Sexual harassment and rape allegations rapidly being fired off against various streamers


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
30% of a population being plenty large enough to produce statistically significant results even accounting for self-selection bias, but do get your red herring and appeal to sympathy on about negative experiences from men on dating sites when my point -- and the blogs more than amply point out -- is about women's shitty behavior on dating sites.
How is ignoring someone shitty behavior?
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I'm sorry, what is that supposed to mean?
You do not understand that men are aggressive. They do not have the in group preferences of women: they are in competition. Failing to see that makes men more vulnerable to aggressive men that would exploit others for their own end. That kind of myopic view helps such men harm others. One needs to be awake to protect themselves and others.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
You do not understand that men are aggressive. They do not have the in group preferences of women: they are in competition. Failing to see that makes men more vulnerable to aggressive men that would exploit others for their own end. That kind of myopic view helps such men harm others. One needs to be awake to protect themselves and others.
I was once paranoid and bitter too. I'm happier now. I hope you find your way out of that darkness.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
But it actually IS within our control. You can be sexually attracted to a personality. It can literally turn a girl on sexually and make her want to jump a man's bones to see a man doing something she admires. What I choose to admire and not to admire is 100% in my control.
So you honestly claim that a man you don't find attractive suddenly you do after writing you a million poems? Come on. Men need to jump through a million loopholes to get women's approval even when they find these men just remotely attractive, let alone unattractive. He would be considered a creep and told to get lost.

For the millionth time, the selection criteria for women is just must more strict because they have the luxury of choice. Men don't have that. And the reason of that is because of biological reasons and biological reasons are accumulated through hundreds of thousands of years of adaptation. If a woman is reasonably attractive and friendly then 99% of men wil want to date/have a relationship with her. That is it. Women don't have to jump through a million loopholes in order to prove herself so men find her attractive. The frustration men experience is something women simply can't understand because they are unable to relate to it. Women go into therapy when that one guy they find attractive doesn't call back for gods sake.

Also women don't show shitty behavior on dating sites? Go look up all the profiles with 'no Asians / don't reply when short etc.' Women are much more superficial than men. You can be a fat whale with no teeth and as a woman you will still get replies from tons of men. Men would fuck a dead horse if desperate enough. I feel you're very dishonest by cultivating this narrative that women will find men attractive if he's just being nice. It's simply not true. I also don't say 'women like jerks' because women would prefer a man they find attractive to be nice but at the same time the reason why so many women are taken advantage of is because during mate selection being genuinely nice obviously wasn't on the top of the list of priorities. A man can be a manipulative douchebag but if he has all the qualities women find attractive it's fair game I guess.

Hmmm...starting to sound like an incel here which I'm not xD but there is another point I like to bring up and that is also in recent study it showed 1 in 3 men in their early twenties are not having sex. You honestly believe that is by choice and not because women in that demographic are overly picky? Come on. COME ON. Old senile fucks with one foot in the grave are having more sex than young men in their prime.
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Elite Member
Apr 12, 2020
United Kingdom
Hmmm...starting to sound like an incel here which I'm not xD but there is another point I like to bring up and that is also in recent study it showed 1 in 3 men in their early twenties are not having sex. You honestly believe that is by choice and not because women in that demographic are overly picky? Come on. COME ON. Old senile fucks with one foot in the grave are having more sex than young men in their prime.
You statistics need more context. Maybe some of those men are asexual and genuinely don't want sex. Maybe they're some flavour of religious that prohibits sex before marriage. Maybe they're gay in a very homophobic environment and having their preferred sex will quite possibly get them killed. Maybe they're just waiting for the right person for no reason other than personal preference. Your assumption that every male of that age must be a horndog who only wants sex with a woman and nothing else really says far more about you than anything about the world at large

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
As an interesting observation, I have been on Tinder for a couple of years and so has a friend of mine. I've not really used it much but we've found that during the coronavirus lockdown I've had a lot more likes and those likes have actually led to proper conversations and a few approriately socially distanced dates and I've now found someone I've seen a couple of times and might actually go somewhere. Hers have dropped off drastically to the point where she's not bothering anymore. My motivations have always been looking for a relationship whreas hers have been pretty much "looking for some dick".
My general musings on it have led me to the thought that with lockdown, people who are looking for a quick hookup aren't really bothering that much, whereas people who are in it for more have a situation where things have to move more slowly and they can get to know people more without the pressure of meeting up to bang if they're not wanting to move quickly. It's changed the dynamic of the site in terms of the active people on it and what they are looking for.

Just to pipe about the above (edit:, ok, now above +1) and women do have a lot of varition within the demographic as to what they find attractive and what they are looking for. Some women will have priorities that get them to find douchebags and vice versa. Lot of shitty people out there, male and female. Funnily enough the ones who always find shitheads seem to be a bit of a shithead themselves (perhaps shithead is a bit harsh, let's say people who are currently behaving in a less than ideal way). Everyone is going to find the odd asshole, but if you are continually finding yourself with shitty people, maybe have a look at yourself. Birds of a feather and all that. Hopefullythose people change, become less crap and find someone who is decent and going to make them happy. I don't think there is nothing to what you're saying, but it's very reductive.
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Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
You statistics need more context. Maybe some of those men are asexual and genuinely don't want sex. Maybe they're some flavour of religious that prohibits sex before marriage. Maybe they're gay in a very homophobic environment and having their preferred sex will quite possibly get them killed. Maybe they're just waiting for the right person for no reason other than personal preference. Your assumption that every male of that age must be a horndog who only wants sex with a woman and nothing else really says far more about you than anything about the world at large
No, because it's the same everywhere and concurrent with economic development ie men no longer being selected for traditional provider roles. Many men simply can't compensate with other qualities which is the reason why there are more and more incels or men who have otherwise 'given up' in western countries or emerging economies. You honestly believe there is no relation between this and 1 in 3 young men not having sex? It is also no secret women profit more from the welfare state than men. These statistics are the same in any advanced society simply because it has developed to the point men and women no longer need eachother other than for intimate needs or personal wants and desires. And again, men lose out because the criteria for women is just much higher for reasons I described above.
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Elite Member
Apr 12, 2020
United Kingdom
No, because it's the same everywhere and concurrent with economic development ie men no longer being selected for traditional provider roles. Many men simply can't compensate with other qualities which is the reason why there are more and more incels or men who have otherwise 'given up' in western countries or emerging economies. You honestly believe there is no relation between this and 1 in 3 young men not having sex? It is also no secret women profit more from the welfare state than men. These statistics are the same in any advanced society simply because it has developed to the point men and women no longer need eachother other than for intimate needs or personal wants and desires. And again, men lose out because the criteria for women is just much higher for reasons I described above.
So I give you four reasons why your statistics might be off, or you might be interpreting them wrong, and all you can come back with is insistence that the only possible way of reading them is your own? That automatically tells me you're just seeing what you want to see regardless of evidence. You've got a conclusion already and are demanding the evidence fits it, not looking at the evidence and coming up with a conclusion


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
One source I like pointing out is the now-defunct blog...
I'm still sounds very much to me like that statistic comes from nowhere in particular and is substantially "made up".

No, because it's the same everywhere and concurrent with economic development ie men no longer being selected for traditional provider roles. Many men simply can't compensate with other qualities which is the reason why there are more and more incels or men who have otherwise 'given up' in western countries or emerging economies.
Not necessarily.

Firstly, there's a difference between "can't compensate" and "haven't compensated". With new-found economic freedom, women perhaps do no longer need men as providers in the way they once did. So have men adjusted to this new social reality, or are many still stuck with slightly quaint social attitudes that are no longer best practice?

In conjunction with that, let's also consider the extent which things like "inceldom" may be a self-fulfilling state. Rather than tackle the issues about themselves which impede their ability to form a relationship, men instead are joining movements that encourage them to self-sabotage (PUA) or give up (incel) forming relationships, finding satisfaction of a sort by explaining their problem, rather than overcoming it.

It could actually be dating apps. Evidence suggests they are wildly inefficient and ineffective. What if young people have been suckered into increasingly using a system for finding partners that is inferior to the old-fashioned process of going out and meeting people? One might combine this with sexual liberation and casual sex - what happens if people increasingly refuse sex because they don't want casual sex and hate the idea of being another notch on some player's bedpost?

What if people just have other things to do? Maybe they'd rather concentrate on their studies/work, hobbies or whatever else floats their boat. Sex has become perhaps less important to them (which is of course bad news for people still really wanting it?)

How about pornography? The vast accessibility of pornography may make it easier for people to find sexual gratification in fantasy and masturbation than the real world - with the added possibility that pornography also gives them unrealistic expectations and ideas of what sex is that increase their anxiety when faced with the "real thing".

We could consider health issues. There's increasing anxiety and depression in young people - both states are known to depress sex drive, and the medications used to treat them also often do, as well. Perhaps despair and apathy is actually a wider social issue amongst the young relating to all sorts of factors (e.g. job prospects), which then impacts on sex drive. Rising obesity rates, both because of health-related potentially negative impacts of obesity on sex drive and function, combined also with potentially greater problems being found attractive? In a different form of health issue, concern over STDs.

* * *

Where I'm going with all this is that there a lot of potential reasons people may be having less sex. I suspect a lot of people heavily involved with "gender war" issues simply prefer to frame the issue in ways beneficial to their preconceived ideology.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Firstly, there's a difference between "can't compensate" and "haven't compensated". With new-found economic freedom, women perhaps do no longer need men as providers in the way they once did. So have men adjusted to this new social reality, or are many still stuck with slightly quaint social attitudes that are no longer best practice?
What's that quote again? It's not the strongest that survive but those most adaptive to change?


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
That guy is a nasty, condescending, piece of shit who's grinding an axe. He's got very little we can trust to be of any use.
I'm more interested in what Joe is said in his statement and what she initially said, which had been deleted but I found it archived and linked above:

EDIT: Someone archived the complaint:

So, she deleted her post. Is it because it is a lie, or because given that this is all to much of a hassle to pursuit?

First impression: So far, her position is defensible if she is telling the truth. EDIT: If telling the truth, her position is defensible. She isn't calling Joe a rapist or that he even sexually assaulted her. She's saying he was a super asshole trying to pressure and guilt her into sex. This happened in 2018: would her phone records show the calls made at the times she references? She reports timely telling her boyfriend at the time of what happened. Is he around and back her up?
I find it very weird that he told her he was going to take a shower after the panel. Joe admits this and says she was fine and waited down stairs for him. Not dispositive. My kids have come home with friends so that all of them could take turns using my showers before they go out to party, which I thought was weird as hell. And I live on a well dang it! Maybe just something young people do.

If you read the two statements, let me know your thoughts.
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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
So you honestly claim that a man you don't find attractive suddenly you do after writing you a million poems? Come on. Men need to jump through a million loopholes to get women's approval even when they find these men just remotely attractive, let alone unattractive. He would be considered a creep and told to get lost.

For the millionth time, the selection criteria for women is just must more strict because they have the luxury of choice. Men don't have that. And the reason of that is because of biological reasons and biological reasons are accumulated through hundreds of thousands of years of adaptation. If a woman is reasonably attractive and friendly then 99% of men wil want to date/have a relationship with her. That is it. Women don't have to jump through a million loopholes in order to prove herself so men find her attractive. The frustration men experience is something women simply can't understand because they are unable to relate to it. Women go into therapy when that one guy they find attractive doesn't call back for gods sake.

Also women don't show shitty behavior on dating sites? Go look up all the profiles with 'no Asians / don't reply when short etc.' Women are much more superficial than men. You can be a fat whale with no teeth and as a woman you will still get replies from tons of men. Men would fuck a dead horse if desperate enough. I feel you're very dishonest by cultivating this narrative that women will find men attractive if he's just being nice. It's simply not true. I also don't say 'women like jerks' because women would prefer a man they find attractive to be nice but at the same time the reason why so many women are taken advantage of is because during mate selection being genuinely nice obviously wasn't on the top of the list of priorities. A man can be a manipulative douchebag but if he has all the qualities women find attractive it's fair game I guess.

Hmmm...starting to sound like an incel here which I'm not xD but there is another point I like to bring up and that is also in recent study it showed 1 in 3 men in their early twenties are not having sex. You honestly believe that is by choice and not because women in that demographic are overly picky? Come on. COME ON. Old senile fucks with one foot in the grave are having more sex than young men in their prime.
Of course I have the "luxury of choice", hell I have never been without a date for more than week, like ever. I have never been charged a cover when I go clubbing, I have so many drinks sent my way the second I walk in, I have to give them away to others. I do not know what it is really like to have to be "single". I have never had a guy break up with me, every guy I have dated since I was like 15 proposed marriage to me. When I modeled in high school, I was constantly told how " stunning" I was.. blah blah.. but I do not want to be valued by my appearance and men who are attracted to me by my appearance usually are not given the time of day. I have NEVER been " looking for a man" in my entire life because I am either in a relationship or have a ton of potential relationship offers in the wings with open offers of " if anything ever changes.." on standby. I am an overachiever. I earn more than every man I have ever dated. I have not one, but TWO medical degrees. So yea, I already know I am considered a " good catch". Men are usually not even on my radar until they give me a very good reason for them to be there, they have to put themselves there. This is not the case for most women however.

There are plenty of women who have tried and failed repeatedly to attract their "crush" and failed. Some times it just works out that way. From listening to other women, I have had them complain because women like me get ALL the attention and they get none. I have had girls tell me " How the F' do you wake up looking like a supermodel and I wake up looking like THIS?!" Maybe it is a matter of men all wanting the same few girls rather than there being a shortage of actual female interest here? There are plenty of women who are not told how beautiful they are, who are not bombarded with men hitting on them daily, who can walk into a high school and not be asked to the prom immediately. Simply because men put forth the effort in order to attempt to attract the same few women does not mean that the rest of the women out there have the same experience. Maybe if men started treating ALL women like they do me, they would have better chances. They do not do that though because they primarily value women by their appearance.

No, women are not more superficial than men, this has been shown repeatedly through study after study, hell just looking at all the unattractive guys with beautiful wives and girlfriends tells you this is not the case. Why is it all these "ugly men" managed to find wives? It has everything to do with their personality being their most attractive trait. Sure if you want to just find a " hook up" instead of a quality relationship, you are going to find low quality mates, because that is what you are putting forth the effort to find and that is what you should expect from the lack of effort put forth.

There are plenty of Ugly husbands out there who will tell you that looks are not the problem here. If a guy can't find a relationship, chances are he needs to take a good look at himself, his world view, his expectations, how he treats others.. ALL of these things will impact whether or not he will eventually be successful.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
So I give you four reasons why your statistics might be off, or you might be interpreting them wrong, and all you can come back with is insistence that the only possible way of reading them is your own? That automatically tells me you're just seeing what you want to see regardless of evidence. You've got a conclusion already and are demanding the evidence fits it, not looking at the evidence and coming up with a conclusion
That is pretty typical for pseudo Evo-Psych babble, because it is literally all made up arse talking with no scientific basis what so ever. Even the professors teaching this have admitted they just make it up as they go along. It is all nonsense meant to dupe those who think they can "imagine what a caveman might have been like" with no actual factual basis on what a caveman actually was like. None of it is based on facts or science, and most of the time, actually contradicts what Neuroscience and Biology has already established to be true.
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Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
Is it weird to anyone else that no less than 3 forum members explained their ideas about dating and women's sexuality, and when the sole From-Birth, Male-Attracted Woman Forum Member came and said "Well, no, because this is the true reason why this happens, you only perceive it as such"... just spent five pages explaining and re-explaining her position to guys (who aren't female) who are still telling her that she's either wrong or not being truthful with her feelings.

I mean, that's weird, right?

I know for a fact some women rejected me because they aren't attracted to black men. But they never said that. I know also know that a lot of women rejected me during my bodybuilder days because they thought I was a playa (that word is anachronistically appropriate, don't judge me). In fact, one told me later on in life that she was super into me but she thought that someone who looked like I did at the time who was talking to a geeky woman was only interested in a quick roll in the hay and I was being deceitful. After a few months of spending time with me, she realized that the body was just for fitness and work, and that I was a true geek on the inside.

And I know for a fact that some women straight up were not attracted to me. That wasn't because they didn't have a sex drive. they most definitely did. And I did nothing for them. While bad for my feelings, they are being honest with their own. There are a ton of women who do nothing for me and I don't want to have sex with. Does that mean I have no sex drive.

There are tons of reasons why women aren't jumping in the sack. There are as many different reasons as there are women in this world. Can't we just be ok with that as the actual reason instead of trying to group an entire half of the population into something that is easier for us to accept, but is inherently wrong because everyone is different and you can not put a blanket label on anyone?


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Is it weird to anyone else that no less than 3 forum members explained their ideas about dating and women's sexuality, and when the sole From-Birth, Male-Attracted Woman Forum Member came and said "Well, no, because this is the true reason why this happens, you only perceive it as such"... just spent five pages explaining and re-explaining her position to guys (who aren't female) who are still telling her that she's either wrong or not being truthful with her feelings.

I mean, that's weird, right?
No, it's totally normal behaviour. The internet is full of men telling women what women think.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Is it weird to anyone else that no less than 3 forum members explained their ideas about dating and women's sexuality, and when the sole From-Birth, Male-Attracted Woman Forum Member came and said "Well, no, because this is the true reason why this happens, you only perceive it as such"... just spent five pages explaining and re-explaining her position to guys (who aren't female) who are still telling her that she's either wrong or not being truthful with her feelings.

I mean, that's weird, right?
It's the only way to maintain the narrative. MRAs have created this elaborate mythos to explain why their unhappiness is the fault of women and are now emotionally dependent on that narrative to be able to function.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Agema beat me too it by a few minutes, but yeah, same old. I daresay we'll see similar trends in other threads in future.