Wait, are you thinking of Zontar maybe?
He's from Canada. Him and Saelune were always fighting. I remember we used to joke they secretly wanted to hate-fuck, which in retrospect was pretty gauche. Last I checked, went deep into the Maga conspiracy theory rabbit hole on twitter. Still on twitter btw.
THAT'S who it was, thank you. Its good to hear he's at least continuing to survive, but yes, I can't say I really want to seek out a discussion there. I just remember that he was eastern Canadian, worked manufacturing and had a lot to say about anglo/french relationships which put him in SW Ontario in my mind. They had huge layoffs in the auto manufacturing sector there around the time he dropped off the site, and I was worried he was out on the street honestly.
iirc he was always borderline, but sad he went full cultist.
Yeah, I dunno. Canadian conservatives and American conservatives have startlingly few overlaps beyond a few major talking points, but every now and then somebody grabs the wrong end of the wrong stick and things go weird. A lot of what he argued about only applied to American politics because the systems are just different.