I don’t think it’s laziness per se but rather it’s a genuine creative decision they made, it was just a really BAD one.
People love to fetishise creatives as talented driving forces but don’t forget that while one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, the reverse is also true. Maybe the Forspoken guys really thought they had an auteur hit on their hands and released it in defiance of criticism or advice, feeling assured the quality of their work would speak for itself.
Well, they weren’t wrong.
The problem is that sometimes, the flaws are so incredibly extremely blatant that it's not simply a matter of creative decision, the only possible explanations are extreme laziness, extreme stupidity, or both. One man's trash is another man's treasure only works if there actually is another man somewhere, anywhere, that would actually think the trash is a treasure. Some things are so incredibly bad it's nearly impossible to even imagine someone anywhere genuinely thinking "This? This is a great idea!"
Especially when it would've taken a very minuscule change to turn that something bad into something good. Like the painting nails to power up mechanic? There are dozens of ways that mechanic could've been implemented differently so that it did the same thing but wasn't so unbelievably painfully sexist. Like, say, equipping magical gems to change your stats and give special abilities. Lots of games have had mechanics that did basically the same thing as the nails do in Forespoken.
Hell, if they were going to do something like that, don't just go with the painting nails mechanic that obviously was put in because they knew it would invoke a massive negative reaction as a cheap publicity stunt. Go whole hog with it and adding in a makeup and hairdressing and [INSERT STEREOTYPICAL GIRL ACTIVITY HERE] etc. to go along with it would've at least made it seem less half assed. It would've looked more like the developers were genuinely trying to create immersion by giving the players reason to act like a girl in the game. Instead of most games with female protagonists which just have a protagonist that happened to have breasts but otherwise might as well have been a guy for all the difference it made.