Funny events in anti-woke world


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Yes, that's what they do: they blame everything else. And as they demonise and demoralise the civil service, so talented people will leave or not join the civil service, and so they will end up with incompetent government departments. Do the Tories know anything except hate these days?
Take it from somebody in the USA: if the civil service become incompetent, it's easier to privatize. That's the plan

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I'm shocked he hasn't already had a Stroke* Heart Attack.

*We'd probably never notice if Trump had a Stroke considering how fucking incoherent he is on the regular.

And some whining
Dear bozo: Elon Musk is not going to pat you on the head no matter how hard you suck him off.
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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
We still have people going around saying "Gore really won 2000", so expect to keep hearing about Trump until at least 2040.
There is a big difference between 50 court cases that made election official recount many times across many states finding nothing that the cases pretended and one court case that STOPPED recounts from happening because of Roger Stone. It's possible that Gore didn't win. That presidency was won on less than 100 votes in that county and the Supreme Court said the election official weren't allowed to do a recount. So now we will never know
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States

As someone who does not use only fans to get nudes of famous people, this is censorship. In the US conservatives love to gate-keep sex. They keep doing red herrings about so call liberal women not wanting to date people who aren't rich, but they are the ones who are trying to force everyone to go back to a handmaid's tale, and they need to apply social forces to both women and men. For women, it's simple ban birth control and abortion. For men, it's more complicated, but it can be summed up as they are trying to get rid of porn.

And so are liberals.

"Early in 2013, the Obama administration hit upon the idea of "choking" disfavored industries (including tobacco, guns, and online pharmacies as well as porn) by threatening their financial services with punitive paperwork and auditing requirements; the plan was to induce the banks, credit cards, and so on to cut off the businesses, thus forcing them to close without having to go through the hard work of proving each one individually guilty of wrongdoing. "

Why the fuck do modern-day politicos care so much about what I do in my free time. Don't get an abortion, and don't use porn. And they have us fighting each other—this blatant social engineering. The left thinks the right is doing it to them, and vice-versa. When in reality this is a bipartisan attack on American civil liberties via credit card censorship.

Fine, I will give you a modern date news article...



Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
I share two general concerns: firstly, that finance companies controlling content is not ideal for free expression, and secondly the leverage exerted by co-ordinated campaigns by moral majority types. However, I don't think it's quite as simple as you're putting it, either.

The issue at stake is that some porn sites have, or had, distinctly weak controls on deeply problematic content... like for instance child pornography. This is a legitimate issue for businesses that facilitate the payments for sites, because I don't think most companies want to be involved handing over money for that sort of material. (To be clear, the finance industry totally would process these payments if weren't for the fact that enough of their other customers would find it objectionable.) It's also obviously a concern for the government because that shit is illegal, and it's a concern for both liberals and conservatives because the majority of both think it stinks, too.

If the end remedy is sites more actively taking responsibility over their hosted content, it's not necessarily the worst outcome.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
I share two general concerns: firstly, that finance companies controlling content is not ideal for free expression, and secondly the leverage exerted by co-ordinated campaigns by moral majority types. However, I don't think it's quite as simple as you're putting it, either.

The issue at stake is that some porn sites have, or had, distinctly weak controls on deeply problematic content... like for instance child pornography. This is a legitimate issue for businesses that facilitate the payments for sites, because I don't think most companies want to be involved handing over money for that sort of material. (To be clear, the finance industry totally would process these payments if weren't for the fact that enough of their other customers would find it objectionable.) It's also obviously a concern for the government because that shit is illegal, and it's a concern for both liberals and conservatives because the majority of both think it stinks, too.

If the end remedy is sites more actively taking responsibility over their hosted content, it's not necessarily the worst outcome.
But they are banning all porn not just CP, even random anime porn with women that have adult body parts.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
But they are banning all porn not just CP, even random anime porn with women that have adult body parts.
As a person who really dislikes corporations, and a person who is pro-pornography, I think it's incredibly stupid to force a corporation to serve the porn industry


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
As a person who really dislikes corporations, and a person who is pro-pornography, I think it's incredibly stupid to force a corporation to serve the porn industry
The job of credit cards is to handle transactions. Just because Ted Cruz the MILF watcher tells them to censor does not mean they should listen. Also, they hate weed too.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
The job of credit cards is to handle transactions. Just because Ted Cruz the MILF watcher tells them to censor does not mean they should listen. Also, they hate weed too.
Interstate and international sales of weed are still very much illegal in the United States.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
That is just poor strategy. There's a reason why when "the libs" do this kind of thing it's generally just empty threats until the target complies or doesn't - depending on their willingness to shoulder the risk that this time they might not be empty. Threats are much easier to do anonymously than actually planting bombs.
Are you expressing admiration for this because libs are too pansy or something to follow through with trying to indiscriminately kill people?
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Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
But they are banning all porn not just CP, even random anime porn with women that have adult body parts.
Quite possibly, because of time and resource contraints. Removing all porn is straightforward and easy, whereas having someone scrutinise every single porn image to determine whether it's okay or not is orders of magnitude more effort. For instance, it may not be reasonably possible to determine whether someone in a porn image is legal or not, because I doubt most people could tell a 17-year-old from an 18-year-old (or whatever the relevant age of consent is).

Thus porn might retreat to specialised porn sites, which don't really have the option of eliminating it from their sites. Again, this is not a catastrophe. People who want porn can still access porn.
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Don't mock them. That's essentially how I coped with the death of Sergio Leone. 🥺
Eh, Paul McCartney had it done better.

The problem, I will guarantee, is that politicians get too used to the playground atmosphere of the debate chamber and other unhealthy environments, and fail to develop the correct professional attitudes.
It's not the usual thing about knowing they won't suffer any consequences for their behaviour?


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
It's not the usual thing about knowing they won't suffer any consequences for their behaviour?
I think that's an element.

Every time I've heard someone talk about absolutely awful managers, they're always small firms directly run by the owner. Because, of course, there is no system to hold these sorts of small business owners to account. I strongly suspect MPs are similar, because they are likewise their own bosses to a large extent. There are systems within parties, and systems within government, but these tend to be weak.

You average major corporation has all manner of processes and guidance for staff to deal with each other (that's one of the major jobs of HR). As someone rises up through the system, they will either receive formal training or be expected to pick up from experience and example proper ways of behaviour. MPs obviously don't. One might expect many MPs have experience outside politics where they may have learnt this, but skills can also degrade with lack of practice. In Westminster, what ends up happening is that a very senior civil servant will take a minister aside and tell them that their behaviour is adversely impacting their department. But that's not a formal process, and there's no clear system of, well, professional development training. It is just hoped that the minister will try to do better.

The standards that applied to ministers originated in the 1980s as a confidential guide, but was formalised and made public around 2010 as the "Ministerial Code". Most of this relates to potential conflicts of interest and so on, but it also includes elements of how to treat civil servants appropriately. Raab is just the latest in a series of issues regarding ministers breaking the code.

What's evident is that there's significant pushback from politicians about how they are expected to behave. My sympathies with a lot of this run relatively thin - they do strike me as people who expect to masters of their domain with minions to order around, rather than leaders with responsibilities towards the people working for them.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
A direct result of Elon Musk deliberately and personally cutting corners. He talked about it on Twitter when they were building it

No trenches or diverters, just the sheer force of the rockets blasting up debris willy-nilly causing widespread and random damage. Probably caused some of the rocket damage in the first place


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
A direct result of Elon Musk deliberately and personally cutting corners. He talked about it on Twitter when they were building it

No trenches or diverters, just the sheer force of the rockets blasting up debris willy-nilly causing widespread and random damage. Probably caused some of the rocket damage in the first place
Perhaps, but if corners are being cut there, they are likely being cut elsewhere as well, which might have been the bigger problem.

But...always amazes me than when people have big and expensive things they don't want to catastrophically fail in front of everyone, they do it on the cheap. I guess we just don't hear about the ones that are done properly unless they get really unlucky.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
Are you expressing admiration for this because libs are too pansy or something to follow through with trying to indiscriminately kill people?
Because it's nearly as effective while also being dramatically lower risk of arrest/accident. And cheaper. It's an efficient approach.

The issue at stake is that some porn sites have, or had, distinctly weak controls on deeply problematic content... like for instance child pornography.
I've heard more tales of people wandering upon CP on Twitter than on mainstream porn sites.

That presidency was won on less than 100 votes in that county and the Supreme Court said the election official weren't allowed to do a recount.
They'd already done a recount as required when a margin is that narrow, this was to stop another recount under different rules. The key points of that ruling were that counting individual precincts under different rules is an obvious violation of equal protection, and the deadline to have the results certified had to be enforced. That stopped the recount because one had already been done under the original rules and there wasn't time to redo the entire state under altered counting rules.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
I've heard more tales of people wandering upon CP on Twitter than on mainstream porn sites.
Maybe, but that potentially involves sampling issues and newsworthiness. I suspect a lot more people are willing to talk about encountering things on Twitter than they are on Pornhub because relatively few people like to talk about their porn habits, and the average Pornhub user might be a lot less concerned about dodgy material than the average Twitter user.