Funny events in anti-woke world


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Its a common trend for the far right to take a beloved media product and try to claim it as their own. They claim that product as the TRUE nerd product for TRUE nerds which REJECTS ''wokeness''. One of my favorite examples is Ghost of Tsushima which got billed as the TRUE game for the TRUE gamers coming to save gaming wokeness. There's also the Sonic movie which the far right swore was a deliberate challenge to, and rejection of Birds of Prey.
Yes, because a number of site chose to call it racist............. against people from Mongolia............. for showing them as invaders...........when it's based on actual historical events (well not the single handed clearing the Island thing just the invasion)

The scheme is to take a popular game or movie and pretend that it deliberately caters to the far right, and then contrast it to a product that recently pissed off the far right. Ghost was contrasted against the Last of Us. Sonic was contrasted against Birds of Prey.
because some fruit loops online were trying to claim Sonic the Hedgehog was racist and offensive to try and push people to see Birds of Prey because one movie deliberately made statements they liked and the other wasn't making those kind of statements. I believe it's called a Dog Whistle.

And the funny thing is that whether the products in question are actually woke or not isn't taken into account by the far right at all when they make these claims. They claim Mario is a deliberate rejection of ''wokeness'', but the movie seems to have gone out of its way NOT to make Peach the typical damsel in distress she usually is. One of the trailers even have her outshine and roll her eyes at the male hero, a move that typical gets the far right seething. Its the same with the other examples. The far right insists Ghost of Tsuchima was the one true game for the true games but the narrative of that game was thoroughly left leaning, and they made it a point to make the characters relatively unattractive which is usually a mortal sin according to the far right. Even Sonic which supposedly was the anti woke champion against Birds of Prey had Eggman quote Donald Trump.
Yeh and by all I've heard the trailer lied and some critics are mad because the film isn't girlboss Peach it's Girl wants to impress a guy and be his partner to fight alongside lol

Also didn't Ghost get called right wing nationalist by some publication because it's literally about protecting your homeland and fighting off invaders?

What's so pathetic about this is how painfully transparent it is. They only latch on to these ''true nerd products for the true nerds'' because they are popular rather than because the product confirms or denies their views. Had the Mario movie been a trainwreck then the very same people claiming Mario as an anti woke icon would use the fact that Peach isn't a damsel to brand the movie as woke and that this is what ruined the movie. If Ghost of Tsuchima hadn't been as good the far right would have insisted that the ''anti traditional'' values and ''ugly'' characters turned people away, and if the Sonic movie had been as horrible as everyone first assumed they'd have smugly gloated about the writers being too busy coming up with Trump jokes to write a proper script.

Its inept demagoguery against ''the establishment'' disguised as media analysis.


Would you prefer this or the right start their version of

Homeless Antifa Captain America
The Charmed remake
The supposedly upcoming Buffy remake
She-Ra is a lesbian now
deconstructionist Thundercats
Marvel's Lesbian dimension
I'm Not Starfire

The "Left" has done this stuff for years too see for example a certain Anita Sarkeesian trying to claim Beyond Good And Evil is a feminist game but Remember Me (whose devs had to fight studio execs to let their female lead kiss a male character after fighting to get a female lead) was actually an awful sexist game.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
A bunch of reactionary were trolled by Zoomers who sarcastically wore suits to watch Minions. The reactionaries did not understand that it was sarcasm
Ok so I was curious how true this was and went down the rabbit hole.

Turns out the suits was a continuation of the joke.

So Ticktok started a meme about "Sigma male" characters buying tickets to Minions because pretty much "Lol we took Sigma male character and showed him doing something people wouldn't find super manly aren't we clever deconstructionists". Only for other people and places to go "But a Sigma male wouldn't care and would do it just because he wanted to". Which them led to people also going "But a True Sigma male would do it in a suit" and so the Suit the suit meme was born.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Yes, because a number of site chose to call it racist............. against people from Mongolia............. for showing them as invaders...........when it's based on actual historical events (well not the single handed clearing the Island thing just the invasion)
Mongolians were involved and so was the island of Tsushima. That's about as truthful to actual history as this game gets. Also, the Mongolians as the brutal, grunting evil doers, and the Japanese as either the downtrodden villagers or the noble samurai... yeah, again not historically accurate, and also a smidge racist. And the general veneration of the samurai does have its roots in japanese nationalism. Which was used by the japanese to commit horrific acts in countries they themselves invaded.

Giving that reality check when a highly anticipated AAA game gets released said be be based on historical events isn't a bad thing.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Non-WOKE coffee
So, if it's not woke, does that mean it's all decaf?

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Non-WOKE coffee
So, if it's not woke, does that mean it's all decaf?
I can't wait for the anti-woke alarm clocks.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Yes, because a number of site chose to call it racist............. against people from Mongolia............. for showing them as invaders...........when it's based on actual historical events (well not the single handed clearing the Island thing just the invasion)
I don't know enough about the history between the Japanese and the Mongolians. What I do know is that the people who hated Ghost of Tsushima didn't make slanderous rumors about the developers creating a self-insert to have sex with a character whose voice actor they liked character or harass the voice actors and face models because they were part of a game they hated.

because some fruit loops online were trying to claim Sonic the Hedgehog was racist and offensive to try and push people to see Birds of Prey because one movie deliberately made statements they liked and the other wasn't making those kind of statements. I believe it's called a Dog Whistle.
Long before that we had people hating the Sonic movie for featuring a mixed race couple.

Yeh and by all I've heard the trailer lied and some critics are mad because the film isn't girlboss Peach it's Girl wants to impress a guy and be his partner to fight alongside lol
The only people I see complaining about Peach are the ones who cry about "girlbosses" every time a woman does something remotely competent and has a little attitude but has no problem with the numerous Dantes, Kratos' and overpowered light novel protagonists that entertainment has been flooded with.

Homeless Antifa Captain America
If you're talking about his depiction in the Infinity Saga movies, I didn't hear any complaints.

The Charmed remake
The "wokes" didn't ask for a Charmed remake and hated it as much as anyone else.

The supposedly upcoming Buffy remake
The only people who would benefit from a Buffy remake are Joss Whedon and the small number of people who think he did no wrong. Again, no one on either side of the political

She-Ra is a lesbian now
Five seasons on Netflix and one of the most critically acclaimed animated series ever made. I haven't seen the "get woke, go broke" crowd make anything with nearly as much impact.

deconstructionist Thundercats
You mean the 2011 show that lasted one season? What does that have to do with wokeness?

Marvel's Lesbian dimension
Which somehow didn't stop the movie making money and only angered a loud, obnoxious minority that is addicted to being angry.

Funny how the right often seems to end backing losers. They're championing the latest Dungeons & Dragons movie for sticking it to the woke crowd despite it being a box office flop. Half of them are glomming onto the Mario movie despite it doing nothing that actually supports their ideology while the other half hates it for being against them.

I'm Not Starfire
A book that was nowhere near offensive enough to garner that hate that it did.

Want proof? In the same year this book came out, Danny Devito wrote a comic in which the Penguin, a character he played in 1992, was depicted as Robin Hood figure who stole vaccines to distribute to the poor and was in a relationship with Catwoman? How many people accused him of using the Penguin as a self insert or accused him of ruining Catwoman, a woman who wouldn't touch the Penguin with a ten-foot pole in his more benevolent moods?

The "Left" has done this stuff for years too see for example a certain Anita Sarkeesian trying to claim Beyond Good And Evil is a feminist game but Remember Me (whose devs had to fight studio execs to let their female lead kiss a male character after fighting to get a female lead) was actually an awful sexist game.
The left accuses certain media of being bigoted with varying degrees of justification. The right meanwhile use harassment, death threats, doxxing, piracy and accusations of spreading communism or Shirai Law every time they see something they don't like, which more often than not happens to be anything that puts women, racial or sexual minorities, etc at the forefront.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Five seasons on Netflix and one of the most critically acclaimed animated series ever made. I haven't seen the "get woke, go broke" crowd make anything with nearly as much impact.
Reactionaries made a big stink over She-Ra wearing boy shorts, and the showrunner being gay therefor gayness would be present. But once the show was released and generally well liked by the average viewer they stopped targeting it. Reactionaries depend on piggy-backing on non-bigoted discontent to amplify their racism/homophobia/transphobia. Hence TLoU2 discourse was such a massive shitshow.
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And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Found an even better non-WOKE coffee company.
Somehow I'm not certain they serve a lot of culture.

Featuring such flavors of small dick energy as Silencer Smooth, Gunship, Thin Blue Line and Murdered Out
...and "Just black". They might want to rethink that one.
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May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger

Uh, can I at least finish my coffee first, or?

When Republican megadonor Harlan Crow isn’t lavishing Justice Clarence Thomas with free trips on his private plane and yacht (in possible violation of Supreme Court ethics rules), he lives a quiet life in Dallas among his historical collections. These collections include Hitler artifacts—two of his paintings of European cityscapes, a signed copy of Mein Kampf, and assorted Nazi memorabilia—plus a garden full of statues of the 20th century’s worst despots.

Crow, the billionaire heir to a real estate fortune, has said that he’s filled his property with these mementoes because he hates communism and fascism. Nonetheless, his collections caused an uproar back in 2015 when Marco Rubio attended a fundraiser at Crow’s house on the eve of Yom Kippur. Rubio’s critics thought the timing was inappropriate given, you know, the Hitler stuff.

“I still can’t get over the collection of Nazi memorabilia,” says one person who attended an event at Crow’s home a few years ago and asked to remain anonymous. “It would have been helpful to have someone explain the significance of all the items. Without that context, you sort of just gasp when you walk into the room.” One memorable aspect was the paintings: “something done by George W. Bush next to a Norman Rockwell next to one by Hitler.” They also said it was “startling” and “strange” to see the dictator sculptures in the backyard.

A set of Nazi linens displayed in Harlan Crow’s home. The photo was taken by somebody who attended an event there a few years ago.

Nazi artifacts on display in Harlan Crow’s home, also photographed by the person who attended an event there a few years ago.

In 2014, when Crow’s house was included in a public tour of historic homes, a reporter from the Dallas Morning News visited. Apparently, Crow was visibly uncomfortable with questions about his dictator statues and Hitler memorabilia, preferring to discuss his other historical collections: documents signed by the likes of Christopher Columbus and George Washington; paintings by Renoir and Monet; statues of two of Crow’s heroes, Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher.

But despite Crow’s discomfort, the reporter did manage to see the garden of dictator statues, describing it as a “historical nod to the facts of man’s inhumanity to man.” Among the figures in the “Garden of Evil” are Lenin and Stalin, Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, and Yugoslav dictator Josip Broz Tito.

These are apparently not statues that Crow has commissioned—Crow has said that they’re bona-fide artifacts from public squares across Europe and Asia that citizens toppled at the end of dictatorial regimes. According to Crow, the white streaks on the Lenin statue are the remnants of paint thrown by furious Russians, and the chunks missing from Stalin are evidence of the wrath of the anti-Communist hordes. Crow says that the Gavrilo Princip statue had to be smuggled across the border between Serbia and Croatia disguised as rubble for fear that the Croatian border guards might destroy it in a rage.

The person we talked to who visited Crow’s home says that it felt sort of like a museum (“just a bunch of collectibles everywhere from major historical events”) and describes the Crows as “such hospitable Texas hosts.” The evening wasn’t unpleasant, they say, “just strange—they had family photos in one room, then all this WWII stuff in another room, and dictators in the backyard.”

Scratch a judge-bribing nazi-memorabilia-collecting landlord-heir billionaire, find a sex trafficking ring?

Trammell Crow Jr, 72, is a property magnate and environmental philanthropist CREDIT: PMC

A billionaire Texan property tycoon linked to the Duchess of York has been accused of financing a sex-trafficking ring in the US.

Trammell Crow Jr, who Sarah Ferguson has reportedly struck up a friendship with, has been named in a lawsuit by two women who claim he financed a sex and labour trafficking venture.

Mr Crow, 72, a property magnate and environmental philanthropist, met with the Duchess on his ranch near Austin, Texas earlier this year according to The Sun.

Mr Crow inherited his large fortune from his father Fred Trammell Crow, once known as America’s biggest landlord and a major Republican donor.

He reportedly struck up an unlikely friendship with the Duchess over their “shared interest in environmental issues".

It has since emerged that Mr Crow is facing a lawsuit from two women who claim they were sexually abused in a trafficking venture for which he provided the “essential financial assistance”.

Mr Crow's lawyer, Ken C Stone, said the accusations were “absurd and blatantly false”.
It is another embarrassing episode for the Duke and Duchess of York, following Prince Andrew’s settlement over sex abuse claims last year.

It is the latest embarrassing episode for the Duke and Duchess of York CREDIT: GETTY

The lawsuit, filed in California last November, names Mr Crow “and at least eight other prominent Texas businessmen” in the venture.

The filing claims the trafficking venture made one of the women became "a virtual long-term sex slave" and claims another of the women was also beaten and raped.

The trafficking ring utilised doctors, a police officer and others to keep the women drugged and become “an illegal racketeering enterprise”, the lawsuit claims.

It claims Mr Crow was involved at the very start of the trafficking ring in 2010, and knew “all the details of the force, fraud, threat, and coercion... and without him the venture never could have succeeded”.

It further claims the Texan billionaire maintained what he called "lingerie rooms" in his properties, "in which he kept a variety of lingerie for female guests to wear, as well as what he called ‘stripper shoes’.”

Some of the defendants in the lawsuit have filed a motion to dismiss the case. Mr Crow is expected to ask for the case to be dismissed at a hearing soon.

It comes as the Duchess and her ex-husband Prince Andrew fear losing their £30m Royal Lodge home in Windsor.

Prince Andrew stepped back from Royal duties after he reached an out-of-court financial settlement with his accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who claimed he sexually abused her when she was 17.

The lawsuit claims Mr Crow knew “all the details of the force, fraud, threat, and coercion... and without him the venture never could have succeeded” CREDIT: PMC

The Duchess, 63, was reported to have flown to meet with Mr Crow earlier this month.

A source told The Sun: “Officially they’ve bonded over a shared interest in environmental issues, but it feels like a lot of discussions and a lot of air travel to solely discuss green matters.”

A spokesman for the Duchess told the newspaper: “The Duchess has only met Mr Crow once with others to discuss environmental issues.”

The Duchess was reportedly unaware of the allegations against the businessman and has no plans to work with or meet him again.

Mr Crow's lawyer, Mr Stone, told The Sun the story shared in the lawsuit was “upsetting and paints a picture of numerous troubled and broken domestic relationships.

“However, the account of events linking our client, and many others, to this story is both absurd and blatantly false.

“We are certain this will be made clear in future legal proceedings.”

Found an even better non-WOKE coffee company.
Featuring such flavors of small dick energy as Silencer Smooth, Gunship, Thin Blue Line and Murdered Out
How many of those are part-funded by Peter Thiel too I wonder.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Homeless Antifa Captain America
The Charmed remake
The supposedly upcoming Buffy remake
She-Ra is a lesbian now
deconstructionist Thundercats
Marvel's Lesbian dimension
I'm Not Starfire
In order:

1. Zelda IS the girl so either you made a mistake there or that's going to be a very embarrassing hill to die on.
2. Assuming you're talking about Chris Evans' Steve Rogers, that character is going down in history as one of the greatest portrayals ever of Captain America; the yard stick by which many more will be measured going forward and enshrined in the cultural consciousness the same as Christopher Reeve's Superman.
3. Christ, that happened?
4. Setting aside Joss Weedon really needs to be put before the courts, I'd be cool with that.
5. That show got five seasons, a massive fanbase and critical acclaim so.....success I guess.
6. Take it from someone who's watched OG Thundercats recently; that show was what the original's fans wish it had been. It came out maybe five years too early. But it was a damn good show and I wish it had gotten a proper ending. Or a BluRay release.
7. That's a thing? I feel like if that were a thing there'd be much more porn about it.
8. A non-canon, one shot graphic novel for an alternative audience. Some fail, some succeed. I think this one failed.
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And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
2. Assuming you're talking about Chris Evans' Steve Rogers, that character is going down in history as one of the greatest portrayals ever of Captain America; the yard stick by which many more will be measured going forward and enshrined in the cultural consciousness the same as Christopher Reeve's Superman.
No, I think he refers to 3 or 4 comics in the 70s where apparently Captain America was ashamed of USA's gvt and ditched the name for the more stateless-sounding Nomad before being convinced that America and American's gvt are different things and reclaiming his original name.

Nationalism being utter bullshit (don't stay faithful to a flag that can represent anything on a new gvt's whim, kids), a superhero named after a country was bound to face such ambiguities, especially in the 70s. But apparently it was enough to traumatize a lot of flag-humpers.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
In order:

1. Zelda IS the girl so either you made a mistake there or that's going to be a very embarrassing hill to die on.
2. Assuming you're talking about Chris Evans' Steve Rogers, that character is going down in history as one of the greatest portrayals ever of Captain America; the yard stick by which many more will be measured going forward and enshrined in the cultural consciousness the same as Christopher Reeve's Superman.
3. Christ, that happened?
4. Setting aside Joss Weedon really needs to be put before the courts, I'd be cool with that.
5. That show got five seasons, a massive fanbase and critical acclaim so.....success I guess.
6. Take it from someone who's watched OG Thundercats recently; that show was what the original's fans wish it had been. It came out maybe five years too early. But it was a damn good show and I wish it had gotten a proper ending. Or a BluRay release.
7. That's a thing? I feel like if that were a thing there'd be much more porn about it.
8. A non-canon, one shot graphic novel for an alternative audience. Some fail, some succeed. I think this one failed.
1. That's the hilarity of it, that was an actual left wing twitter hashtag for a while because Link looked feminine in Breath of the Wild and some activists decided that Nintendo should make the lead playable character in the Zelda franchise a woman rather than a man. Problem being some activists who has 0 interest in the franchise but decided to try and present themselves as long time fans Nintendo should be working to appeal to and immediately failed in that attempt by failing to realise the male lead isn't Zelda lol.

2. Nope. Aaron Fischer

3. yeh pretty sure it's been and gone already. The Sisters were all in College and all heavily into activism from the clips I've seen.

4. A right wing version of Buffy you'd be fine with? Again I asked if people wanted the right to do their version of these kind of happening and events, admittedly the (1) would be hilarious to see but I wouldn't want it happening as people would never hear the end of it I'm sure.

5. Again would you want the right to do their own version of that taking She-Ra and running with it though?

6. I was on about Roar not the first Thundercats remake. So the right wing version of that would be I don't know some horrifying mash up of Bibleman and Steven Universe.

7. Yeh but mostly not acknowledge because they glossed over it heavily when they brought America Chavez to the MCU and said Dimension was introduced in her comic series and also the dimension exploded very early on as part of her origin story.

8. And if it hadn't it would have been DC canon and not relegated to non canon.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I don't know enough about the history between the Japanese and the Mongolians. What I do know is that the people who hated Ghost of Tsushima didn't make slanderous rumors about the developers creating a self-insert to have sex with a character whose voice actor they liked character or harass the voice actors and face models because they were part of a game they hated.
Nah that already happened when people tried to link the devs behind Kingdom Come Deliverance to a Neonazi organisation to try and get them arrested.

Also Druckman was the game director and considering the amount of certain fetish content (Session Wrestling) that mysterious ends up in games he directs. Rumour or not he was apparently fine with his team creating that character, their look and creating said scene.........

Long before that we had people hating the Sonic movie for featuring a mixed race couple.
I literally never saw any of that. I saw people objecting to Sonic look and the woke lot then attacking people calling them entitled toxic people for wanting Sonic to look better in the film. Also hilariously said people calling it censorship to try to keep sonic more in line with the design of his actual creator lol.

The only people I see complaining about Peach are the ones who cry about "girlbosses" every time a woman does something remotely competent and has a little attitude but has no problem with the numerous Dantes, Kratos' and overpowered light novel protagonists that entertainment has been flooded with.
Because most of them don't spend their entire time doing the same thing as a female character in the story only better while the female character fails over and over..........

If you're talking about his depiction in the Infinity Saga movies, I didn't hear any complaints.
Nope, a different one I've named twice already

The "wokes" didn't ask for a Charmed remake and hated it as much as anyone else.
Some-one thought it would be good and obviously asked for it lol

The only people who would benefit from a Buffy remake are Joss Whedon and the small number of people who think he did no wrong. Again, no one on either side of the political
But this time she's black and from an inner city school

Five seasons on Netflix and one of the most critically acclaimed animated series ever made. I haven't seen the "get woke, go broke" crowd make anything with nearly as much impact.
Critical acclaim means little these days - see how many critically acclaimed films as still talked about these days much. Also about those toy sales.............

You mean the 2011 show that lasted one season? What does that have to do with wokeness?
The woke lot rushed to proclaim it great and much needed and any-one not liking it to be an evil toxic fan.

Which somehow didn't stop the movie making money and only angered a loud, obnoxious minority that is addicted to being angry.
After making it part of a Doctor Strange movie and seriously toning down much of that aspect of America Chavez's character which was a retcon of her character actually to give her an origin story rather than her just being before.

Funny how the right often seems to end backing losers. They're championing the latest Dungeons & Dragons movie for sticking it to the woke crowd despite it being a box office flop. Half of them are glomming onto the Mario movie despite it doing nothing that actually supports their ideology while the other half hates it for being against them.
Warrior Nun
I'm sure I could name a few more things the woke lot have thrown their support behind that have flopped, I mean the new Doctor Who isn't doing so hot lol

A book that was nowhere near offensive enough to garner that hate that it did.

Want proof? In the same year this book came out, Danny Devito wrote a comic in which the Penguin, a character he played in 1992, was depicted as Robin Hood figure who stole vaccines to distribute to the poor and was in a relationship with Catwoman? How many people accused him of using the Penguin as a self insert or accused him of ruining Catwoman, a woman who wouldn't touch the Penguin with a ten-foot pole in his more benevolent moods?
Because the point of the first one just a mostly deconstructionist book.

In the second one Danny Devito played Penguin and his version of Penguin did have not a relationship as such but was on pretty good terms with Catwoman. So not entirely impossible for Catwoman to possibly see something in a person. I mean almost offensive to suggest she'd be put off by Penguin being well the way he looks lol.

The left accuses certain media of being bigoted with varying degrees of justification. The right meanwhile use harassment, death threats, doxxing, piracy and accusations of spreading communism or Shirai Law every time they see something they don't like, which more often than not happens to be anything that puts women, racial or sexual minorities, etc at the forefront.
Um..........didn't a load of people send the creator of the new Voltron series death threats because they wouldn't make a certain slash ship romance cannon?

Also as for doxxing, plenty of people deemed right wing have been doxxed over the years. Far less ones deemed Left Wing.

Also Piracy?? Oh the horror