The modesty police considered Elvis's hip thrusts to be too sexually provocative as well, That doesn't mean we should stop kids from doing them. Dancing =\= harmful behavior and to compare it to drinking and smoking is silly.You’re right; what this dude thinks is irrelevant outside of my opinion as this bit or marketing already exists despite my personal objection to it.
You’re right; those dance poses are common in modern dance, but you’re ignoring that many of them are sexual in nature. The child in the back-left is twerking; a quick Google search? “Twerking: dance to popular music in a sexually provocative manner involving thrusting hip movements and a low, squatting stance.” While imitation is common, it’s not always appropriate. Unless you’re willing to concede that you’d be ok if these young girls were depicted drinking, smoking and having sex as those are common things normally relegate to adults that are prevalent throughout many things they are exposed to and could readily imitate, if just doing what they see is an adequate qualifier?
Who decides what’s right and wrong what young GIRLS do with their bodies? Outside of laws in place for their protection, no one save for their parents, and even then only to a certain age, but that doesn’t mean their choices are objectively appropriate. You’re perfectly fine with what you see in that poster; I am not. Both of our opinions are shared by many, and both are irrelevant.
This was your exact quote I was addressing:
That clearly states young women, not girls and yea that rubs me the wrong way there. This particular issue is especially irritating to me, as I come from a culture where the modesty police from another culture forced their religious beliefs onto my ancestors and beat and killed people for celebrating their own beliefs, of which include not being ashamed of our bodies or sexuality. I view " shaming girls into modesty" as extremely harmful to girls and women and it is long past time it ceased.even young women who're proud of their bodies can do wrong things with them