If DeSantis wins


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
In my State, there was a train derailment that fucked over a town due to the Trump admin's deregulation of the logistics industry.
This statement tells me you don't even read this forum, more or less respectable news sources.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
He's referring to the fact that the train in Ohio that derailed did not meet the criteria to be covered by the ECP mandate.

I don't see anything else in that article that would've averted the derailment either.

(Of course, this isn't to say that Trump's deregulation push was at all sensible, or that the national issue with train derailment couldn't be addressed with regulation).
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
He's referring to the fact that the train in Ohio that derailed did not meet the criteria to be covered by the ECP mandate.
Additionally, that mandate was appealed and held off before Trump was even president, largely because they passed semi-redundant regulations immediately after setting that mandate which required a new cost benefit analysis in light of the new changes.

Also, while I appreciate you setting the record straight, Gergar12 probably already knew this. One does not get to some law firms summary of changes from 2017 without happening upon the Politifact article about this, or the Washington Post article about this, or the New York Times article about this, all of which would have said what you said almost exactly. The response I got was deliberate avoidance already.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
You can impotently shriek all you want. The facts don't care about your ego.

I just had surgery and am on a liquid diet that includes fruit juices. Maybe you're not as smart as you think you are.
How the fuck does having to be on a liquid diet mean you have to have fruit juices?

Ugh. That sentence is kind of true in ways, but misses far too much important detail.

Because, as stated, fruit juice contains various nutrients and antioxidants that may be beneficial, and when drunk in modest quantities does not pose a significant issue in calorie consumption. Thus context is king, and it depends on what the circumstances of public health are. Stop blabbing absurd and inflexible absolutism.

Really, really, do not start trying to tell me about Alzheimer's, because that is very much in my speciality area. This "type 3 diabetes" was invented and fashionable about 10-15 years, but has gained little traction since. Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease are significant risk factors for Alzheimer's, and thus excessive sugar consumption will be an issue. However, sugar is not the main cause of Alzheimer's.

Honestly that's just about the most childish thing anyone's said to me on these forums in a long time.

Sugar is fine, in moderation.
What important detail is it missing?

Like an 8oz of fruit juice contains more sugar than you're supposed to have in a day. How is that healthy telling people to drink it for vitamin c or whatever? Why not just fill up Peeps with vitamin c, that doesn't make Peeps good to eat because you put vitamin c in it.

It seems like insulin resistance is a main factor (if not cause) for many many diseases. Seems like we should stop eating a diet that results in insulin resistance...

PEOPLE DON'T INGEST SUGAR IN MODERATION. People don't know what's good and bad for them. A co-worker that is probably morbidly obese just the other day mentioned his standard breakfast (which is some Jimmy Dean microwave-able breakfast sandwiches and orange juice) and I'm like all those things are horrible for you and he's responds with 'even the orange juice?' If you recommend something like orange juice, people think it's good for them. Another friend always complains that her doctor tells her to lose weight and that she can't no matter how little she eats; the problem is what you're eating, not the amount of it. Yes, in technicalities, it is the amount of it so in theory you could eat X amount of calories of day of anything but that doesn't work.That type of logic works numbers-wise but doesn't actually work for a human being because you'll have to constantly have to willpower to stick to that because eating bad foods causes you to be more hungry and you'll eventually give in on your diet because of that. Whereas eating good foods will naturally make you far less hungry and so much easier to stick to the diet. It's currently 1:30pm where I'm at and I haven't had anything to eat yet today and I'm now starting to feel hungry, and all I'm gonna have for lunch is a soup with a banana and orange and I'll feel stuffed. That's how diet is supposed to work, it shouldn't need willpower of not eating when you want to eat.

Sugar on it's own is broken down rapidly. Combined with a fiber or a protein source slows it down.
Ag3ma literally explained this. It doesn't have to be the fiber of the fruit. Just any fiber. Protein also causes a similar effect. Which is why the sugar of fruit and the sugar of milk don't cause the same insulin spike. A breakfast for me could consist of turkey bacon, scrambled eggs and some kind of veg like tenderstem brocoli. I don't particularly enjoy juice personally but if I were to add a glass to my breakfast all of the protein and fiber I'm eating will also minimise the insulin spike.

You don't know what you're talking about, you come in swinging dick acting like you know better and that's why everyone thinks you're a clown. You have come to these conclusions about breakfast, carbs, juice and whatever other bullshit and nothing will change your mind because as far as your concerned you're just the smartest little boy in the whole wide world. At one stage, pages ago, you asked me how can people lose fat without ketosis because you don't even have a rudimentary knowledge of concepts like lipolysis. Now you're going to go google a bunch of shit and pretend that never happened and pretend like you do understand those concepts and have all along. It is fine to not understand shit. Your problem is you don't understand shit, form faulty views on incorrect, incomplete or just straight misunderstood information then pull a Stephen Crowder "[insert bullshit here], change my mind" . You are not a smart person. You are an incurious, cocky child.

Like this is literally @Ag3ma's field. This is what they know. I'm just a BSc. Student in Strength and Conditioning who does a little sports nutrition. And once again I would never dream of speaking in the absolute terms you do because outside of giving general advice and tips I know that giving dietary advice is outside my scope of practice. I am more qualified to speak on nutrition than you are but would never try to speak authoritatively on the subject the way you do.
That's a solid breakfast of good foods. Although normal bacon isn't nutritionally bad for you, it's the nitrates that lead to cancers. If bacon was more naturally produced, it would be perfectly fine for you.

All I said was to eat real foods, how is this some off-the-wall, contrarian, and grossly negligent stance? Ketosis is just the state of burning fat for energy instead of carbs so how would you lose fat without doing that?

Recommending people eat/drink bad foods is bad nutritional advice plain and simple. Why not just put vitamins in a pixie stick and tell kids that's good for you?


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
Ketosis is just the state of burning fat for energy instead of carbs so how would you lose fat without doing that?
Google lipolysis and energy balance. I'm done talking to you like you're an adult. If you don't understand these very basic concepts for weight/fatloss you really need to stop pretending you know shit about fuck because you just make yourself look more and more thick everytime you type. I would almost guarantee that most people who have lost weight have done so without being in a state of ketosis. When I go on a cut I lose fat while consuming about 300g of carbs a day.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
What important detail is it missing?
There's an explanation above already.

Like an 8oz of fruit juice contains more sugar than you're supposed to have in a day. How is that healthy telling people to drink it for vitamin c or whatever? Why not just fill up Peeps with vitamin c, that doesn't make Peeps good to eat because you put vitamin c in it.
Well, no. Most guidelines give limits for "added sugars". This means various forms of additive sweetening agents (like if you put a teaspoon of sugar in your coffee). It does not apply to the natural sugar content of regular foods. Secondly, guidelines vary, but the "added sugar" is usually in the region of 25-30g (~100-120kcal). 200ml regular orange juice has about 60 kcal, so it's not above your daily recommendation even of added sugar.

Sure. And there are ways to tackle that. For instance, in many places that have used them, sugar taxes appear to have worked in cutting down sugar consumption.

But "don't drink fruit juice" isn't a particularly powerful way to help prevent diabetes, especially considering fruit juice is not particularly problematic in terms of insulin resistance, as relatively little of the sugar in fruit tends to be glucose.

That's a solid breakfast of good foods. Although normal bacon isn't nutritionally bad for you, it's the nitrates that lead to cancers. If bacon was more naturally produced, it would be perfectly fine for you.
Well... I think there's an issue here. As far as I can tell, the so-called "nitrite-free" bacon you can buy uses stuff like for instance concentrated celery extract. However, the celery extract works for making bacon because it has... nitrites. It is totally unclear to me whether this is an improvement, or whether you're just paying more to get cancer from celery-sourced nitrites instead of industrially-produced nitrites.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
Well, no. Most guidelines give limits for "added sugars".
I already tried explaining that when the food pyramid says to limit fat intake it meant "pure" fat sources like oils. When you account for how well represented things like dairy, meat, fish and nuts are then you see recommendations do say that fat should make up a reasonable percentage of your calorie intake. But obviously of you account for fat being much higher in calories then obviously, gram for gram, it's going to be less represented than protein or carbs. He just said no he doesn't think so and continued insisting that health guidelines say not to eat fat.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
What sort of psycho eats pudding with three fingers?



The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Google lipolysis and energy balance. I'm done talking to you like you're an adult. If you don't understand these very basic concepts for weight/fatloss you really need to stop pretending you know shit about fuck because you just make yourself look more and more thick everytime you type. I would almost guarantee that most people who have lost weight have done so without being in a state of ketosis. When I go on a cut I lose fat while consuming about 300g of carbs a day.
So you're just mad that ketosis is defined wrong on the internet? When did I say carbs themselves are bad? How is the advice of eating REAL food bad advice? That's literally all I've said to do.

There's an explanation above already.

Well, no. Most guidelines give limits for "added sugars". This means various forms of additive sweetening agents (like if you put a teaspoon of sugar in your coffee). It does not apply to the natural sugar content of regular foods. Secondly, guidelines vary, but the "added sugar" is usually in the region of 25-30g (~100-120kcal). 200ml regular orange juice has about 60 kcal, so it's not above your daily recommendation even of added sugar.

Sure. And there are ways to tackle that. For instance, in many places that have used them, sugar taxes appear to have worked in cutting down sugar consumption.

But "don't drink fruit juice" isn't a particularly powerful way to help prevent diabetes, especially considering fruit juice is not particularly problematic in terms of insulin resistance, as relatively little of the sugar in fruit tends to be glucose.

Well... I think there's an issue here. As far as I can tell, the so-called "nitrite-free" bacon you can buy uses stuff like for instance concentrated celery extract. However, the celery extract works for making bacon because it has... nitrites. It is totally unclear to me whether this is an improvement, or whether you're just paying more to get cancer from celery-sourced nitrites instead of industrially-produced nitrites.
Ok, fruit juice isn't quite as bad as I thought but it's still not what I'd call good either.

I'm talking about naturally getting people off of sugar, you can simply just get yourself to not crave sugar with diet alone. Sure you can make stuff more expensive so people buy less obviously. I was against the "pop" tax in my area because it's basically a double tax because people already pay to subsidize HFCS and adding another tax to make it more expensive is stupid, just remove the subsidy.

That may be the same then. I saw something way back about curing hams that I think I misremembered or just can't re-find today about the differences in how ham used to be cured and how it is now, but it seems like nitrates are needed regardless.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
it seems like nitrates are needed regardless.
No, nitrites are what are necessary but nitrates break down into nitrites over time. You really only use nitrates for dry cures these days, especially ones that require a long hang such as salami and the like.

Annnnnnnyway... for brining a ham, you use Curing Salt, often some variant of Prague Powder #1, which is 6.25% sodium nitrite and 93.75% sodium chloride (or 'salt' as we also know it), in your brine (and lots more regular salt). In the brine you use a whole 2 grams for every 1kg (that's 1000g or 2.2lb for them what don't metric) of meat you want to brine. Of that only 125mg is sodium nitrite... AND because of the way brining works, you're never going to get more than half of that in the actual ham (it has to do with the Laws of Osmosis), so we're down to 62.5mg. Now, admittedly, that's still above the daily recommended maximum for nitrites and nitrates, which was 37mg/day last I looked... but that's for 1kg (or 2.2lb) of ham... and anyone scarfing down that much ham in a day is probably not too worried about their health.

Oh yeah, and if anyone ever tells you that you can cure meat without nitrites/nitrates by using shit like celery powder they're idiots... celery is chock fucking full of nitrates (as are some other vegetables).
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Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
So you're just mad that ketosis is defined wrong on the internet?
You're a child. Ketosis isn't defined wrong on the internet you just don't understand energy balance and misunderstood Ketosis as it is defined on the Internet. So now rather than just admit you don't know what you're talking about the entire Internet has to have gotten it wrong because there is no possible way that you just don't understand something. You're a fuckin weirdo mate.
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