Gun control is fucking stupid. and I don't say that as someone who loves 2A, has 16 guns, or tolerates mass shootings. I said that in that it's a deterrent to bad government, and I am glad more left-wing people are grabbing guns, I hope they grab more potent ones too. It's like Jefferson stated in the Tree of Liberty and all that jazz. Yes, I have changed my position on it, I don't think the US military and police have enough ammunition or willpower to hit back at a revolting population, I think a portion of that ammunition will be in warehouses in the US that people can, and will interdict. I don't think they have enough willpower to kill scores of Americans who just want their homes not to be foreclosed on, a dignified retirement, etc.
And let's say they do have enough ammunition which they stored offshore for their drones, their jets, their tanks, and their ships. And let's say they do have enough willpower to kill the population, what is the point of that? Are all the 30 million people(And I am giving a high estimate) who are millionaires, police, etc. who could side with this tyrannical oligarchy of a government going to accept the fact they will have to clone people after they massacre large portions of this population and kill them when they revolt? I am sure there will be a revolt inside this elite as well.
As for the right-wing in this country, I don't think many will be left. I think many of them are in their 50s, and 60s right now. They aren't fighting their own children.
Well, we could always protest, how's that working out for you? How are the French protests doing, how are the many attempts at a general strike on Tik Tok doing, can you even protest BlackRock and many others, no, going into their buildings, and sitting there does not count as an effective protest.
When, and if in the future the Olgrachs have taken everything, I believe people will have nothing to lose. We are always 3 meals away from revolt.