Considering comprehensive and frank levels of sex ed from kindergarten is statistically proven to be the best way to lower child pregnancy rates, child sex abuse, and grooming, the fact that the conservative position is to Never Do That leads me to some very unfortunate implications. Like, shouldn't it be a good thing that kids know what their parts are, how they work, and what a healthy relationship looks like? So that they know that Daddy's Secret Playtime is actually abuse and they can get help?
On a related note, Yen Press localized the manga series Sex Education 120%. It was written because the authors thought Japanese sex ed was hot garbage, and being somebody from a country which also has a rep for sex ed being garbage I kinda wanted to see how they stack up. Would've been a godsend if I were a kid. Lot of frank talk about relationships, consent, the common myths kids and adults will believe, invent, or lie about to have sex, what different relationships looks like, how pornography lies and sets up dramatically unrealistic expectations, the actual physical mechanics of sex, which if you haven't had it yet can be surprisingly useful, hygiene, and how not to hurt yourself and others. Only downside is that Yen Press rated it Mature despite being way less horny and somehow less explicit than most shonen manga, which puts it outside the age range it's really helpful for. It also has some gay kids and a kid who's probably asexual on top of the useful and practical sex ed, so it's basically conservative mind poison.