like, whining that it needs to be fun while hitless so we should make it easier. Save the scrub sympathy and go try and hitless dark souls 3 right now and see just how miserable and janky it really is. Dark Soap pointed out to me that Great Runes don't carry over into ng+. Idk why this slipped my mind but yea. IF you want to do a lifesteal build then you could Blasphemous Blade, God Devourer Serpent Curved Sword, and Taker's Cameo, but this would only give hp on kills and not vs bosses. Godskin swaddling cloth talisman does give you hp on successive attacks though so there's that. Sucks but ah well. I'll reiterate that I wish there were more great runes like the Melania Rune that give playstyle altering properties. Again I still believe you can play like you might in bloodborne even without a rally system.

Also I have yet to see footage but apparently elden stars and Radahn meteor can happen multiple times in one fight. I have yet to see this in ng+5 even after I stopped leveling at 125 so anecdotally I'm going to say for most people you will almost always see these attacks just once, and both are easy to dodge anyways if you know what to do (just Google the elden stars dodge already my god I even show it in the vid). Godskin nobles Belly Wog (Noble Prescence) seems to have been solved by hitless runners and you can run backwards out of it. Still unsure if its 100% consistent but check out a fellow challenge runner and ask them about it. There are some no roll runs of this boss out there.

To the nerds who can only hyperfixate on one thing at a time yes, From tiptoeing the line between fair and unfair with a couple enemies out of hundreds in a game can be good game design. Stop pretending like they did it for every single boss and enemy. Yes I know many hitless runners have a laundry list of complaints about a few of the bosses, mostly Malenia since she is guilty of the most jank. For 99.5% of the playerbase they will not have their overall enjoyment of the entire game compromised because a few attack or hitboxes are not 100% perfectly clean, and I know this because it has existed in every souls game to date and people are now saying those were their favorites of all time, even when they too were unbalanced af on launch. I don't see people complaining that "malenias double swipe can be undodgeable into it in certain situations when you are on higher elevation," instead you see people saying Margit has undodgeable frame traps. Just because there are a handful of attacks that exist in this game out of hundreds that aren't cleanly perfect 100% of the time due to unintended bugs like projectiles getting hung up on terrain, doesn't mean that From suddenly shit their pants and forgot how to balance games. If you are a hitless runner than yes unfortunately you will have to play around bosses to mitigate certain moves because there is rng in the sense that an attack might bug out and end your run, but for the layman they will never even notice these issues most of the time.

It's the same shit as when I showed Silverbullet getting killed by an invisible attack in his Lady Maria run while Joseph is there praising her balance while being able to sweep the jank under the rug. I am aware that hitless runs are not a great indicator of how good or fair a boss is, but it is instructive because majority of the complaints I see are just this attack or that attack is undodgeable when they are sorely mistaken and just need to learn how to dodge it. I can see why my desire to spotlight many of these under-watched creators came across as me using hitless runs as proof that bosses are perfectly fine the way they are already.

There IS a myriad of legitimate problems with this game like all the rest, but once again the greater conversation about these games lost because scrubs are too busy spreading misinfo and muddying the water. There are still fucking redditors that to this very day claim that they forget to turn on poise in ds3. To the babbies saying I'm view hungry I started on this video when I had 50 subs and I just wanted to make it to share with my friends in the invader community so I wouldn't have to talk about the same shit over and over every single time we argued about Anderson's video on discord, with every person remembering what he said totally differently. I had to make my own timestamps for his video and takes notes over 5 watches just to even figure out his concrete stance on anything specific so I can understand how people end up misremembering and imprinting their own bias onto his analysis, given the wishy washy and perma-sidetracked nature of long form essays. Clip farming for ez gotcha's is one thing, but I really needed to make sure we are somewhat on the same page here at least.

One last complaint about sekiro, who are all these guys coming out of the woodwork to say how much they love sekiro in order to then complain about Elden Ring. Where the fuck were all these fans when the game was getting lambasted for being an ultrahard, over-tuned, repetitive grind of L1 spam. Posers smh. I’ve noticed a huge wave of newcomers to sekiro lately and its been fantastic, but I think people forget just how much that game got shit on the year it released. I’m honestly shocked it got GOTY considering how many game journalists had to beat it with cheats. Lastly, to all the kind folks commenting things along the lines of "Good job on the video man but but I still agree with Joseph," thank you but please give yourself some credit. You can feel that Elden Ring isnt fun or fair enough and dislike it, you don't have to agree with either me or Joseph.
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Elite Member
Dec 30, 2021
One thing FromSoft games are good at, is keeping dialog going about their games for a long time. Hell new videos get made about dark souls all the time

But i suppose the ER debate of whether it is too hard or not will persist forever because neither side is right or wrong. It is about personal approach and whatever your skill level is.

Is ER the hardest Souls game to date? Yes.

Is ER the easiest Souls game to date? Also yes.
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