Your video game hot take(s) thread


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Not a take but more an honest question that may invite takes: what is the market for an Oblivion master?
It's one of the planned games that came out of that huge XBox leak from the acquisition legal proceedings.

We're talking about Elder Scrolls 4 here, right? 5 is Skyrim which has infamously been released on every device except looms and has sold a bazillion copies. Elder Scrolls 6 is coming out exclusively on Microsoft XCloud Whatever in 2045 or something, and Elder Scrolls Space is out now and everybody's yelling about it.

I mean yeah there's always nostalgia and that will sell ES4 remakes but do folks actually want some old-ass Bethesda... still? Again? More?
I never played it so I don't have an emotional connection to it. I do know that the last three Elder Scrolls have their ardent fans of that one being the best one or the last real one or good one. I know Morrowind in particular has its fans, I'm not sure about the Oblivion fandom though in relation.

Any of you hyped for it?


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Well if you do end up watching SSE you'll see the first super chat as mine trying to make that maturing tastes affect how one sees things. Marty and Yahtzee make extremely clear from the get-go that they are not saying any game violence is "wrong" or anything, they're just talking about their tastes, their experience of the games and trends.
Thank you for clarifying. I had a feeling that they weren't saying the violence was wrong, but why put your foot down on Mortal Kombat of all things? Everybody has their own different tastes and level threshold of violence, but you're either into it or not.

But Yahtzee is a game reviewer/critic, he's gonna play it, lol. When you see his Zero Punctuation you'll see he just talks about the campaign story and characters and visuals, the only part he cares about. That's a valid viewpoint but no serious fighting game enthusiast is going to care 'cause they're in it for the online.
Doesn't make him immune to criticism. I know you are not insinuating that. It still doesn't change the fact that he's going to sat the same crap he already said before when it comes to most fighting games for the past decade. I don't have to watch the review (whenever he decides to post it) and I won't, but he's not saying anything you haven't already heard when it comes to him and fighting games. I'll give him credit for praising Street Fighter 6 but that's all I can give him when it comes to fighting games.

we're going to praise Street Fighter 6 for welcoming new players, we can criticize Mortal Kombat 1 for doing the opposite if that is the impression a non-fighting-game-pro has.
I never said Mortal Kombat 1 was immune criticism. The game deserves criticism, but the fatalities are the least of its problems.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Any of you hyped for it?
No. Not me anyway. I never cared for the franchise, and I didn't like Oblivion much.

mean yeah there's always nostalgia and that will sell ES4 remakes but do folks actually want some old-ass Bethesda... still? Again? More?
I never played it so I don't have an emotional connection to it. I do know that the last three Elder Scrolls have their ardent fans of that one being the best one or the last real one or good one. I know Morrowind in particular has its fans, I'm not sure about the Oblivion fandom though in relation.
Most super hardcore Bethesda and Elder Scroll fans would eat that shit up. Most of the casual or common gamers, with more than likely have a passive indifference. I can't speak for everyone, but I can already tell you most average Joe's and Janes don't know what Oblivion is. Nor the previous games. You have people who didn't know there was a GTA 2 or 1 when they first played GTA III. There were people who didn't know there were other Resident Evil games before the original Resident Evil 4.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
I see where you're coming from but as the self-proclaimed forum Scrub King, I kind of like that I racked up a bunch of platinum trophies without difficulty dependency. I have about 30 or so and only one that required beating on hardest difficulty, my beloved WItcher 3 (a game that is very easy even on hardest difficulty once you get used to the combat and controls and especially after you've beat the game once let alone 20x like I have).

As with almost every game design thing- you know, it depends on the game.
PlayStation first party games especially are geared towards casual gamers. We like our stories and cinematics and world exploring. So the trophies are geared towards "doing all the stuff," not being particularly skilled. Most markedly you see the transition in the Last of Us series (original games has trophy for hardest difficulty, second does not). Your Horizons and Tsushimas and Spidermans and whatnot- it's basically a platinum for doing all the things on any difficulty. I think that just suits the games. It is similar for the Assassins Creed series. I don't play those games for the hardcore experience.

Meanwhile I have all the FromSoftware trophies and as we all know those games don't technically have difficulty trophies but they are difficult so getting platinum means doing crazy hard shit like NG++ and clearing chalice dungeons and that dark fire underground boss thing form DS2 dear lord lol...
And, you know, that is just really appropriate for those games, too.

So I guess I kind of agree with you, but I wouldn't apply it universally. If they were to, say, put difficulty based trophies in Horizon games I wouldn't be mad, but I wouldn't pursue them either. Trophies are just.. there.
Pretty much. The new GoW’s are the same way, and I guess I wouldn’t have the Platinum there or on the first Horizon if they required top difficulty. I used to “chase” trophies more, but only for games I enjoyed enough on repeat playthrough’s. I think I have 20 of them now *checks PSN Profiles* well actually 19. What will be my 20th, if any? Idk because I don’t even have a PS Plus sub at the moment. Maybe if it drops back to $60 on a deal I’ll pick it back up. I play far too casually these days even by PS exclusive standards to be discontented.
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Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Not a take but more an honest question that may invite takes: what is the market for an Oblivion master?
It's one of the planned games that came out of that huge XBox leak from the acquisition legal proceedings.

We're talking about Elder Scrolls 4 here, right? 5 is Skyrim which has infamously been released on every device except looms and has sold a bazillion copies. Elder Scrolls 6 is coming out exclusively on Microsoft XCloud Whatever in 2045 or something, and Elder Scrolls Space is out now and everybody's yelling about it.

I mean yeah there's always nostalgia and that will sell ES4 remakes but do folks actually want some old-ass Bethesda... still? Again? More?
I never played it so I don't have an emotional connection to it. I do know that the last three Elder Scrolls have their ardent fans of that one being the best one or the last real one or good one. I know Morrowind in particular has its fans, I'm not sure about the Oblivion fandom though in relation.

Any of you hyped for it?
Oblivion is basically the FF7 of the XBox generation as nostalgia goes. You can poke a ton of holes in it easily, but its basically their first introduction to an actual RPG.

Am I hyped for it? No. Hell, when I played the (GotY Edition) on PS3 when it eventually came out they'd literally reintroduced bugs that made the game uncompletable lol. And it is definitely the shiftover from them being a sort of interesting attempt to emulate Ultima to being generic fantasy schlock
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
> but why put your foot down on Mortal Kombat of all things?
'cause it's the last game he played and reviewed. Recently/currently played games and news are what inspire Marty and Yahtzee for topics for that show.

> . I don't have to watch the review (whenever he decides to post it) a
It's posted in Patreon feeds for subscribers that's why I already saw it. Just clarifying in case anyone is confused why I'm talking about a review not on youtube yet.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Not a take but more an honest question that may invite takes: what is the market for an Oblivion master?
It's one of the planned games that came out of that huge XBox leak from the acquisition legal proceedings.

We're talking about Elder Scrolls 4 here, right? 5 is Skyrim which has infamously been released on every device except looms and has sold a bazillion copies. Elder Scrolls 6 is coming out exclusively on Microsoft XCloud Whatever in 2045 or something, and Elder Scrolls Space is out now and everybody's yelling about it.

I mean yeah there's always nostalgia and that will sell ES4 remakes but do folks actually want some old-ass Bethesda... still? Again? More?
I never played it so I don't have an emotional connection to it. I do know that the last three Elder Scrolls have their ardent fans of that one being the best one or the last real one or good one. I know Morrowind in particular has its fans, I'm not sure about the Oblivion fandom though in relation.

Any of you hyped for it?
Not interested in remasters in general but I think Oblivion was better than Skyrim. It had better questlines anyway.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Not a take but more an honest question that may invite takes: what is the market for an Oblivion [re]master?
I've been a fan of the series, but not a nostalgic one, at least not for Oblivion and Skyrim. I put my time in with those, and pretty much got my fill by the time the credits rolled. I don't recall if I ever replayed Oblivion, and I know for a fact I was one-and-done with Skyrim.

Now, Morrowind? I could get behind that remaster, but I basically just would like a graphical overhaul; I wouldn't want them to tinker with much else, least of all some of the things that even fans of the entry complain about that I personally feel work fine, and I think devs would target those first.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
but why put your foot down on Mortal Kombat of all things?
'cause it's the last game he played and reviewed. Recently/currently played games and news are what inspire Marty and Yahtzee for topics for that show.
Still is arbitrary and unnecessary. Yahtzees known that he's already played worse at this point when it comes to over the top gore or violence in video games. Even if he doesn't remember it.

don't have to watch the review (whenever he decides to post it) a
It's posted in Patreon feeds for subscribers that's why I already saw it. Just clarifying in case anyone is confused why I'm talking about a review not on youtube yet.
Not surprising, as that's how most YouTube critics do it nowadays with patreon.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
I guess maybe this belongs here, it sure isn't what I'm playing now. I was expecting to be playing the Baten Kaitos remaster (or at least have it on deck for a break from Starfield) by now. But I haven't purchased it yet, and now I don't think I will. I was looking forward to seeing if they redubbed the horrendous voice acting as well as upgrading the visuals. And even if they didn't, seeing the upgraded visuals paired with the awful voice acting of the original would be really good for a laugh. But before I made the purchase I looked at a review. They removed the option for english audio entirely. I really don't understand that choice at all. Don't get me wrong, the english voice acting was so terrible that playing in Japanese with subtitles was a superior option for those who couldn't get enough comedy enjoyment to overcome the really terrible english voice over. But if you're doing a remaster, why not leave the bad voice over in at least as an option rather than remove it entirely. I get not redubbing it too, that's going to be expensive. But leave the old audio in.

I genuinely liked those games. Well... ok the first one, the prequel wasn't nearly as good. And I don't mind reading subtitles, but if the option exists I'll always chose an english dub. Meaning I should still want this remaster. But still playing Starfield, needing to get back to BG3 at some point, and with My Time at Sandrock's full release dropping soon... I think the lack of an english voice over has dropped this remaster into a "wait until a 50 to 75% off sale" category. Wow, dubs over subs... a classic hot take/unpopular opinion.
From what I remember, the issue with the original voice acting in English comes from compression. I wouldn't be surprised if the reason they didn't bring that over is just because the English audio is too crunched and it would be even worse trying to move it over. I think they also lack the original English audio files. I'd have to check with Hidden Gems, he has a stream tonight, so I'll ask him.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States

When people say RDR2 has bad/clunky shooting mechanics/gunplay, I think it’s one of those instances of the gap that can exist between console and PC.

For lol’s -
6 months ago
I like how rockstar released their best game in 2018 and by 2019 they completely abandoned it because 10 year olds would rather play gta 5 for the next 30 years.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Okay shit I might have to confess that hot take.

I'm impressed by Sliding Seas. On the surface it's just some casual childish bejeweldish pay-to-win for android, but if you look deeper, it's... well, yes it's still that. But I'm surprised by how, after a huge lot of levels :

- It still doesn't force you (or makes you want to) buy its dozens of booster thingies. I play at my pace, and win with no trouble without using any of these "actions" that would get replenished by emptying your bank account. I really thought that at some point it would turn into a grind, implicitely forcng you to psy to progress, but it really definitely doesn't.

- It still throws new mechanics at you when you thought that by then you've seen it all.

- The levels are still fun and at some point clearly hand-crafted around new ways to make the environment and mechanics interaction puzzling (like, aha what if there's a column of corals and the pirate ships were all travelling behind it but with mines on their way to give you enough time to intercept them- not a thing that comes from randomized maps).

Anyway, the gameplay is a mix between bejeweled and 2048, you swap tiles to combine them into higher tiers. But the setting is maritime, as you combine shallower water tiles they eventually turn to land, and you have to aim that under the feet of the infinite crew of a shipwreck before they drown. It's nonsensical but satisfying and more strategic than combining tiles anywhere in any order with no other aim than quantity.

Anyway, a "guilty pleasure" in the sense that it belongs to a genre and financial model I'm not too fond of, but still avoids most of the practical reasons I'm not fond of these.
I downloaded this title after reading your post. I won't call myself a massive fan of mobile games, but I too am enjoying this one. It's simple in concept, but challenging in execution, which are the only one's I'll prescribe to to eat up time during my sessions on the toilet. I really hate the ones that try to tell a larger story, or spend the first 10 minutes throwing you into menus and convoluted mechanics (which are ultimately just to get you open your wallet.) This one is fun. Like you, I haven't hit a brick wall yet (on level 60-something already,) but when I do, I can retire it like the dozens of others I've been through.
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Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Now, Morrowind? I could get behind that remaster, but I basically just would like a graphical overhaul; I wouldn't want them to tinker with much else, least of all some of the things that even fans of the entry complain about that I personally feel work fine, and I think devs would target those first.
Yeah but we know Bethesda wouldn't do just a graphics and performance overhaul, they'd 'streamline' the gameplay to be like Skyrim so as not to scare off newer players. They'd probably even add an in-game map.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Yeah but we know Bethesda wouldn't do just a graphics and performance overhaul, they'd 'streamline' the gameplay to be like Skyrim so as not to scare off newer players. They'd probably even add an in-game map.
Morrowind does have a map that unlocks as you discover new places and such, but no hand-holding waypoints or glowing yellow lines to follow on rails from objective to objective, and fast travel is severely limited which, in my opinion, adds to the sense of adventure and exploration that I really love about it. You can get lost in Morrowind, in both the literal and figurative senses. That's what put me off of Oblivion and Skyrim; not that I didn't enjoy them, but between the hand-holding and far more linear quests of boring guilds, they lacked a depth to actually make them interesting worlds to explore.

Oh, and the scaled leveling! I absolutely HATED that loot and enemies scaled with your character. It made going off the beaten paths (of which there are more than a few) often pointless. In Morrowind, a level one character can find themselves in a dungeon well above their paygrade, but a skilled enough player could find some really good, high-level gear by risking it. Oblivion and Skyrim? The player might as well not bother exploring anywhere outside of main quest and side guild quests given they won't find anything outside of level one crap and level one enemies until they level up triggering the games' "randomizers" to decided they'd earned the right.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
The player might as well not bother exploring anywhere outside of main quest and side guild quests given they won't find anything outside of level one crap and level one enemies until they level up triggering the games' "randomizers" to decided they'd earned the right.
And then of course you run into Highwaymen wearing glass armor that could be sold for several times the one hundred gold they demand you turn over.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Localisation hurried through google translate?
View attachment 9723
No wonder they got no room for screenshots or trailer with that bloody monstrosity for a title.
Must be an isekai. Still not the longest title I've seen, there was that one light novel where the entire book was the title.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
From what I remember, the issue with the original voice acting in English comes from compression. I wouldn't be surprised if the reason they didn't bring that over is just because the English audio is too crunched and it would be even worse trying to move it over. I think they also lack the original English audio files. I'd have to check with Hidden Gems, he has a stream tonight, so I'll ask him.
Actually the problem with the original voice acting was it seemed they chose voice actors by leaving the door open and grabbing the first employees who wandered by and sitting them down in front of a microphone. But it was endearing for all that, very much in that "so terrible it's funny" way. The compression shouldn't be that much of an issue. True, converting all that audio is tedious. But it isn't hard, just time consuming. Which can be a big problem depending on how much development time you have, true. The biggest problem with the compression issue is your ADR will get all thrown off by resampling... but the original game didn't seem to bother with ADR for the English version in the first place, so that shouldn't be an issue. As far as original files; yeah, having to rip sound from a copy would also be very time consuming. Maybe even prohibitively time consuming. But was time a huge factor? Would postponing release a month or even until 2024 or so made a big difference? They'd only been marketing it for a couple of months anyway.

In the end, I wanted this remaster. But it's not as if I needed it if I want to play through Baten Kaitos. My Gamecube still works just fine, I still have both games. I didn't bother with the RE4 remake for that very reason. Seems to me that if the Baten Kaitos remake is going to have less content than the original as opposed to more... I'll stick with the original.
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Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Actually the problem with the original voice acting was it seemed they chose voice actors by leaving the door open and grabbing the first employees who wandered by and sitting them down in front of a microphone. But it was endearing for all that, very much in that "so terrible it's funny" way. The compression shouldn't be that much of an issue. True, converting all that audio is tedious. But it isn't hard, just time consuming. Which can be a big problem depending on how much development time you have, true. The biggest problem with the compression issue is your ADR will get all thrown off by resampling... but the original game didn't seem to bother with ADR for the English version in the first place, so that shouldn't be an issue. As far as original files; yeah, having to rip sound from a copy would also be very time consuming. Maybe even prohibitively time consuming. But was time a huge factor? Would postponing release a month or even until 2024 or so made a big difference? They'd only been marketing it for a couple of months anyway.

In the end, I wanted this remaster. But it's not as if I needed it if I want to play through Baten Kaitos. My Gamecube still works just fine, I still have both games. I didn't bother with the RE4 remake for that very reason. Seems to me that if the Baten Kaitos remake is going to have less content than the original as opposed to more... I'll stick with the original.
Yes, actor quality is an issue, but I watched someone stream the game a few months ago and Kalas sounded fine enough, but then once Xelha showed up, her audio echoed and sounded slightly muffled. I think we really agree on this but have differences on particulars. I think if the voice acting was good then they'd put in the effort to bring it over, but with low quality on both audio and execution, it wasn't possible to justify the expenditure to a company.
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