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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Finally got around to finishing Ground Zero in the Quake 2 remaster. I didn't realize I was so close to the end when I got distracted by Armored Core and a server migration. It was pretty cool, but introduces these wall turret enemies that are just a pain in the ass to deal with. Started on Quake 64 and holy shit, I really didn't realize how different it was then base Quake 2, everything even looks n64 with lower res textures then the rest of the remaster and the interesting lighting and lens flares they have. Its interesting how the difficulty also seems to ramp up as I go down the list of expansions, I mean its still not really hard since it is Quake 2, but the tricky enemy encounters start up really quick on Quake 64, not sure how console players were supposed to deal with some of these, but I am also playing on nightmare so maybe they didn't have to.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Its interesting how the difficulty also seems to ramp up as I go down the list of expansions, I mean its still not really hard since it is Quake 2, but the tricky enemy encounters start up really quick on Quake 64, not sure how console players were supposed to deal with some of these, but I am also playing on nightmare so maybe they didn't have to.
Even on normal mode the game can kick your butt. Add in that there's no place to save anywhere, and you could only save after completing a level. There were some levels that took 45 minutes to an hour on a first run. Like Doom 64, I'm glad they added and modded in modern improvements and conveniences. I might pick this up today.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Even on normal mode the game can kick your butt. Add in that there's no place to save anywhere, and you could only save after completing a level. There were some levels that took 45 minutes to an hour on a first run. Like Doom 64, I'm glad they added and modded in modern improvements and conveniences. I might pick this up today.
It really is amazing how much harder quake 64 is then the others. I think mean enemy placement combined with narrower hallways makes things much harder and it loves to do enemies ambushing you from behind, plus the new enemy abilities also aren't helping things. Still loads of fun though.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Finished the Shadow of the Colossus (2018) Time Attacks on Normal, now am halfway done with Time Attacks on Hard. Thankfully am done with Gaius (#3) as well, which used to be an absolute nightmare on PS3. Only way I managed here was by climbing up his sword/hip/arm without breaking his armor. You really need to get fancy with some of these fights in order to save some time (there's a lot of waiting around for the colossi to get to a spot or trigger an attack) and cut on the RNG. Hopefully I finishup tomorrow and get started on the Hard speedrun.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Long time ago I was play Batman: Arkham Origins. I was doing everything I could to do side quests and level up as fast as possible. Then I came upon Death Stroke and he keeps kicking my a$$. So I quit for a long time. That sometimes helps, allows one to start sort of fresh and with a different approach.

Picked it up again this AM and think I got further along than ever before. I saw a critic speak of how tiresome and repetitive this level is. But if I can just get through this, it will be like the whole game opens back up to me.



~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
They just released patch for Jedi Survivor (for consoles I think? Can only speak for ps5 so far) that appears to get it running at a much more solid and smooth 60fps, a larger improvement than any patch beforehand so no idea what magic they implemented there. All I know is that now should've honestly been it's official release date.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I finished the main campaign and all the important side quests of Tsushima.

Let me just list some more reasons I love this freaking game:

- The story matches the gameplay. Or, the game mechanics reflect the narrative theme, and vice versa. It's such a simple thing but SO impactful that I'm angry when games don't do this. For those that haven't played or don't remember, the story is about a samurai who turns against his honor code in order to save people and fight off an invasion. So basically terrorism, and yes, they even use that word. This is how the game allows you to be both a samurai warrior where you fight duels and big battles, and also act like a low down and dirty assassin with sneakiness and backstabs and poisoning.

- All of the mechanics are equally well implemented. Most games, IMO, brag about "playing your way" but really there is one good way, or one bad way. Hence all the stealth archer jokes about Skyrim for example. But in Tsushima, the combat is brilliantly implemented and satisfying (y'all have read my many rants about what has happened to combat in the past couple years), but also the sneakiness is good. Sure, enemy AI can be idiotic and they have NO peripheral vision but that is I think just necessary to make stealth work in a game like this.
One of the most common map-clearing things is clearing a spot of enemies to take the territory. So it's your typical scoping an area and planning an attack and then getting caught in stealth and then murdering everybody, you know, like Far Cry or whatever. But you can also just walk up and challenge folks to stand off where you hold a button down and let it go when they attack, and if you have perks you can do a streak. Sometimes they try to fake you out. It's so freaking fun! Last night I worked on a trophy where you have to a streak of 5 in a standoff (requires all the right perks and such) and I chose a story mission in which to do it, and I can't believe I had fun just trying it over and over until I nailed it.

And all of this feels like the game looks. Like it feels like those samurai movies where two dudes start a duel! I love duels so much, btw, in any movie. Sword duels, fencing duels, gun fight duels in Westerns. Heck, I like boxing because it's a fist duel! There are quests in this game that have duels, including a side mission that is literally just half a dozen duels. So cool.

- The cut scenes are really well-paced. They are there when they need to be, they are not too long but also not rushed, and they are gorgeous. The facial expressions of the uncle character alone are the best, which is super impactful as he's the most tragic character in the game narratively. When I think about Final Fantasy 16, an actual Japanese company that put out that cluster-f*** of a narrative 3 years after this game, I go mad.

- Even the lame side stuff is not so lame. You know, the Ubisoft clearing a map thing. Chasing foxes around, taking baths, looking at scenery, platforming/environmental puzzles, and collectibles. It's all short and nice to put on a podcast and look at the pretty scenery. I know this is boring to many and it often is to me, it's certainly not the selling point, but it's the best map-clearing busy work of all these games because it feels smooth and looks pretty. Also the foxes are cute.

- The ending is good! Dear lord, why is this so rare in games, I can't believe it. Both in terms of gameplay and in story. Gameplay wise, sure you get a couple of hard fights, but they're just iterations of what came before. Certainly having done like every side activity I came across helped me make it easier, but that's as it should be. In most games the ending missions are slogs, just waves and waves of enemies, as if the game just doesn't wanna let you go and live your life. Tsushima invites you to finish it.
Narratively though- wow, awesome, I mean there's no like huge surprise, but that's what makes it work- it's a tragic and heroic story, and it delivers on the themes with actual sensitivity and care. Even my beloved Witcher 3 has an infamously rushed ending. Everything about Tsushima's final act feels right, you know?

This game is like Steely Dan or Wynton Marsalis- predictable, slick, quality performance may be boring to some and I certainly am glad there's crazy stuff and experimental stuff and "good jank" and all the quirks out there. But boy is nice sometimes to just enjoy some quality.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
- Even the lame side stuff is not so lame. You know, the Ubisoft clearing a map thing. Chasing foxes around, taking baths, looking at scenery, platforming/environmental puzzles, and collectibles. It's all short and nice to put on a podcast and look at the pretty scenery. I know this is boring to many and it often is to me, it's certainly not the selling point, but it's the best map-clearing busy work of all these games because it feels smooth and looks pretty. Also the foxes are cute.
The side stuff I never found lame. They always gave me a sense of wonder I had not felt in a long time in an open world game. Tsushima is pretty much SP's and Sony's answer to AssCreed and Breath of the Wild. Better than both.

The ending is good! Dear lord, why is this so rare in games, I can't believe it. Both in terms of gameplay and in story. Gameplay wise, sure you get a couple of hard fights, but they're just iterations of what came before. Certainly having done like every side activity I came across helped me make it easier, but that's as it should be. In most games the ending missions are slogs, just waves and waves of enemies, as if the game just doesn't wanna let you go and live your life. Tsushima invites you to finish it.
Narratively though- wow, awesome, I mean there's no like huge surprise, but that's what makes it work- it's a tragic and heroic story, and it delivers on the themes with actual sensitivity and care. Even my beloved Witcher 3 has an infamously rushed ending. Everything about Tsushima's final act feels right, you know?
I spared Jin's uncle. Jin suffered enough. Still a tear jerker either way. I flashed back to Kratos's "We must be better than this.", Lady (rightfully) killing her father (Devil May Cry 3), and Nero's "I'm not letting you die!" speech. Enough with the people killing their fathers, uncles, sons/daughters, siblings, or whatever familiy they have.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
The side stuff I never found lame. They always gave me a sense of wonder I had not felt in a long time in an open world game. Tsushima is pretty much SP's and Sony's answer to AssCreed and Breath of the Wild. Better than both.

I spared Jin's uncle. Jin suffered enough. Still a tear jerker either way. I flashed back to Kratos's "We must be better than this.", Lady (rightfully) killing her father (Devil May Cry 3), and Nero's "I'm not letting you die!" speech. Enough with the people killing their fathers, uncles, sons/daughters, siblings, or whatever familiy they have.
You know I actually like AssCreed but this is absolutely better than any of them have been since Black Flag. I mean it is often called AssCreed Japan which.. yeah lol. Or more like, What Should Have Been AssCreed Japan. Funny thing, now there's actually gonna be an AssCreed Japan. Man, they are going to have to pull a miracle to make it compare favorably to this.

As for the ending choice, since it's my replay I got to see both endings and doing what you did on this recent play-through.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
You know I actually like AssCreed but this is absolutely better than any of them have been since Black Flag. I mean it is often called AssCreed Japan which.. yeah lol. Or more like, What Should Have Been AssCreed Japan. Funny thing, now there's actually gonna be an AssCreed Japan. Man, they are going to have to pull a miracle to make it compare favorably to this.

As for the ending choice, since it's my replay I got to see both endings and doing what you did on this recent play-through.
I know about the Assassin's Creed in Japan Ubisoft is developing, and I have no interests. I already know it can't match up to the quality of Tsushima.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I just finished Call of Duty World War 2.

And it wasn't great.

There is nothing wrong with the game recreating some of the most iconic battles of World War 2, because this game at least offers much improved graphical fidelity over the last time these were represented in the WW2-FPS heyday of the PS2 and early Xbox 360 generations, but if you aren't going to include any interesting characters, gameplay scenarios or setpieces, then this game isn't going to be doing anything new. Which it doesn't.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It really is amazing how much harder quake 64 is then the others. I think mean enemy placement combined with narrower hallways makes things much harder and it loves to do enemies ambushing you from behind, plus the new enemy abilities also aren't helping things. Still loads of fun though.
I bough Quake II just now!
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I bough Quake II just now!
Nice, I'm still enjoying the hell out of it. Quake 64 is so much tricker then any other expansion for it, its really interesting how different it is, despite using the same enemies and weapons as the main game. But the other expansions are really good also, especially the new campaign.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
I beat NieR: Automata.

I looked up the game on TV Tropes, and spoiled myself, because I had NO IDEA there were multiple endings that you have to beat the game multiple times to see.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I beat NieR: Automata.

I looked up the game on TV Tropes, and spoiled myself, because I had NO IDEA there were multiple endings that you have to beat the game multiple times to see.
You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?

Quake 64 is so much tricker then any other expansion for it, its really interesting how different it is, despite using the same enemies and weapons as the main game.
What makes QII-64 even more difficult, is because you can't hold items, unlike the PC version. Once you pick up an item, it's automatically used like in your standard Doom game. Q64 is way more level based compared to QII's more open-ended/lite-metroidvania level exploration.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I thought it was one of those "Play through the game again, but make different choices for a different ending" things.
That technically does happen very late game in one of the next to last endings.

Yes, I know, I'm dumb.
No, but I did expect you to at least be aware of how Yoko Taro works at this point. To be fair, you're not the first to makes this mistake or assume.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
That technically does happen very late game in one of the next to last endings.

No, but I did expect you to at least be aware of how Yoko Taro works at this point. To be fair, you're not the first to makes this mistake or assume.
Never played a Yoko Taro game.