I've put a few hours into Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark (bad name), based on a recommendation from Mattvisual on the Superbunnyhop Dad & Sons podcast.
It's a 2 person indie team's take on Final Fantasy Tactics (one of my favs going back to the original release). It's solid so far. Much higher quality than it sounds like it should be on paper. The animation style is more western, but the animations themselves, the level design, and especially the music, are very clearly based on FFT in a mostly good way.
So far, it gets my recommendation, with two caveats: while it's on sale now on Switch and probably on PC, the new DLC doubles the price, and it adds features that you need for the FFT-like experience, such as missions for non-active party members. Also, you can't rotate the camera, which can cause big problems, at least for me. An enemy in the very first battle went down an alley and I had no way to see them for a few crucial turns.
Still, pretty small complaints for a game that otherwise seems to beat expectations in almost every area!