Funny events in anti-woke world


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Obviously. Yet some approaches are more reasonable than others.

And you're fine with the kids going without because their parents are poorly budgeting?
Giving everyone free lunches is the more reasonable approach in your world?

Again, just about every school will give kids food. If there's no consequences for not paying for your kid's food, then why would you pay?

Far as I'm concerned, the government is forcing the kids to be there, so the government should feed the kids. The sheer fact that we're quibbling over "need" is already a failure of government
The kids don't have to be there, they can be home schooled or they can just not go.

The bigger issue is all the kids that never came back to school after covid after democrats had the genius idea of closing schools for 18 months that massively and disproportionately affected needy kids. But nope, ya'll b!tch about republicans just returning to the pre-pandemic school lunch policy.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Giving everyone free lunches is the more reasonable approach in your world?
Yes it is. But this is a false dichotomy anyway, because there aren't only two options: "everyone gets free school meals" and "only kids from just-above-poverty-line-and-below get free school meals". I'm sure if you put your mind to it, you can imagine a system between the two. But that aside, yes, yes it is.

Again, just about every school will give kids food. If there's no consequences for not paying for your kid's food, then why would you pay?
Why would they pay... hey, good point! Maybe they shouldn't have to pay at all!

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Again, just about every school will give kids food. If there's no consequences for not paying for your kid's food, then why would you pay?
Why should the consequences be for the kids, who aren't at fault for their parents being unable or unwilling to pay? You've said it yourself, kids don't have their own money, so why do you want them to suffer for the mistakes of others?
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020

Elon Musk just made me love Magneto Soros.
So Soros is somestimes a hero, sometimes a villain, sometimes hangs out on an asteroid in orbit. And also pretty much right about humanity. Goit


~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
Anti woke water? JD Vance dubstep wrestler intro for his white boy summer t-shirts? No actual policies or platform whatsoever? Yup, you got it, it's C-stroke: the year's bountiful harvest of cringe all packaged in one simple basket case for your unrequited discretion.

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~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020

Title nuff

Not much aware of the accused beyond a brief "another passing asshole" moment in time, what it was for I cannae recall.

Last edited:


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Not much aware of the accused beyond a brief "another passing asshole" moment in time, what it was for I cannae recall.
Tangentially, this might be fair enough and all, but why the hell does anyone think I want to spend 77 minutes of my life listening, much of which is irrelevant droning?

Two minutes in, I have no idea about a) who's involved and b) anything about what they are supposed to have done, but I have heard an extended waffle about whether this happened in 2019 or 2020 and something about some guy who released info and where is he now and the presenter talking about how he's going to present. Get a fucking move on, man! You're not revealing a massive corporate conspiracy that took 15 years to unpick with masses of evidence and people involved, which a TV show would have done and dusted in less than an hour.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Yes it is. But this is a false dichotomy anyway, because there aren't only two options: "everyone gets free school meals" and "only kids from just-above-poverty-line-and-below get free school meals". I'm sure if you put your mind to it, you can imagine a system between the two. But that aside, yes, yes it is.

Why would they pay... hey, good point! Maybe they shouldn't have to pay at all!
There's currently 2 options right now, keep pandemic policy or not. But nearly double the poverty line essentially gets free lunches as well...

That's not how things work. If it is budgeted properly, then I'm fine with "free" lunches. It is currently not budgeted properly so everyone shouldn't be getting free lunches. You have to pay for things...

Why should the consequences be for the kids, who aren't at fault for their parents being unable or unwilling to pay? You've said it yourself, kids don't have their own money, so why do you want them to suffer for the mistakes of others?
What's a different consequence where kids still get food then? I don't really care what it is as long as it works. Just not having any consequences doesn't work.

Speaking of kids suffering because of other's mistakes. So are you gonna admit closing schools was a horrible idea and did massive harms? Because if you can't agree to something that objectively true, then I don't see the point in debating anything with you if you just stick to your narrative no matter what.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
There's currently 2 options right now, keep pandemic policy or not.
No, there's no reason to limit options to that. Governments can pass legislation-- that's sort of their job. But if you just want to debate free lunches for all VS. free lunches only for those just above the poverty line, then I'll absolutely go for free lunches for all. I'd rather needy children don't go without food. I'm astounded that's not a priority for any rational and moral person.

That's not how things work. If it is budgeted properly, then I'm fine with "free" lunches. It is currently not budgeted properly so everyone shouldn't be getting free lunches. You have to pay for things...
Then budget properly and then provide free lunches. Plenty of places manage to do so. I have a suggestion of where to start finding the money in my own country: end the absurd tax exemptions for wealthy private schools.


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
She's eager to prove she's a good little doggie, so that when the facists take over she won't be taken out back because of her skin colour.
Of course, I remember the first time I'd heard of Candace Owens. She was trying to create that "Social Autopsy" thing that TrollTrace from South Park was obviously a reference to. Back then she was trying to cozy up with the liberal/progressive said of the aisle, until she was hit with a harassment campaign over Social Autopsy that she said came from that side of the aisle and heel face turned so hard it's amazing she didn't get whiplash to become the token right wing black for whoever was willing to pay her. Apparently that pays well enough.

There's a huge Republican hullabaloo coming up from a push by Democrats in the Senate to require women to enroll in Selective Service (i.e. the draft).
I don't understand offhand why they're including it this time, though. I understood why it was in the bill in 2021 - National Coalition For Men vs Selective Service was in line to go before SCOTUS. SCOTUS denied to hear it in a statement penned by Sotomayor and joined by Breyer and Kavanaugh, and their refusal outright said that NCFM probably has a valid argument but SCOTUS doesn't like to get between Congress and the military and the topic was at that time being actively debated in Congress - Congress dropped it shortly after the case was refused. That's why FAFSA dropped the Selective Service question in 2021 as well - it was a pre-emptive defense against an obvious lawsuit should SCOTUS have heard the case and sided with NCFM.

But this should be an obvious Equal Protection thing, and it amazes me how long it's been fought and denied.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I mean, it's actually pretty easy to sus out: nobody wants to be the "send your daughter to war" party, expanding it makes you a warmonger, getting it of it means you want the country to be weak, and practically speaking it's a non-issue. Democrats aren't gonna expend any political capital on it, except for whiff punishing Republicans who use it for a cheap jab at gender equality


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
Other countries with draft have extended it to women and the trend will likely continue. A lot of countries can avoid answering the question of equal draft as long as draft is only a theoretical option that has not been used in decades but would need to make it equal the next time they want to use it.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra