Sexual harassment and rape allegations rapidly being fired off against various streamers


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
I was never anything close to a Don Juan - I was not good at actively chatting women up. I just learnt to be, I dunno, normal. Listen to women, respond appropriately, make a few jokes, have fun, don't be a prick. It's possibly not great for hitting on someone when you've got one fevered night at a club to impress, but get to know women a bit and come off well, at least some of them will think you're worth taking further. I suspect what potentially benefits is a bit of a take it or leave it attitude, because it makes a person seem relaxed, easygoing and confident. I think people know when someone's desperate or overdoing it like a dog with two dicks, and it often comes off badly.
That is still very different from passing on an opportunity because you had better things to do. I mean, most men don't have that luxury so again you can consider yourself lucky.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Again this proves my point. Hundreds of reactions and men send the same copy/pasted message to every women on the app because they get zero reactions.
If a guy freaks out about not getting a response then the fault is 100% with the guy and he needs to calm the fuck down and stop being a spaz. No one OWES you attention.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
If a guy freaks out about not getting a response then the fault is 100% with the guy and he needs to calm the fuck down and stop being a spaz. No one OWES you attention.
This argument again. Who is talking about what people OWES. We were talking about differences in dating experiences between men and women. If you can't keep up with the discussion go watch some My Little Pony as an adult man or something.
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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Your study says that most women report that kindness, supportiveness and intelligence are most important traits for choosing a partner.

Stroop's point is that "men and women have fundamentally different dating experiences. Most men simply don't have the luxury of choice women have(even uglies)"

I don't see how that conflicts at all. Seems like this study has nothing to do with that, actually.
Isn't that already acknowledged by the 80%/20% statistic?
Stroop's point was that ONLY the attractive men get all the women and the rest of the men get nothing. He specifically stated that:
actual quotes from his posts:
Women want healthy offspring with a select amount of men and men want to have sex with as many women as possible.
Women would rather be the third or fourth wife of a an attractive/highly desired man than the first and only wife of an unattractive/lowly desired chump. Society has always tried to regulate man's natural instincts.
But attraction is pre-cognitive, you only find a very select few men attractive and this has nothing to do with 'who put in the most effort' even if you like to convince yourself with that to feel special. And guess what? Women are not unique in their preference which men they find attractive. Again, 80% of women only find 20% of men attractive. This is the mere reason why there are so many frustrated incels.
Women are much more superficial than men.
None of what he stated here is even remotely true. That is what the studies are showing us here. You literally have thousands of women telling you this. The n he attempted to claim that women like ugly men because of " money", even though women are telling you that they care more about a man being kind than his appearance or money.

None of it is true, not even the 80/20. It isn't about their appearance, It isn't about their money as Incels have mistakenly convinced themselves they have to be a 'Chad' to get a date, it is primarily about their personality. Something they can actually do something about, they just refuse to accept it.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Again this proves my point. Hundreds of reactions and men send the same copy/pasted message to every women on the app because they get zero reactions.

Cool that you atleast agree there might not be many dating opportunities for men at the soup kitchen. That they do have opportunities potting plants for the elderly well, if you say so. Other posters consider you the expert so who am I to judge.
All that proves is using dating sites is a terrible way to try and meet someone at all. It says nothing about women in general or who they actually end up with. If men are only using dating sites, they can expect to have terrible results because the method is what is bad here.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
This argument again. Who is talking about what people OWES. We were talking about differences in dating experiences between men and women. If you can't keep up with the discussion go watch some My Little Pony as an adult man or something.
You are, you keep making the argument that men are owed women. You don't seem to even realize it, that's how deep the hole you are. You should probably watch some MLP, they have lots of lessons about how to be a better person and understanding others.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Again this proves my point. Hundreds of reactions and men send the same copy/pasted message to every women on the app because they get zero reactions.

Cool that you atleast agree there might not be many dating opportunities for men at the soup kitchen. That they do have opportunities potting plants for the elderly well, if you say so. Other posters consider you the expert so who am I to judge.
Why would anyone respond to a copy pasta on a dating site?


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
Stroop's point was that ONLY the attractive men get all the women and the rest of the men get nothing. He specifically stated that:
actual quotes from his posts:

None of what he stated here is even remotely true. That is what the studies are showing us here. You literally have thousands of women telling you this. The n he attempted to claim that women like ugly men because of " money", even though women are telling you that they care more about a man being kind than his appearance or money.
Studies are garbage if most men's experiences are completely different. Women might give socially acceptable, polite answers that they even convinced themselves to be true but when push comes to shove and actual investment needs to be made choose completely according to the 80/20 rule.

Again I'm not harping on Asian men here but it's an easy example. No matter how kind/funny/nice a short Asian man is women would pass him over for a tall, highly desirable arrogant turd in heartbeat. Making all these excuses how he is really just a nice guy who understand her and how she never felt such a connection and how he makes her laugh and how her love can heal his undesirable traits.'s BULLSHIT.

Women who have 'no asians/no short height' in dating profiles might be superficial(no man would ever put it there) but atleast they're honest.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
You are, you keep making the argument that men are owed women. You don't seem to even realize it, that's how deep the hole you are. You should probably watch some MLP, they have lots of lessons about how to be a better person and understanding others.
Where did I make that argument? I only ever see that argument being made by either feminists or SJW-incels.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
"Fuck the scientific method, I have anecdotes!" is not the compelling argument that you might think it is.
It is if the facts speak for themselves. But if you want to believe socially acceptable, polite self-reporting I have some snake oil to sell you. Scientifically proven to work.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
No one but that wasn't the point. The point is that they get no responses so it's futile to put in effort.
It's futile to put in the effort that you never put in in the first place. Christ, sounds like me in high school.

It is if the facts speak for themselves. But if you want to believe socially acceptable, polite self-reporting I have some snake oil to sell you.
How do you know they're facts if you reject any scrutiny of them as wrong without actually engaging with the substance of it? And by telling me that you know my life better than I do, aren't you already trying to sell me a shitload of snake oil?


Elite Member
Apr 12, 2020
United Kingdom
That is pretty typical for pseudo Evo-Psych babble, because it is literally all made up arse talking with no scientific basis what so ever. Even the professors teaching this have admitted they just make it up as they go along. It is all nonsense meant to dupe those who think they can "imagine what a caveman might have been like" with no actual factual basis on what a caveman actually was like. None of it is based on facts or science, and most of the time, actually contradicts what Neuroscience and Biology has already established to be true.
I’m just hoping that one of these days when I point out someone is simply using the data wrong, with no room to say it’s just opinions, they’ll get it and rethink their viewpoint. Ah well, one of these days

Also you talk about 'people' like any man ever would turn down sex with an attractive woman because nope, this college algebra textbook is much more interesting.
I’m going to level with you dude, some random woman comes up to me and just offers sex I’m turning her down no matter hot you might say she was. I just don’t get attracted to random strangers


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
It's futile to put in the effort that you never put in in the first place. Christ, sounds like me in high school.

How do you know they're facts if you reject any scrutiny of them as wrong without actually engaging with the substance of it? And by telling me that you know my life better than I do, aren't you already trying to sell me a shitload of snake oil?
Human nature isn't maths that you can make some perfectly fine equation for. It isn't science. You can only go by facts. In previous posts we have already gone through them all so I have nothing more to add.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
Studies are garbage if most men's experiences are completely different. Women might give socially acceptable, polite answers that they even convinced themselves to be true but when push comes to shove and actual investment needs to be made choose completely according to the 80/20 rule.
It's like what Jim Sterling said about the rich dark roasts and pasta sauces in a video years ago. People don't know what they want. They say that they want a rich, dark, hearty roast

But that's not what they actually like. They really like milky weak coffee, and that's what they buy. But they won't say that.


What kinds of coffee people buy would be hard, statistical data. Facts
What people self-report about what they like would be much weaker in comparison

"Fuck the scientific method, I have anecdotes!" is not the compelling argument that you might think it is.
Can you scientifically measure kindness? supportiveness? How do we know that's what is really in the man, and why the woman really chose the man? You talked about scrutiny, right?

I'm not claiming that there's one, single, scientific way to understand a human being, just that there are strengths and weaknesses in each method.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
I’m just hoping that one of these days when I point out someone is simply using the data wrong, with no room to say it’s just opinions, they’ll get it and rethink their viewpoint. Ah well, one of these days

I’m going to level with you dude, some random woman comes up to me and just offers sex I’m turning her down no matter hot you might say she was. I just don’t get attracted to random strangers
Yeah if a random stranger came to me wanting sex out of the blue I would reject her as well because I'm afraid it'd be some serial killer or lure me to a hole to get robbed by chumps with knives because it doesn't make sense. The theoretical question ofourse presupposes you atleast had coffee and sex in a safe place like a hotel room and that her motivation is genuine. Again, 99% of heterosexual men would not turn down such an offer.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Studies are garbage if most men's experiences are completely different. Women might give socially acceptable, polite answers that they even convinced themselves to be true but when push comes to shove and actual investment needs to be made choose completely according to the 80/20 rule.

Again I'm not harping on Asian men here but it's an easy example. No matter how kind/funny/nice a short Asian man is women would pass him over for a tall, highly desirable arrogant turd in heartbeat. Making all these excuses how he is really just a nice guy who understand her and how she never felt such a connection and how he makes her laugh and how her love can heal his undesirable traits.'s BULLSHIT.

Women who have 'no asians/no short height' in dating profiles might be superficial(no man would ever put it there) but atleast they're honest.
*Looks over at the guy on my couch who is shorter than me when I wear heels and rolls eyes* I am short. He is short. It is great. I have dated tall guys, that was awkward. I have no use for arrogant guys. You could not be farther off than the truth. Hell even Crystal's husband Melvin is poor, short with terrible acne and Crystal is essentially a doppelganger of Holly Marie Combs when she looked like this:
No matter how many time you repeat that " this is what women want" it does not make it true. Just look around at the married couples you know. Hell look at your own parents. None of what you seem to think about women is remotely true. Before you go on about what very few women put in their profiles, how many men put '"no fatties" out there? If you are focused on the superficial minority, that is what you will get, so what do you expect? Using a terrible method only shows what a terrible method it is, not what women actually want.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
*Looks over at the guy on my couch who is shorter than me when I wear heels and rolls eyes* I am short. He is short. It is great. I have dated tall guys, that was awkward. I have no use for arrogant guys. You could not be farther off than the truth. Hell even Crystal's husband Melvin is poor, short with terrible acne and Crystal is essentially a doppelganger of Holly Marie Combs when she looked like this:
No matter how many time you repeat that " this is what women want" it does not make it true. Just look around at the married couples you know. Hell look at your own parents. None of what you seem to think about women is remotely true. Before you go on about what very few women put in their profiles, how many men put '"no fatties" out there? If you are focused on the superficial minority, that is what you will get, so what do you expect?
Not the same thing. Fat is something you have control over. You can lose weight or exercise. Height or ethnicity is something you have no control over. Why would some guy who watches his weight date a fat chick who doesn't? If the guy is also fat your argument makes sense but if he isn't it's just a reasonable expectation to have and vastly different from 'no Asians/must be tall'. Like, even if the woman herself is Asian and short.

Just because there is ostensibly 'someone for everyone' doesn't mean guys should aspire to be bottom feeders like People of Walmart. Even incels are better off.