Due to ongoing events and Matt Walsh trying to claim there's millions of kids on puberty blockers (only to get fact checked live on air on Joe Rogan's show by the producer in that Rogany "it says here there's only 4000 kids on puberty blockers over the last 5 years but I'm not gonna directly call you a liar" sort of way)
So I decided to do some math while arguing with an idiot on Twitter. Here's my results:
Firstly, I'm going to uncritically believe the terf argument that, if not placed on puberty blockers or hormones, 80% of dysphoric children desist. Second, I'm going to uncritically believe the terf argument that 98% of children placed on puberty blockers continue on to cross sex hormones
According to insurance data, 121,882 children in the US were diagnosed with gender dysphoria between 2017 and 2021. Assuming 80% desist, that leaves 24,376 that stay transgender. According to the same insurance data, 17,682 children started taking puberty blockers over the same 5 year period. Which is less than 24,376, but that makes sense as a significant number of trans people with gender dysphoria don't necessarily need/want chemical intervention to treat it as children
Or in other words: according to terf arguments, we are correctly identifying transgender children in need of medical intervention with a 98% accuracy rate, and if anything we could expand those numbers further.
Which I find hilarious.

Anti-trans pundit Matt Walsh tells a lie so big even Joe Rogan called bullshit - LGBTQ Nation
When Rogan's producer weighed in with a fact check, the rightwing mouthpiece was forced to admit he'd made up his claims.

So I decided to do some math while arguing with an idiot on Twitter. Here's my results:
Firstly, I'm going to uncritically believe the terf argument that, if not placed on puberty blockers or hormones, 80% of dysphoric children desist. Second, I'm going to uncritically believe the terf argument that 98% of children placed on puberty blockers continue on to cross sex hormones
According to insurance data, 121,882 children in the US were diagnosed with gender dysphoria between 2017 and 2021. Assuming 80% desist, that leaves 24,376 that stay transgender. According to the same insurance data, 17,682 children started taking puberty blockers over the same 5 year period. Which is less than 24,376, but that makes sense as a significant number of trans people with gender dysphoria don't necessarily need/want chemical intervention to treat it as children

Puberty blockers for transgender and gender-diverse youth
Understand how puberty blockers work to suppress puberty. Learn about their benefits, side effects and long-term effects.
Or in other words: according to terf arguments, we are correctly identifying transgender children in need of medical intervention with a 98% accuracy rate, and if anything we could expand those numbers further.
Which I find hilarious.