...while failing to mention the heavy trading sanctions in other areas and the banking embargo that the EU has put on Russia...
Which had absolutely nothing to do with post-PIIGS crisis Eurozone market share protection and maintenance of German financial hegemony, I'm certain. What an amazing and convenient coincidence, that "sort of like how trade embargos work" so well matches Germany's economic and geopolitical interest.
Nord Stream has been a long time project, started in the 90's...
By that you mean "spent thirteen years in regulatory and diplomatic hell, before being completed just in time for Germany to shoot itself in the dick and manufacture a 20% energy deficit over the course of a decade".
...and whether you like it or not Germany has to get its energy from somewhere.
Ain't my problem Germany's more afraid of Godzilla than Putin, and decided to shit its pants over poorly-designed, poorly-regulated, nuclear power plants at the end of their operational lifespans in a tsunami zone on the other side of the planet. When the least-remote comparison between the two is half the country sits on top of a mantle plume that farts every 10,000 or so years. And frankly, if that fucker pops off bad enough to endanger the operation of nuclear power plants, those nuke plants are gonna be the
least of Germany's problems.
Because that's sort of like how geology works.