Just a nod to the complete disconnect between Hollywood execs and the audience, or more accurately, the audience's willful ignorance of Hollywood's intentions. It used to be movies were about escapism, spectacle, emotions, the realizations of a vision, etc. Now, it's just "what can we
The bottom line is the only focus out of mainstream Hollywood anymore, and they think the masses are dumb enough to make such shallow ventures feasible... and they're right. The simple fact that "trilogies," sequels no one asked for, reboots, and remakes are what the cinematic world has coasted on for decades is a testament to the fact that our expectations have [been] lowered, and Hollywood is more than willing to "humbly" acquiesce. It's easier to reach into a bag of nostalgia than it is risking reaching into a bag of innovation, and we're collectively dumb enough to consume whatever they pull out of the former before momentarily acknowledging we've not been substantially fed from the latter in ages. That's when they announce
Fast And Furious #39!!!, and we're all like "Oh, yeah, car stunts and EXPLO$ION$!"