If DeSantis wins


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Nope, just saying you can fit the important African American education into current history/social studies courses just fine.
Given the current state of things, no they can't. Which is of course the point. DeSantis is looking for the erasure of non-white, non-cishet voices. Because he's a bigoted ****.
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
The amount a necessary basic skills/knowledge that the younger generation doesn't have is staggering.
Your parents said this about you, and their parents said it about them. Presumably people are getting taller because they no longer have massive brains weighing them down. Or, and this is just a theory, every generation has rose-tinted spectacles about their own abilities and knowledge vs others' (except my generation, obviously, we keep it extremely real).

(breakfast is probably their worse meal and the easiest one to give up since far less social nature to it than lunch and dinner).
Is there a study for this one? It seems likely to me that breakfast is more social than lunch for working people who have families (being the meal they share with family before they separate for the day vs. the meal you have around colleagues).

Grade school and high school should teach kids important knowledge and skills needed for adulthood.
Well, that's oxbox lakes fucked.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I don't think grade school and high school should have elective courses. The amount a necessary basic skills/knowledge that the younger generation doesn't have is staggering.
...how much art and music exist in your ideal school system? Which set of ethics? How much and what kind of history? How much and what kind of sciences?


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal

Study indicating that people who eat breakfast tend to burn more calories throughout the day due to increased activity. And that regular breakfast eaters have more stable glucose responses throughout the day.

If people want to skip breakfast fine but IF isn't magic and if you struggle with skipping a morning meal then it likely isn't a sustainable weightloss strategy.

Aslo way to prove my point that your diet views are based on culture war silliness. You truly are a product of your youtube algorithm.
What diet of simply eating real food is based on some trendy diet on Youtube or the culture war?

Uh... Did you not read the title of the study...? A RCT in LEAN adults. I'm providing advice for people that are unhealthy. Obviously if you're healthy, you don't have to change much at all (don't fix what's not broke). I never said you can't eat a good breakfast, but most don't, which is the problem.

Given the current state of things, no they can't. Which is of course the point. DeSantis is looking for the erasure of non-white, non-cishet voices. Because he's a bigoted ****.
No, he's not.

Your parents said this about you, and their parents said it about them. Presumably people are getting taller because they no longer have massive brains weighing them down. Or, and this is just a theory, every generation has rose-tinted spectacles about their own abilities and knowledge vs others' (except my generation, obviously, we keep it extremely real).

Is there a study for this one? It seems likely to me that breakfast is more social than lunch for working people who have families (being the meal they share with family before they separate for the day vs. the meal you have around colleagues).

Well, that's oxbox lakes fucked.
The generalin ability to troubleshoot a problem for all the young guys my boss hires is staggering and this is IT where much of the job is troubleshooting.

Most families' lives is not an idealized version of a sitcom where the parent cooks breakfast, the other reads the paper, and everyone eats together. Not everyone in the family gets up at the same time anyway. Most people grab breakfast on the go. Why do you think there's so many breakfast bars, cereal bars, granola bars? Most workplaces, you eat lunch with your co-workers, it's a major social thing. Hell, like half the morning is co-workers discussing what's gonna be for lunch. And if a family is eating at least one meal together as a family, it's going to be dinner.

...how much art and music exist in your ideal school system? Which set of ethics? How much and what kind of history? How much and what kind of sciences?
Sound likes a job for La-li-lu-le-lo.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
The generalin ability to troubleshoot a problem for all the young guys my boss hires is staggering and this is IT where much of the job is troubleshooting.

Most families' lives is not an idealized version of a sitcom where the parent cooks breakfast, the other reads the paper, and everyone eats together. Not everyone in the family gets up at the same time anyway. Most people grab breakfast on the go. Why do you think there's so many breakfast bars, cereal bars, granola bars? Most workplaces, you eat lunch with your co-workers, it's a major social thing. Hell, like half the morning is co-workers discussing what's gonna be for lunch. And if a family is eating at least one meal together as a family, it's going to be dinner.
This will surprise you, but I actually grew up in a home with a family, I spend time with my family, and I have also had numerous jobs, so I do actually have experiences of the things I'm talking about. You just watched a YouTube video to find out what breakfast bars are (the rest of us see them in adverts sometimes).


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Not watching. Sum up.
DeSantis has got the college board to change the curriculum. They discuss the leaks of the curriculum in the video and how the curriculum violates the 14th amendment. I know you guys don't like hearing anything that goes against you pre-established narratives.

This will surprise you, but I actually grew up in a home with a family, I spend time with my family, and I have also had numerous jobs, so I do actually have experiences of the things I'm talking about. You just watched a YouTube video to find out what breakfast bars are (the rest of us see them in adverts sometimes).
So do I... I don't base everything off my experiences. The whole family eating breakfast is known by most as a trope.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
DeSantis has got the college board to change the curriculum. They discuss the leaks of the curriculum in the video and how the curriculum violates the 14th amendment. I know you guys don't like hearing anything that goes against you pre-established narratives.
Give me a real news article on that, not some fly-by-night YT talking head. Because I'm aware of what Rufo and Spiers have planned, and they're both fucking wrong.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Give me a real news article on that, not some fly-by-night YT talking head. Because I'm aware of what Rufo and Spiers have planned, and they're both fucking wrong.
It is real news and they are real reporters...

Not DeSantis' fault the AP course would be in violation of Florida law. Also, Florida law enforces that Black History is taught to all kids.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
It is real news and they are real reporters...
Then it should be easy to get me it in print. Surely they mentioned some sources I can vet.

Not DeSantis' fault the AP course would be in violation of Florida law. Also, Florida law enforces that Black History is taught to all kids.
Only if you take his word for it. And lol, the version of black history usually taught in public schools is severely white-washed.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
It is real news and they are real reporters...

Not DeSantis' fault the AP course would be in violation of Florida law. Also, Florida law enforces that Black History is taught to all kids.
Considering he advocated for and signed that law into being, it is, in fact, directly DeSantis's fault
Sound likes a job for La-li-lu-le-lo.
The fuck is this? Can't you just answer the fucking question?


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Then it should be easy to get me it in print. Surely they mentioned some sources I can vet.

Only if you take his word for it. And lol, the version of black history usually taught in public schools is severely white-washed.

If slavery just on its own is taught, then how would you grow up thinking the world today is a result of a completely fair playing field?

Considering he advocated for and signed that law into being, it is, in fact, directly DeSantis's fault
The fuck is this? Can't you just answer the fucking question?
There's nothing wrong with said law...

MGS2 reference. I'm not writing a dissertation about what to teach and not to teach in schools. If you want my opinion on very specific things, then sure.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
If slavery just on its own is taught, then how would you grow up thinking the world today is a result of a completely fair playing field?
"And then the 14th amendment and Martin Luther King Jr happened and everything was equal" is a fairly common end point to that argument, which is hilariously bullshit
There's nothing wrong with said law...
Sure, if you agree 100% with the GOP's status quo and resent other points of view being taught and regardless of whether your progressive self sees a problem with the law or not, it's still 100% Ron DeSantis's fault that it exists
MGS2 reference. I'm not writing a dissertation about what to teach and not to teach in schools. If you want my opinion on very specific things, then sure.
You'd better, Mr No Electives Allowed. How the fuck do you have that stance without having an idea of what *should be* taught?


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
View attachment 7829

If slavery just on its own is taught, then how would you grow up thinking the world today is a result of a completely fair playing field?
So the AP course on Black History violated a law against teaching black history. Jesus Christ, that you keep sucking this guy's dick and still have the gall to call yourself a progressive...

There's nothing wrong with said law...
Said the cishet white guy who clearly doesn't know what struggle means for people who aren't him.

MGS2 reference. I'm not writing a dissertation about what to teach and not to teach in schools. If you want my opinion on very specific things, then sure.
Then don't opine on it. All you have to do is shut the fuck up when the topic comes up, it's easy!


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
By real food, I mean food that is present in nature that we as a species are used to eating and digesting. Spoonful of sugar is not something we have ever been used to eating for 99.99999% of our life as a species.
Until fairly recently, 99.99999% of the human race across its timespan had never eaten avocados either. Should we avoid avocados? Interestingly, you talk about grains, but for most of it's existence the human race has barely eaten grains, either. And certainly not in large quantities until the agricultural era, whether refined or not.

Appeals to food being good because they are "natural" is a sort of fallacy.

Also, think about your advice on fruit juice. Yes, fruit juice is not as good as fruit because a lot of the nutrition is in the solids that are filtered out. However, a public health body thinking about the lowest common denominator with issues "How do I get them to consume enough vitamin C?" might consider orange juice a pretty good idea, because it's hard to get some people to eat an actual orange.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
"And then the 14th amendment and Martin Luther King Jr happened and everything was equal" is a fairly common end point to that argument, which is hilariously bullshit
Sure, if you agree 100% with the GOP's status quo and resent other points of view being taught and regardless of whether your progressive self sees a problem with the law or not, it's still 100% Ron DeSantis's fault that it exists

You'd better, Mr No Electives Allowed. How the fuck do you have that stance without having an idea of what *should be* taught?
Yeah, and if critical thinking in school was emphasized, anyone with half a thought into equality would know it's impossible for everyone to grow up equally today based on past generations and how wealth was acquired and pass through families.

Pull straight text from the law that that says any of that.

I said important things needed for adulthood should be taught in grade/high school. Unless you think you can teach everything required in less time than K-12, then sure electives are fine. What is learning extensibly about black history going to teach kids that they can use as adults in the real world outside of teaching to that for their career. Even band allows kids to have a possible future career in music.

So the AP course on Black History violated a law against teaching black history. Jesus Christ, that you keep sucking this guy's dick and still have the gall to call yourself a progressive...

Said the cishet white guy who clearly doesn't know what struggle means for people who aren't him.

Then don't opine on it. All you have to do is shut the fuck up when the topic comes up, it's easy!
It violated the 14th amendment for one...

Said the person that never read what the law actually says...

I didn't even bring up the topic, you guys did...

Until fairly recently, 99.99999% of the human race across its timespan had never eaten avocados either. Should we avoid avocados? Interestingly, you talk about grains, but for most of it's existence the human race has barely eaten grains, either. And certainly not in large quantities until the agricultural era, whether refined or not.

Appeals to food being good because they are "natural" is a sort of fallacy.

Also, think about your advice on fruit juice. Yes, fruit juice is not as good as fruit because a lot of the nutrition is in the solids that are filtered out. However, a public health body thinking about the lowest common denominator with issues "How do I get them to consume enough vitamin C?" might consider orange juice a pretty good idea, because it's hard to get some people to eat an actual orange.
Yes, someone used that dumb argument already. Adding another fruit or vegetable to a population that already eats fruits and vegetables is not some massive difference. If it was, then once humans met other humans that live in different areas with different foods and started trading, you'd see major health issues if eating different foods was some major issue. Refined grains are really horrible for you, they are higher on the glycemic index than table sugar.

Fruit juice is really bad for you. You can fortify other foods with vitamins if you really find people being deficient in certain ones. Funny thing for me with oranges and orange juice is that I HATE orange juice and love oranges (I have a naval orange like everyday). Orange juice's flavor is actually fake and found that out not too long ago so it makes perfect sense in the end when I didn't know why I hated orange juice so much. It actually made me think I didn't care for oranges for a good chunk of my life.

Do you even have anything to actually discredit what I said about needing the fiber with the sugars? Because it doesn't sound like you do, you just never want to ever agree with anything I say and just assume it's wrong. You act like I just stumbled upon half hearing something and jumped to some kind of weird and wrong conclusion when I'm just parroting what other experts have said and researched themselves. Eating carbs without there natural fibers is very bad, eating them with their natural fibers is perfectly fine. Your comeback is "people didn't eat avocados" as if that somehow disproves what I've said about carbs.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
I said important things needed for adulthood should be taught in grade/high school. Unless you think you can teach everything required in less time than K-12, then sure electives are fine. What is learning extensibly about black history going to teach kids that they can use as adults in the real world outside of teaching to that for their career. Even band allows kids to have a possible future career in music.
Out of interest, what's your position on teaching of history broadly? I, personally, have zero interest in it. Don't care about the dates, the kings, the queens, definitely not the wars or any of that depressing stuff. I'm just not interested enough in it to keep that info in my brain (and that's not an insult to people who are, I'm sure my interests (Torx screws) are equally dull to some of you). But I appreciate that it has a place in education (those who forget the past are doomed etc.)

So what should education look like? I don't need to know the angle to lean a ladder on a wall, because I'm not a fucking idiot and I can tell if a ladder will fall when I get on it. Oxbow lakes? Who cares, the lake is there or it's not there, me knowing that a meander led to it doesn't change anything (you'll not find a British schoolchild who doesn't know how oxbow lakes are formed, it's part of the syllabus for every subject).

I'm (now) aware of my ignorance in many areas, and I do wish my education had been broader, including things like black history and other religions (even in my non-Catholic secondary religious education was basically Christian Studies) and worldviews. I honestly think if I'd had a more rounded education, and seen the world through others' eyes a little more, I might have been a bit less of a dick in my teens and twenties (this may not be the case though, I maybe just be inherently a dick).

Anyway, what important skills for adulthood do you think are getting, or would be, missed? (You do not need to reiterate that all young people are thick, I've already explained that your parents' generation think you are thick and shit at practical tasks. What provable lack is there in the younger generation?)
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