He did.
But I also wonder. Let's imagine your father had invested a few thousand dollars into Apple or Microsoft in ~1980, and gave you the shares. When you're a millionaire in 2000 from those shares, did you make that money? I mean, in a sort of sense you "made" it, but not through any skill or talent. Likewise if you owned $500 million of New York property mostly inherited from your father, and New York went through a boom where prices skyrocketted well over the rate of inflation, to what extent did you actually make that money? Didn't it just happen to appreciate through external factors during your ownership?
Secondly, Trump cheated a lot of his creditors. He was blacklisted by most Western finance companies, because he had a habit of borrowing money of them and refusing to pay it back. They had to take him to court, and this was so expensive and time-consuming that many would settle for a write-down. This is in a way "business", a form of cutting costs. On the other hand, it's not really making money as we might want to imagine it either. It's akin to theft: Trump gets more money for himself, but not through the virtue of making something of value. Similarly, he was able to write off a lot of his losses through the tax system.
Trump has shown a lot of guile and canninness in certain ways, and it's made him a lot of money (or at least, maintained his wealth). But the point of capitalism at a societal level is to drive wealth creation: assets, jobs, productivity that benefits society as a whole, from which the capitalist takes a hefty chunk in profits. So where we should esteem entrepreneurs as wealth-creators, they should actually create wealth. For all Microsoft's faults, it has also provided society with a vast amount of utility; similarly Exxon, Goldman Sachs and others.
Has Trump?
It's very unclear to me that he has. He's clearly not without competence, otherwise as you point out he wouldn't be a billionaire at all. But his massive failures - casino bankruptcies, other write-downs and many frauds - must cause us to seriously question whether he's that good. Scruntity of his many, dodgy business practices might cause us to wonder whether there's a lot of trickery rather than core business acumen.