My problems with the QTE's did not go away but playing it on the big screen with a controller helped me resign myself to the fact that those dam things and I are just not going to get along and I just kept doing them over and over and over until I one attempt got lucky and I was able to finally move on.
The QTEs I didn't care much for either, but I had less trouble with them. I will say that the beginning of the final level should be skippable, because it's a glorified QTE cut-scene. Yeah, it's an awesome character moment, but no one should have to do that on repeat playthroughs.
So each fight I would have grades of A and S on every category but "Just in Time" would be D. Ok.
Takes time to get good at it. By the second half of the game, most of my Just Times were in either Bs or As. To make your just time score easier, go for the more basic combos or pause combos. Pulling those off correctly will usually make that category score go high quickly.
The third phase of the wolf boss in the Scrooge McDuck gold pool was just too confusing for me to see where he was coming and going.
Honestly, I found Rochfort not that challenging. Granted, I was parrying most of his attacks.
And for the final boss I was just tired and wanted to be done, frankly.
Kale is basically a puzzle boss in the final phase of his fight. I only died once, but that was because of a minor glitch. Still a great boss once you get the pattern and timing down.
Best boss fights I've played in a while. I greatly enjoy that they were not just challenges and unique fights but thematic and visually striking. The marketing lady was my favorite.
Mimosa is my favorite and what I consider the best boss in the game as well. From a design standpoint, combat, and spectacle. Her fight gave me the right
Guitaroo Man,
Parappa, and
Space Channel 5 vibes they were exactly going for.
Overall, 6/10. Would be 10/10 if the concentric circles wouldn't make my want to kill myself every 10 minutes.
At its worse. Hi-Fi Rush I would call an 8/10, if we're going for rating scale. 6 is way too low in this case. Action games
Bikini Zombie Slayers or
DmC_Vanilla I would call a 6/10.