Video Game Predictions thread


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I like making predictions, especially when there are no stakes involved. So let's share some predictions about video games and then congratulate and tease each other when we're wrong or right.

Here's a couple of mine:

Starfield will be a pretty good game
Not great, not bad- but pretty good! Part of the fun/torture will be that people will come at it with different ideas of "good." So, it won't have the highest graphical fidelity like faces etc won't be amazing. The AI will be decent and engaging but not mind-blowing. I mean- Fallout in space, Skyrim in space, whatever. It will have bugs but it won't be horrible and yeah there will be patches. It will be dogshit on PC but fine on XBox. It will have some fun main quests and some key NPC quests. Customization and base or ship building will be fine. Space will look awesome. It will be nitpicked to death. It will be a Game of the Year contender. It will be a big deal but not really. I can't wait for this game. It will be.. fine, really, but ripped to shreds and then in a year be all "actually it's good!"

Lies of P will disappoint
Maybe this is me just coping because I'm super-hyped for this game that looks good on paper but in my gut I don't trust the combat and mechanic details for some reason. I dunno, just a feeling, I hope this rules, but my prediction is it won't.

Street Fighter 6 and Armored Core 6 will be the best hype-to-reality games of the year
This is the opposite of P- I'm hyped for them but I expect them to deliver. SF6 is going after casuals and many will re-discover their love of just video game fighting some peeps. Armored Cored is robot-splosions and if they're smart they won't make it Elden Ring hard and there will be memes and many will want to play.

PC Ports will suck for the rest of this console generation
I feel this is a problem with no solution. It's not just about testing or whatever, I think this is fundamental and it won't be solved until the next generation of consoles, if even. I hope I'm wrong, even though I don't play on PC these days I am mad that players are getting screwed (because I was planning on building another PC next year).

Microsoft will get their shit together in 2025
My longest term prediction is in a couple of years we will be like "hey remember when we were laughing at Microsoft?" as this quaint time in our history. They are just too big to fail. They will buy, sell, destroy countless studios and games, reek havoc and mayhem across the industry, but eventually put the full force and weight of their immense technical infrastructure and war chest to dominate this industry.
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And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
The USA will turn into a full-fledged fundamentalist theocracy and wage war on Europe
The Bible and creationism will be the only thing taught in US schools besides military training and flag-humping contests, and Europe will be branded as genocidary because of abortion and LGBTQ+ tolerance. China will provide both sides with weaponery consisting in chinese copies of chinese copies of chinese copies of long forgotten technologies, which mean that most of the battles will be about insistently clubbing each others with brittle plastic rifles. The US will first ally with Russia and a pan-arabic Muslim jihad, against which the US and Russia will then crusade, before destroying each other. China (by then including the African continent) will then collapse economically, due to their trading partners being replaced with scorched landscapes of ruined churches. This worldwide financial crisis will lead to the closure of water factories, which, because of the profit drop, will cease to drill through the floating plastic layers to reach and filter ocean water, and mankind will die of dehydratation under an average temperature of 158°C. Mankind's last uttered words will be "hey guys, great news, I've almost finished Winds of Winter".


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Starfield will be a pretty good game
I doubt it!

Lies of P will disappoint
Maybe this is me just coping because I'm super-hyped for this game that looks good on paper but in my gut I don't trust the combat and mechanic details for some reason. I dunno, just a feeling, I hope this rules, but my prediction is it won't.
The game's going to be fine. It's not going to please everyone, but it's pretty obvious the developers know what they're doing.

Street Fighter 6 and Armored Core 6 will be the best hype-to-reality games of the year
This is the opposite of P- I'm hyped for them but I expect them to deliver. SF6 is going after casuals and many will re-discover their love of just video game fighting some peeps. Armored Cored is robot-splosions and if they're smart they won't make it Elden Ring hard and there will be memes and many will want to play.
Yes! Street Fighter 6's world tour mode will set a new standard for single player content in fighting games

  • Phil Spencer will leave Microsoft by next year or 2025.
  • The Lollipop Chainsaw remake is going to suck and be worse than the original game. And I don't have as much love for the original as I used to.
  • Lost Soul Aside is going to be a regular good game, but it's obviously been a development for a long time. The game in combat will click with some people, then it won't for certain others.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
> Phil Spencer will leave Microsoft by next year or 2025.

I know right, lol.
Kind of related to my Microsoft ruling the world grand prediction. And I'm thinking it will be presented as a "mutual" thing. 'Cause from what I understand, he did make them a crapton of money, or is generally credited for doing so. I do believe he's correct to focus on "cloud" and services and such, they're just going about all stupid for now, but that will be forgotten in a few years when Microsoft is in charge and Spence is talking up his genius at some hedge fund or whatever.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
What’s the timespan for predictions here?

Anyways, I’ll stick to a year’s time from now -

- Capcom will announce a Remake for RE1 (yeah I know). It’s either that or a Remake for Code: Veronica. Or RE0.

- Mortal Kombat 12 will be revealed this summer, with an early spring release next year.

- Rockstar will properly reveal GTA6 later this year and it will release sometime in fall 2025, after at least one delay.

- Shadow of the Erdtree will have its release date announced sometime between now and when Armored Core launches, but it’ll probably be for early next year so people have a good amount of time for robot fighting.

- A Bloodborne spiritual sequel will be announced as FROM’s next action/adventure game.

- People will generally start to like Konami again, after Silent Hill 2 is released and the Remake of MGS1 are announced.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I agree that starfield will be fine but unspectacular, ultimately part of the problem is that space makes for a very pretty background, but is kinda dull to travel in so I don't think it'll stick to people like Skyrim ever did. Plus it sounds like they're pushing the no man sky "millions of planets" which just means most environment will be boring procedural generated. But it should have enough resource behind it to be interesting, if nothing else the bug should be fun to meme, if not play trough.

FF16 will be pretty good I'm the first person to get in line to bash SE, but they seem to be doing pretty well lately and I think it'll pay of in 16. On the flip side I think FF7R2 won't be that great, they finish R1 proudly stating they'll divert from the original story and I just don't think they have the writing chops to pull that off. Plus its somehow taking them four year to release a game mostly using assets and mechanics that have already been made, that smells of "we have no idea what were doing".

GTA6 will have a really disapointing single player, they'll probably put all of their resource into multiplayer and the SP portion will suffer, the game will probably be always online requirement too.

Another pokemon game will come out, the graphic will be sub par, you'll start by picking a starter from water grass or fire (which will evolve into fighting/fire) and you'll collect 8 gym badges to take on.... HOW HARD IS TO DO ANYTHING DIFFERENT?! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
> GTA6 will have a really disapointing single player, they'll probably put all of their resource into multiplayer and the SP portion will suffer, the game will probably be always online requirement too.

I like this prediction- just that much annoying enough to be true
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
> GTA6 will have a really disapointing single player, they'll probably put all of their resource into multiplayer and the SP portion will suffer, the game will probably be always online requirement too.

I like this prediction- just that much annoying enough to be true
Meh, I'm gonna have to disagree. GTAs have been pretty consistently good-to-great [if you like these sorts of games] insofar as the SP quality goes for a very long time, i.e.: since GTAIII, none have come out and underwhelmed in any substantive way that might have been seen as a harbinger of a decline in quality. Say what you want about GTAV being released, re-released, and re-re-released across three console generations, and the fact Rockstar has floated that on the back of continued focus on MP, but they've set a high standard for the franchise's SP that I don't feel even they can mess up without all but intending to do so. I expect the same over-the-top characters, crude humor, lots of violence, and a massive and detailed city filled with pedestrian NPCs spouting off the most random shit that we've come to expect. I see no reason to believe their commitment to what the "GTA" name has meant in the games industry for over 20 years would wane and be "really disappointing." (Then again, I watched 343 shit the bed with Halo, so maybe there's a chance all good things CAN come to and end...)

I guess I'm just harboring hopes that SOMEONE in a position of influence and authority at Rockstar has the balls to tell a room of investors and accountants tallying all that sweet MP cash has the balls to stand up and say "guys, this is GTAVI, we CAN"T fuck around. Let us do what we do best *shows a slide detailing GTA's success over the years* and the money will come."


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Meh, I'm gonna have to disagree. GTAs have been pretty consistently good-to-great [if you like these sorts of games] insofar as the SP quality goes for a very long time, i.e.: since GTAIII, none have come out and underwhelmed in any substantive way that might have been seen as a harbinger of a decline in quality. Say what you want about GTAV being released, re-released, and re-re-released across three console generations, and the fact Rockstar has floated that on the back of continued focus on MP, but they've set a high standard for the franchise's SP that I don't feel even they can mess up without all but intending to do so. I expect the same over-the-top characters, crude humor, lots of violence, and a massive and detailed city filled with pedestrian NPCs spouting off the most random shit that we've come to expect. I see no reason to believe their commitment to what the "GTA" name has meant in the games industry for over 20 years would wane and be "really disappointing." (Then again, I watched 343 shit the bed with Halo, so maybe there's a chance all good things CAN come to and end...)

I guess I'm just harboring hopes that SOMEONE in a position of influence and authority at Rockstar has the balls to tell a room of investors and accountants tallying all that sweet MP cash has the balls to stand up and say "guys, this is GTAVI, we CAN"T fuck around. Let us do what we do best *shows a slide detailing GTA's success over the years* and the money will come."
I’ve read numerous accounts the last couple years that the game has been in development hell, in terms of where to take the story and just a general roadmap for what the game will actually be. Granted, considering the scope and expectations that always come with this IP (not the least of which socio-political commentary given current times), it’s at least somewhat expected.

However, they also lost three key people in the last decade; two in the time since RDR2 released, most notably cofounder Dan Houser who was the main writer on nearly everything they’ve done. Rockstar has been known to hide Easter eggs teasing their next games, and there’s a big one in RDR2 regarding GTA6, its setting, and even hints at why it’s taking so long.

By now it’s pretty much been confirmed the game takes place in a modern Vice City and has a male & female protagonist at the very least (albeit not both Columbian), so it mostly tracks. It would also be surprising if the game isn’t another technical marvel that makes everything else look a generation behind, but how the story and progression are structured is more of a wild card. We can expect a persistent online world, where offline play may still be possible but more limited. We can also look at GTA Online as an early blueprint for what to expect with GTA6.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Yeah this a perfect example of modern AAA gaming and how.. weird it is.
u/Xprimentyl is right- GTA6 should be a massive hit and awesome.
u/hanselthecaretaker is right- that wont stop the company from shooting themselves in the foot and ruining it


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Maybe a safe prediction, but we are in the last generation of physical games.

Sales on PS4/5 were 80% digital in 2022, and that's not likely to decrease. On Xbox it was 90% digital last year. Makes sense, they've pushed harder for digital, largely through Gamepass. PC is 100% digital, and has been for a long time. Nintendo is the outlier, only a little under 50% are digital, tho still trending towards an increase year over year. They're also generally more traditional than the others, so their next gen hardware may end up the last holdout in a sea of digital.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Oh dear. And my eyes had run all over the page to try and spot the category. And it was everywhere. No battleship for me tonight.
Don't sweat it, I was just thinking I'd have played the hell out of that game.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I'll throw my hate in the ring:

Starfield - Will be yet another AAA-release this year to join the "buggy and broken as fuck" because Bethesda has NEVER released a polished game. But despite Bethesda being broken but fun, I think Starfield will be exceptionally mediocre. The preview gameplay has been nothing but generic, the conversation previews still have that thing where NPC's stare at you blankly and recite dialog, it's using the same outdated fucking engine they've been dragging out with tissue paper and bubblegum.

GTA 6 - Gonna be good, Kotaku will cry about it.

FF16 - Is gonna be pretty awesome from a specticle aspect but I feel it will overall be a bit disappointing in either story or combat. I hope I'm very very wrong.

FF7Remake 2 - Will be pushed back to 2024, FML.

Zelda will be the game of the year in lack of any other reasonable worthy canidates.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
FF16 - Is gonna be pretty awesome from a specticle aspect but I feel it will overall be a bit disappointing in either story or combat. I hope I'm very very wrong.
It has the DMC 5 combat designer, the game will be fine. Story is just yet another game that's copying Berserk. It looks fine, but nothing's wowing me much.
Zelda will be the game of the year in lack of any other reasonable worthy canidates.
That ain't a prediction, that's a fact of life. The game's journalist media has a huge positive bias towards almost any Zelda game that comes out. Putting them on pedestals way too high.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Story is just yet another game that's copying Berserk. It looks fine, but nothing's wowing me much.
I mean I play RPG's for story over mechanics. So while the combat might be cool, if the story sucks I would consider the game to be a failure of a FF game.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
I'd throw a dark horse possibility that Armored Core gets a GotY nominee at the very least to go with the inevitable Zelda slobbering.

Speaking of, I suspect a large number of Souls players are going to try and play and bounce off like a sack of bricks (not withstanding whether FROM can actually get out of their 15 year old box at this point and actually make a decent one)

Coin Flip on TotK actually containing something resembling a Zelda game this time, or really any substantial content beyond "here is big thing and 180000 identical collectibles with a bare handful of copy pasted and pallette swapped enemies"

Starfield - If it actually comes out this year, assuming Bethesda doesn't get shy/choked in line by daddy MS to delay it til it vaguely resembles working. Will probably be a bug ridden mess wrapped around a general meh. But the usual fanboys will insist the modders fixing it somehow makes it good. Though hey, at least I haven't even heard of them lettign Todd Howard talk so it can't be full of unfilled feature promises (or maybe I'm not paying attention)

Despite Dredge getting an odd amount of hype (it was fine... but almost at what I'd call a mobile game in terms of gameplay, if a better example of that), and Darkest Dungeon 2 being out now (probably de-hyped from Early Access forever syndrome) whatever the indie darling of the year is likely hasn't been chosen yet.
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