And, of course, Andrew Wakefield with the MMR vaccine in particular, who invented the vaccines cause autism thing in order to rake in several million a year.
Wakefield's argument was actually that the MMR shot should be replaced by three individual shots (one of his conflicts of interest revolved around a patent for a single vaccine shot). Thus he was not anti-vax in the strictest sense, as he was still supporting a vaccination program.
Part of me would like to read up more on Wakefield to find out more where he was coming from. As far as I am aware, he has no particular background with the typical anti-vax (e.g. alternative medicine) route. He seems to have come from a conventional route, except he went astray for some reason. But I don't know whether his core motivation was scientific / medical (overfixating on his hypothesis) or economic (exploiting for money). He seems to have been very arrogant, which is often a problem, and obviously he had substantial ethical shortcomings.