I've finally gotten into Doom Eternal, and so far I'm not too sure how I like it. The way they've changed the formula dips firmly into overcomplication: different weapons, chainsaw, glory kills, blood punch, frost grenades, flamethrower... I'm not even 3 hours in and it already feels overwhelming. Playing on Ultra-Violence (or whatever Hard difficulty is called) I find myself often dying and barely knowing what killed me. The arenas are both big and multilayered, and you barely have time to even take stock of what you're up against. Not that it matters much, because all the enemies move around so quickly that it's easy to lose track of them completely and get into crossfire. The game's extreme stinginess with ammo means that you're basically forced to play it like a resource management game, which can often feel frustrating. It feels like there's very little freedom in how enemies are supposed to be handled: shoot the turret of the arachnotron, sticky bombs for cacodemons, precision shot for Mancubuses and so on. Focusing bigger targets down first doesn't feel viable either, because at any given time there's like 5 more aiming for you, leading to quite a lot of running away in the combat encounters.