Kingcome Dom Deliver ''nce Twain
Relatively positive first impression. But I don't think it racist to admit I kept getting confused which of the two blue-eyed white blond summer boy protags were which. I mean come on, they do pretty much look like twins. Are they twins? Like, no exaggeration, an early cutscene has one doing something really stupid, and I was rolling eyes thinking "oh look at this chump they saddled me with, a liability of an idiot sidekick." Until the other spoke their name and I realised nooo, oh nooo....that idiot is me! I'm the liability! All sense of reality collapsed into itself like the scene from Being John Malkovich. You know the one, don't tell me you don't. Only those who haven't seen would say they don't.
Is a sequel I just gone into blind, having not played the first, mostly cos it remains locked 30fps on consoles, and am kinda 60fps addict now maybe for heightened escapism it provide. Luckily these stories ain't tricky to decipher as long as you not needing instant context for every last name dropped in convo. And let's be honest, any realism attempts in this time period comes with an inherently smaller, stricter pool of character/social backgrounds n dynamics anyway, making deduction a much simpler task.
Looks good, plays clunky tho spose due to that there darn tootin' realism. Doggo sidekick mechanic appreciated, less hassle identifying differences from player character at least. Occasional graphical glitches pop up like black mirror jump scares when you getting immersed in the beautifully rendered countryside and the world starts strobing white flashes if you look too fast in some directions in certain areas, or the sky texture goes super low resolution and slides nonchalantly across the horizon like half-melted 8-bit butter on fancy cast-iron pan.