But it's weird that it's normal. That's my point. It's like a person in the majority telling a minority how to feel about their experiences, or a person who isn't addicted to anything telling them how it would be just easy to simply stop the bad behavior.No, it's totally normal behaviour. The internet is full of men telling women what women think.
People don't have a clue.
Which is crazy. First off, they need to adopt the mindset that a lot of the modern females have today "I don't need someone else to add value to myself". The second I figured that out (when I was kid), my life got infinitely better. It's why I can take my blah attractiveness as just an aspect of who I am.It's the only way to maintain the narrative. MRAs have created this elaborate mythos to explain why their unhappiness is the fault of women and are now emotionally dependent on that narrative to be able to function.