I'm liking this. I'm all in! Transformers needs a new shot in the arm anyway and I am not complaining! It's not ashamed of what it is, and it's not trying to be Bay. I do like Bumblebee and Rise of the beast as well, but I don't mind a new animated theatrical release.
Beyond the typically American 'let's not have any reverence and punctuate everything with a raised eyebrow' attitude, which already makes me shrivel up, the humor is so telegraphed it could land a plane.
So that's already a huge foul for me.
Then there's the 'before he was Optimus Prime'. Do we really care? Is it really necessary to make an entire movie building up to him becoming Optimus Prime when they could've just made a movie where he's Prime from the start? Were we really clammoring for a Transformers backstory - something which could be achieved in a 2 minute flashback?
I'm just seeing this movie taking the worst influence from Spider-Verse and Guardians of the Galaxy.
Also bonus points for awkward sounding celebrity voice performances.