
Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Since no one has mentioned here yet, apparently PC is not listed as one of the launch platforms:

As one of the comments points out, they are probably doing because they know people will double-dip and buy both on the consoles and on PC again. I'm shame to admit I did this too for both GTA 5 and RDR2.

Not this time, though. Maybe waiting for an extra year or two might be a better option to play on my PC.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Nobody is telling you you shouldn't be excited, and nobody is going to tell me I should be excited neither. 🤷‍♂️
Oh, I wasn't implying anyone should or should not be excited; just noting the intrinsic negativity and cynicism from some of the comments that are pretty much par for the course with an announcement like this.

I can see the money this game will have, just as I did with Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA5, and that in and of itself is unique and will lead to impressive results. No other game in the industry has the budget to splurge on their games the way that Rockstar has - even after 5 years you can just sense the money pouring out of ever corner of RDR2 - but beyond that I can't say these games have ever had too much to offer me.
Fair enough, but that then begs the question why anyone would come into a thread strictly about GTA6's official trailer only to add that they're not interested? It's like culturally, gamers seem to have more fun shitting on games in discourse and comments sections than playing them. I'm sure I've been guilty of it myself, but usually in the flow of a broader discussion; I don't hunt the subject down to express and spread my indifference.

The one thing that kinda peaks my curiosity with this game is that Dan Houser isn't the lead writer on it, at least I don't think so since he left Rockstar in 2020. And seeing how he's put his signature on nearly all of Rockstar's ouput, it'd be interesting what this new game will feel like without his writing.
We'll see. I'd like to think that one person wouldn't embody the whole spirit of benchmark franchise to the point that them not being there might change future endeavors irrevocably. I think GTA's tone and character is well enough established that it can be done with equal aplomb by competent writer(s) who know what expectations will be.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Nobody is telling you you shouldn't be excited, and nobody is going to tell me I should be excited neither. 🤷‍♂️

I can see the money this game will have, just as I did with Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA5, and that in and of itself is unique and will lead to impressive results. No other game in the industry has the budget to splurge on their games the way that Rockstar has - even after 5 years you can just sense the money pouring out of ever corner of RDR2 - but beyond that I can't say these games have ever had too much to offer me.

The one thing that kinda peaks my curiosity with this game is that Dan Houser isn't the lead writer on it, at least I don't think so since he left Rockstar in 2020. And seeing how he's put his signature on nearly all of Rockstar's ouput, it'd be interesting what this new game will feel like without his writing.

Yeah it’s interesting and I’ve always wondered exactly what went on behind the scenes there. Dan and Lazlow Jones both left assumingely for similar reasons, because they cofounded Absurd Ventures in Games shortly afterwards. But then there’s Leslie Benzies, who apparently was the biggest proponent for pushing GTA Online at the expense of the traditional story modes, but the Houser Bros. ousted him in 2016.

In any case Rockstar must’ve had to seek out new writing talent after the gaping hole Dan and Lazlow left, which who knows…could go either way. I do think Houser’s best writing by far came out of RDR2 though in terms of story and character depth, so in GTA’s case maybe it won’t necessarily be a bad thing.

We'll see. I'd like to think that one person wouldn't embody the whole spirit of benchmark franchise to the point that them not being there might change future endeavors irrevocably. I think GTA's tone and character is well enough established that it can be done with equal aplomb by competent writer(s) who know what expectations will be.
From the little details pointed out it looks like the razor sharp social satire and humor will remain intact for a modern age, so it’s a start. The main story is probably where Dan’s absence would be most noticeable. Gotta hope his bro chose new writers wisely.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Fair enough, but that then begs the question why anyone would come into a thread strictly about GTA6's official trailer only to add that they're not interested? It's like culturally, gamers seem to have more fun shitting on games in discourse and comments sections than playing them. I'm sure I've been guilty of it myself, but usually in the flow of a broader discussion; I don't hunt the subject down to express and spread my indifference.
Both the size of the hype marketing and the possibility of the hype maybe being worth it are sort of inescapable. This thing is so big you kinda feel inclined to atleast take a peak and make your opinion known. I've seen people on youtube who hardly ever talk about videogames make a reaction video to this trailer.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Both the size of the hype marketing and the possibility of the hype maybe being worth it are sort of inescapable. This thing is so big you kinda feel inclined to atleast take a peak and make your opinion known. I've seen people on youtube who hardly ever talk about videogames make a reaction video to this trailer.
In grade school, the teacher asked our class to name our favorite author. I instinctively raised my hand, and when she called on me, I said "I don't have a favorite author." Of course, her logical response was "then why did you raise your hand?" To this day, still I don't know why I did.

I say that to say when you suggest people feel inclined to make their negative/indifferent/cynical opinions known because a thing is too big to be avoided, my question is to what end if it's not engaging in the discussion? A lot of threads have been started about games I've no interest in, but I never felt inclined to pop in solely to make it apparent how indifferent/unimpressed I am.

Just saying, the gaming culture/discussion has become jaded to the point we can't even discuss most things specifically without someone(s) popping in simply to add:

Fine? I just don't get the need is all.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States

Well, fuck. It probably means 30 fps for the consoles, and for PCs they'll probably need to run it w/ 5080 or whatever to even achieve 60 fps
Granted that is generally the standard this gen, IIRC every GTA game since 3 has targeted 30fps. But if that’s what it takes for the game world to feel alive with unparalleled levels of detail, it’s a compromise I’m willing to accept.

No point in even thinking about what kind of hardware it would take for 60fps on PC yet. General rule of thumb I suppose would be looking back at previous GTA’s and what the recommended spec was for the PC ports. VI will be high end for sure, but hardware has been getting more efficient lately with things like DLSS. Maybe by then cards will actually be reasonably priced again too.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States


It looks like a ad on YouTube for a reality tv show on discovery.
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Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Well, I do like fucking around in GTA online, the social satire always brings a smug little smirk to my face and I do really like their little scale renditions of US cities, so I will definitely be getting this in the first 50% off Steam sale. The hype is real.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Looks like a GTA game. Sucks we got 2 years to wait still, but that just means it'll be a good game to be a launch title on the Ps6.
Jun 11, 2023
United States

Not sure what the hell version he clicked on though with that music.
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