They fired the Escapist's editor, and the video team, Yahtzee resigns


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
Wait, who are you talking to?
If that is what it looks like to me, it's incredible how laughter and derision is an argument now... somehow. Ahh, to be 10 years old again, life was simpler...


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
If that is what it looks like to me, it's incredible how laughter and derision is an argument now... somehow. Ahh, to be 10 years old again, life was simpler...
What are you on about?

Does everything posted have to be an argument? Can't it just be someone's one off reaction to something with zero intent to start a conversation about it?

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
What are you on about?

Does everything posted have to be an argument? Can't it just be someone's one off reaction to something with zero intent to start a conversation about it?
No kidding, right? Remember when we could just say things on the internet without it being treated like we're setting fire to things?
Ahh, to be 10 years old again, life was simpler...


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
What are you on about?

Does everything posted have to be an argument? Can't it just be someone's one off reaction to something with zero intent to start a conversation about it?
Because that wasn't polite. And being rude to other members of the forums is against the rules. If it's so patently false to the point of comedy, maybe you could take the time to exercise your vocabulary and explain the faulty premise to us plebians.

But you won't do that because you lack the capacity. You're no better than the courts in 2505, if you catch my drift.
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Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
No but I do remember when the internet was for nerds and no one else got really upset when nerds were beefing.
Man do I ever miss the old internet sometimes... New internet has some really good stuff that I love and appreciate, but god damn. Old internet was cozy
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Because that wasn't polite. And being rude to other members of the forums is against the rules. If it's so patently false to the point of comedy, maybe you could take the time to exercise your vocabulary and explain the faulty premise to us plebians.

But you won't do that because you lack the capacity. You're no better than the courts in 2505, if you catch my drift.
Good point. If anybody wants to insult Arnox, make sure you go over to his site where it isn't against the rules and then you can really insult him properly.
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Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
But you won't do that because you lack the capacity. You're no better than the courts in 2505, if you catch my drift.
Said without a hint of rudeness or a lack of politeness...

If you can't handle that, then go somewhere else more suitable to your intellectual abilities.
... or this without any hint of smug superiority.

No no, not at all


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
If that is what it looks like to me, it's incredible how laughter and derision is an argument now... somehow. Ahh, to be 10 years old again, life was simpler...
Meh, probably just a troll. Maybe someone with a puppet account who doesn't have the balls to troll with their main account.

Can't it just be someone's one off reaction to something with zero intent to start a conversation about it?
"Can't I just post utterly useless nonsense in peace without being criticized and laughed at for it?"

Yes, you can. Try the Escapist subreddit or whatever. I hear that the echo in that chamber is really nice! Twitter's also a great place for your single-sentence observations. Elon would be proud of you.

Remember when we could just say things on the internet without it being treated like we're setting fire to things?
Ahh, to be 10 years old again, life was simpler...
Back then, you would actually get your ass verbally torn asunder for saying stupid kid shit. And the mods would laugh at you when you filed your complaint of harassment.

Old internet was cozy
It was. I miss it very much... :(

Good point. If anybody wants to insult Arnox, make sure you go over to his site where it isn't against the rules and then you can really insult him properly.
This guy gets it.

... or this without any hint of smug superiority.
Perhaps so, I'll admit it, but the smugness is earned. We don't have much but I'm still extremely proud of what we have at Sanctuary. And regardless, you can blast us all you want, but let's analyze this for a second. Who's site is it that is going into the dump? And how many times have we told you all here that the Escapist was going way downhill? For how long was the main Escapist site neglected and the forums shoved into the corner? Nobody is helping me with Sanctuary. Nobody is paying the bills and no one is coming to save my ass if the site goes under. But I still have managed to outlast the Escapist and make a better forum experience on top of that.
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Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
let's analyze this for a second. Who's site is it that is going into the dump?
Nobody is helping me with Sanctuary. Nobody is paying the bills and no one is coming to save my ass if the site goes under. But I still have managed to outlast the Escapist and make a better forum experience on top of that.
I'd buy into that if you managed to achieve what you have right now... on top of having a total goblin of an entity hanging above you and not giving you the time, resources, or money (if needed) to support your forum properly, as well as pulled your ability to manage it away so you can do other things in your job description.
Being independent gives you a luxury that the folk running the show here didn't have. Unless you managed to pull through under the same circumstances, then no, I don't believe your smugness is entirely earned.
Also "better" is subjective


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Being independent gives you a luxury that the folk running the show here didn't have.
They had a choice. They could have formed a new site somewhere else. They had the manpower and the money clearly or else there wouldn't have been the mass haphazard migration they're trying now. And if conditions were really so bad, then why did it take 3+ years for them to do anything about it? It's honestly kinda suspicious to me that they took this long to finally be open and air their grievances. I have to wonder just how much of that was corporate bullshit or just them not actually giving a shit and then pretending that they did at the last minute.

And also, we may not have had some corporate goblins over us, but I'd argue we've had other things that are just as debilitating. The biggest one of all being just... Major uncaring apathy from many, many people. It's really freaking demoralizing. To persist in the face of utter indifference requires a lot more than you'd think. It's hard to remain strong, but I'm doing it and will continue to do so.

Also "better" is subjective
True, but I think I could objectively prove my point here.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Nobody is helping me with Sanctuary. Nobody is paying the bills and no one is coming to save my ass if the site goes under. But I still have managed to outlast the Escapist and make a better forum experience on top of that.
This is sprinting alongside someone who was just walking to the shop and pretending you've won a race. They other guy wasn't racing and just thinks you're out for a jog.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
This is sprinting alongside someone who was just walking to the shop and pretending you've won a race. They other guy wasn't racing and just thinks you're out for a jog.
What? That's a terrible metaphor. lol It's also like you're saying that a sub-standard product is perfectly fine and acceptable when you know you could have so much more than that with another competing product.

Here's a better metaphor. Me and the Escapist are both selling lemonade. The Escapist lemonade stand had a lot more resources and manpower behind it. The Sanctuary lemonade stand has only just me behind it. But now the Escapist lemonade stand, after selling sub-standard product, is going out of business, and the original staff are now making their own lemonade stands while blaming the execs who ran the original Escapist lemonade stand.

So excuse me if I'm a little smug because my lemonade stand is still going and offers better lemonade than what the Escapist lemonade stand did, even with all the resources and manpower that was behind it. And here you guys are, on the cusp of a site shutdown, talking about it not being a race? The hell? I'm just passionate about my site and what I create and I'm passionate about the Sanctuary community. I don't always get it right, but I try to do my best for them.


At the end of the day, I know you guys think I'm a pompous prick (and sometimes I am), and that's fine, but still... I'm not happy about the Escapist. I'm not happy about how it was run. I'm not happy about how they treated the community, and I'm not happy about how it was run into the ground. I used to be an active member here too back in the day, and the Escapist used to be one of the absolute best gaming forums around. And now that's gone, and it's been gone for a very long time now.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
They had a choice. They could have formed a new site somewhere else. They had the manpower and the money clearly or else there wouldn't have been the mass haphazard migration they're trying now. And if conditions were really so bad, then why did it take 3+ years for them to do anything about it? It's honestly kinda suspicious to me that they took this long to finally be open and air their grievances. I have to wonder just how much of that was corporate bullshit or just them not actually giving a shit and then pretending that they did at the last minute.
Well, yes. There were obviously issues for a longer time and obviously people have been considering leaving for a longer time. And it is also common not to make internal strife public as long as you are still working together and are contractually bound. No surprise here

But it is certainly not for 3+ years.

Gamurs bought the escapist only 13 months ago. And at the start people seemed positive. Obviously the cracks and the mismatched expectations started to show up over the last year until they exploded now. That is not a bad timeframe, when people need to get to know each other and then try to fix problems before leaving/firing.

And also, we may not have had some corporate goblins over us, but I'd argue we've had other things that are just as debilitating. The biggest one of all being just... Major uncaring apathy from many, many people. It's really freaking demoralizing. To persist in the face of utter indifference requires a lot more than you'd think. It's hard to remain strong, but I'm doing it and will continue to do so.
I respect you for what you did and the actual effort you put in and that you stuck with it for so long. many people can complain but few are willing to do something.

True, but I think I could objectively prove my point here.
Sure, i don't think you would have the energy if you didn't believe that.

As for me however, i have had enough of trolls for my lifetime and am skeptical about "everything goes"-forums and their ability to actually meaningfully challenge peoples views or provide useful and balanced information on various topics or diverse viewpoints.

I also do think that this forum over the last years did provide a place that allowed people to explore new horizons and strive to broaden their mind and be better people. More informed. More knowledgeable. More responsible and powerful. Able to critically think their way out of issues and dilemmas.
We actually had quite a good time recently and even new and recurring members. And the banning of a certain troll was what dramatically improved the climate and made this recovery possible.

Honestly, this forums moderation has been quite laid back and tolerant since early 2020. If he had behaved as here in any of the forums i was a moderator, i would have kicked houseman months earlier. Being even more tolerant is neither a big selling point nor a very distinguishing feature.

At the end of the day, I know you guys think I'm a pompous prick (and sometimes I am), and that's fine, but still... I'm not happy about the Escapist. I'm not happy about how it was run. I'm not happy about how they treated the community, and I'm not happy about how it was run into the ground. I used to be an active member here too back in the day, and the Escapist used to be one of the absolute best gaming forums around. And now that's gone, and it's been gone for a very long time now.
Yes, i had my issues with them as well back in the day. Considered switching to your project as well. But ultimately we kept having the better discussions and the more diverse community here. I never was in the old Wild West and didn't miss it being gone and i am not particularly interested in US internal stuff. So i decided to stay as long as it kept running and the usual faces show themself. And it still keeps running.
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