And it's still true, because any lack of clarity is the direct result of concerted efforts to obfuscate both groups' neo-Nazism in order to legitimize them.
Azov was a neo-Nazi militia for a few months. It has been a national guard regiment for coming up to a decade.
Part of being a national guard regiment is that you can't choose officers on the basis of political loyalty. You can't select recruits on the basis of their political beliefs. You can't recruit people without citizenship (in peacetime at least). Even without the deliberate purging of the membership following incorporation, you would expect to see some degree of depoliticization.
Is that depoliticization complete? The answer is unquestionably no. But claiming that this group has somehow managed to perfectly retain its political identity for years while also being an incorporated national guard regiment and despite deliberate membership purges isn't a whole lot more plausible.
In other words, it's absolutely clear what the pedigree is for both of these groups, save for the fact it's become politically inconvenient to look reality in the eye and speak truth about it.
It hasn't become remotely inconvenient.
The exact same people form an organization with the exact same politics, the exact same methodology, the exact same rhetoric, the exact same symbology, and the exact same name, yet we're to believe it's somehow "unclear" how connected they are?
In the case of Azov, yes.
Because many of those "exact same people" either left or were forced out and replaced by people who weren't the exact same people. Because the organization was significantly enlarged into a standard military formation through open recruiting from the civilian population. Because many of those people have now died and been replaced, again, by more people who are drawn from the civilian population. Because the rhetoric, while still undeniably present, has been largely excised from the collective identity of the group itself. Because the symbolism (while still extremely sus) has undergone significant alteration seemingly in an attempt to distance itself from the symbolism used by those "exact same people".
We are living in 2022 not 2014, and thus there remains an open question of what degree those "exact same people" still have influence over the organization they created in 2014. The historical connection is not ambiguous, but the present one is.
No, the exact amount of crossover is quite clear. We've just chosen to pretend it isn't, because it's inconvenient truth.
Again, none of this is remotely inconvenient.
I live under the assumption that all volunteer military forces, police departments and positions that allow for the use of force and the abuse of power are full of neo-Nazis. That assumption has never failed me.