They fired the Escapist's editor, and the video team, Yahtzee resigns


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
What? That's a terrible metaphor. lol It's also like you're saying that a sub-standard product is perfectly fine and acceptable when you know you could have so much more than that with another competing product.

Here's a better metaphor. Me and the Escapist are both selling lemonade. The Escapist lemonade stand had a lot more resources and manpower behind it. The Sanctuary lemonade stand has only just me behind it. But now the Escapist lemonade stand, after selling sub-standard product, is going out of business, and the original staff are now making their own lemonade stands while blaming the execs who ran the original Escapist lemonade stand.

So excuse me if I'm a little smug because my lemonade stand is still going and offers better lemonade than what the Escapist lemonade stand did, even with all the resources and manpower that was behind it. And here you guys are, on the cusp of a site shutdown, talking about it not being a race? The hell? I'm just passionate about my site and what I create and I'm passionate about the Sanctuary community. I don't always get it right, but I try to do my best for them.


At the end of the day, I know you guys think I'm a pompous prick (and sometimes I am), and that's fine, but still... I'm not happy about the Escapist. I'm not happy about how it was run. I'm not happy about how they treated the community, and I'm not happy about how it was run into the ground. I used to be an active member here too back in the day, and the Escapist used to be one of the absolute best gaming forums around. And now that's gone, and it's been gone for a very long time now.
Yeah I'm smug that my bench press is much higher than the guy who just served me in the shop, guy wasn't even pressing at all. It's like he doesn't realise we're competing.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Gamurs bought the escapist only 13 months ago. And at the start people seemed positive. Obviously the cracks and the mismatched expectations started to show up over the last year until they exploded now. That is not a bad timeframe, when people need to get to know each other and then try to fix problems before leaving/firing.
Right, but keep in mind, I saw a bunch of problems way before that.

I respect you for what you did and the actual effort you put in and that you stuck with it for so long. many people can complain but few are willing to do something.
For real, thank you for that. That does mean a lot to me. <3

As for me however, i have had enough of trolls for my lifetime
And I am afraid you will not ever escape them. For example, I think I've already seen two trolls in this thread alone.


We cannot escape them, but we CAN learn to recognize them. And once you can recognize them, that's all you need.

and am skeptical about "everything goes"-forums and their ability to actually meaningfully challenge peoples views or provide useful and balanced information on various topics or diverse viewpoints.
Just so you know, really quick, Sanctuary is not an "everything-goes" forum. We do definitely have rules, and they are very firmly enforced. But yes, the rules we have are very light, very easy to understand, and comprehensive.

I also do think that this forum over the last years did provide a place that allowed people to explore new horizons and strive to broaden their mind and be better people. More informed. More knowledgeable. More responsible and powerful. Able to critically think their way out of issues and dilemmas.
I'm not saying that you can't improve on any forum that isn't Sanctuary. Not at all. But I am saying that the environment fostered by Sanctuary enables that sort of thing much better than pretty much any other place. And it's not just the rules that are important for that, although they do play a huge part.

Honestly, this forums moderation has been quite laid back and tolerant since early 2020.
That may be, but unless I'm mistaken, the actual Escapist CoC has not changed. If an actual shift in enforcement did happen, then the rules must be made to match that new style of enforcement. Inconsistency in rules and enforcement is bad for a lot of reasons.

Still though, it's not my site. It's not my community. And I do at least respect that. Different sites specialize in different things. I just wish there were more sites like Sanctuary. Then I wouldn't have to worry nearly so much... I could just sit back and chill out with everyone else. But as things currently stand, if Sanctuary is not maintained by me, no one else is going to step in probably.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Yeah, this pointless bickering has gotten nowhere and way off topic. I don't know how we got to talking about that prick, Houseman again. His ass took longer than it should have to get kicked out, but at least it didn't take that long. He has nowhere else to go and he's know that. Tried to make a takedown video of The Escapists after being banned with about 15 views.

As for The Sanctuary, I could give a shit about and nothing about it holds my interests.

To bring it back about Yahtzee, Nick, Jack, and the rest that left, I am glad they found something and they will be starting off great.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
If that is what it looks like to me, it's incredible how laughter and derision is an argument now... somehow. Ahh, to be 10 years old again, life was simpler...
I wrote that while taking a dump. I eat a lot of fiber, doesn't take long. Why would I bother arguing? Dude is running a forum, I can respect the work he puts in, which I do. Fair play @Arnoxthe1 l. I can also laugh at the smug superiority because it's funny.

I stopped arguing on the internet when I realised you can't change people's minds with arguments that should literally be as straightforward as "A is the first letter in the alphabet". There are flat earthers for Christ's sake.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009

All good things I guess.

These forums helped me get through a low point in my life. I'm saddened by the news, but happy to see that they managed to recover and persevere from the bad old days.

Apologies to the people I was a grumpy arsehole to back in the day. At least a few of you probably didn't deserve it.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
What? That's a terrible metaphor. lol It's also like you're saying that a sub-standard product is perfectly fine and acceptable when you know you could have so much more than that with another competing product.

Here's a better metaphor. Me and the Escapist are both selling lemonade. The Escapist lemonade stand had a lot more resources and manpower behind it. The Sanctuary lemonade stand has only just me behind it. But now the Escapist lemonade stand, after selling sub-standard product, is going out of business, and the original staff are now making their own lemonade stands while blaming the execs who ran the original Escapist lemonade stand.

So excuse me if I'm a little smug because my lemonade stand is still going and offers better lemonade than what the Escapist lemonade stand did, even with all the resources and manpower that was behind it. And here you guys are, on the cusp of a site shutdown, talking about it not being a race? The hell? I'm just passionate about my site and what I create and I'm passionate about the Sanctuary community. I don't always get it right, but I try to do my best for them.


At the end of the day, I know you guys think I'm a pompous prick (and sometimes I am), and that's fine, but still... I'm not happy about the Escapist. I'm not happy about how it was run. I'm not happy about how they treated the community, and I'm not happy about how it was run into the ground. I used to be an active member here too back in the day, and the Escapist used to be one of the absolute best gaming forums around. And now that's gone, and it's been gone for a very long time now.
Having a “better” discussion forum is kinda beside the point that what makes a place worth going to is ultimately the people you share it with. If the people at Sanctuary share your attitude, it could be the best site in the world but I wouldn’t be signing up until that changes.
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May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
gotta admit, the last couple of pages of attempted promotion here succeeded wholly at killing any potential interest for even glancing at this sanctuary site if that's how the vibe is going down there. am here for lazy fuckabouts, anxiety n despair avoidance, not tiresome fart-huffing diatribes from joyless pretentious self-soothers. good made even discord look appealing! 🤌👌


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
"Can't I just post utterly useless nonsense in peace without being criticized and laughed at for it?"

Yes, you can. Try the Escapist subreddit or whatever. I hear that the echo in that chamber is really nice! Twitter's also a great place for your single-sentence observations. Elon would be proud of you.
Because that wasn't polite. And being rude to other members of the forums is against the rules. If it's so patently false to the point of comedy, maybe you could take the time to exercise your vocabulary and explain the faulty premise to us plebians.

But you won't do that because you lack the capacity. You're no better than the courts in 2505, if you catch my drift.
Aside from the whole pot and kettle situation of your post, you're aware that I'm not Cheetodust, right? You too, right, Arnox?

What? That's a terrible metaphor. lol It's also like you're saying that a sub-standard product is perfectly fine and acceptable when you know you could have so much more than that with another competing product.

Here's a better metaphor. Me and the Escapist are both selling lemonade. The Escapist lemonade stand had a lot more resources and manpower behind it. The Sanctuary lemonade stand has only just me behind it. But now the Escapist lemonade stand, after selling sub-standard product, is going out of business, and the original staff are now making their own lemonade stands while blaming the execs who ran the original Escapist lemonade stand.
Come on now, your metaphor is about as crooked as can be and you know it.

If Into Sanctuary were a lemonade stand then The Escapist would be a drugstore with soda fountain and soda jerks. One's a public business serving customers with the intent of turning a profit and the other is a guy with a lemonade stand in their front yard selling lemonade to their neighbors with the selling point being that customers can bring their own cups and a board of checkers on friday afternoons, unlike Big Soda.

Recent events should be enough to make this difference in scope as clear as day for anyone. The new business of the old The Escapist staff managed to attract 127.000 subscribers on their YouTube account and over 2000 people pledging money on their Patreon in under a week. How many active users are there on Into Sanctuary nowadays?

I'm not trying to dunk on you or your forum, but at least try to be a little more realistic in your comparison.

Mister Mumbler

Pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove"
Jun 17, 2020
United States
Well, that's terrible but pretty par for the course as far as things have been going (for me at least). Sucks that one of the last real forums is probably gonna go down too, modern social media is just...bad.



Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
Tried to make a takedown video of The Escapists after being banned with about 15 views.
Woah? For real? I remember someone linked to his twitter once and I went from thinking he was an annoying troll to "shit, this dude might be legit unstable." Like, as in I genuinely hope that dude got some help because he wasn't just fucking with us, he was a truly angry man.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Woah? For real? I remember someone linked to his twitter once and I went from thinking he was an annoying troll to "shit, this dude might be legit unstable." Like, as in I genuinely hope that dude got some help because he wasn't just fucking with us, he was a truly angry man.
I don't have as much sympathy for him. Basically none. Houseman knows what kind of jackass he is, he just doesn't care. I highly doubt he'll get help, let alone admitting that he needs it. He'd sooner stab himself in the tongue than do that.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
I don't have as much sympathy for him. Basically none. Houseman knows what kind of jackass he is, he just doesn't care. I highly doubt he'll get help, let alone admitting that he needs it. He'd sooner stab himself in the tongue than do that.
Oh yeah, I get you alright very little sympathy here too. I'm just saying after that the dude didn't strike me as being well in the head.
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Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Come on now, your metaphor is about as crooked as can be and you know it.

If Into Sanctuary were a lemonade stand then The Escapist would be a drugstore with soda fountain and soda jerks. One's a public business serving customers with the intent of turning a profit and the other is a guy with a lemonade stand in their front yard selling lemonade to their neighbors with the selling point being that customers can bring their own cups and a board of checkers on friday afternoons, unlike Big Soda.

Recent events should be enough to make this difference in scope as clear as day for anyone. The new business of the old The Escapist staff managed to attract 127.000 subscribers on their YouTube account and over 2000 people pledging money on their Patreon in under a week. How many active users are there on Into Sanctuary nowadays?

I'm not trying to dunk on you or your forum, but at least try to be a little more realistic in your comparison.
Well put.

gotta admit, the last couple of pages of attempted promotion here succeeded wholly at killing any potential interest for even glancing at this sanctuary site if that's how the vibe is going down there.
No kidding, right? "Hey, come join our forum site. I the owner and one of our users can't help but be smug gobshites on someone else' forum and snipe petty levels of rudeness to other people (despite calling them out for the same rule break and pretending we're in the right for doing it ourselves). Anything goes over there, it's tons of fun! We did it better than The Escapist ever did!" Give me a break.

As for me however, i have had enough of trolls for my lifetime and am skeptical about "everything goes"-forums and their ability to actually meaningfully challenge peoples views or provide useful and balanced information on various topics or diverse viewpoints.
These days I tend to find that "anything goes" means "We allow people to be total dickheads and expect other people to cater to it, rather than put in the effort to actually moderate and create a welcoming environment people want to be in." Unless, of course, the people that want to be there in the first place are that type already. In which case, there's quite the crowd of like-minded individuals already.
I don't have the patience for that. Life's too short.

Wild West
MAN those are some things I'd long forgotten about... Good riddance.

I respect you for what you did and the actual effort you put in and that you stuck with it for so long. many people can complain but few are willing to do something.
I will also give that as well at the very least. That's a level of energy and dedication I don't have. Wrangling a large group of people together isn't something I want to deal with these days, so props to anyone that can actually manage it and have fun doing it.

Having a “better” discussion forum is kinda beside the point that what makes a place worth going to is ultimately the people you share it with. If the people at Sanctuary share your attitude, it could be the best site in the world but I wouldn’t be signing up until that changes.
Amen to that

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011

All good things I guess.

These forums helped me get through a low point in my life. I'm saddened by the news, but happy to see that they managed to recover and persevere from the bad old days.

Apologies to the people I was a grumpy arsehole to back in the day. At least a few of you probably didn't deserve it.
Damn son, that's a face I hadn't seen in aaaaaages...

Gotta say, as bad as the situation is, it's kind of cool to see so many old faces that still hang around, even if they're just on the lurking level. It's almost like a high school reunion! ... Except the reunion is being hosted on the Titanic