I mean, MS has only themselves to blame, when Bethesda hasn't put out a MEtacritic (not the be all and end all, but a decent barometer) over 5 in 12 years since Skyrim. And their recent history is trainwrecks upon trainwrecks of bad PR and questionable games with only Doom basically managing to escape it.So its okay.
The deep-dive at the last Microsoft showcase admittedly really piqued my interest, but these reviews are really bringing the game back into the reality that I always kind of expected the game to settle into: apparent mediocrity.
I wonder if Microsoft are starting to regret their acquisition of Bethesda. Starfield doesn't seem close to being a Redfall, but it definitely doesn't appear to be the critical hit that they were probably depending on, and combined with Redfall, this hasn't been a great showing for Bethesda and Team Green.
Its kind of like watching someone become a record exec and sign bands that were big when they were in high school.... with no idea or concept of their current output (or in Minecrafts case, there was no current output from Mojang lol)